Queen's Followers
Michelle spongebobfan024
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Drag dued sacobon
Julius JuliusA130
Hi,I'm Julius!I'm just gonna post around Miiverse and that kind of stuff.Sometimes I might be posting funny and wacky stuff,like jokes like this one:What in the world do you call a witch that lives in the dessert?A sandwich.Sometimes I might ask for little tips so I can follow people.Hope you enjoy Miiverse!
Scott GoldTomahawk
Hey everybody! Welcome to my profile! My favorite YouTube Channels: Lordkronos100, BrawlBRSTMs3, MunchingOrange and SilentWeaponsIII.
Tigrex hipjoe01
Hello, I am Tigrex, and welcome to my profile page. I am good at games, but not that good to be in a tournament. I like Zelda, and I try to comment in the Zelda Community everyday. I don't care if you follow me. Please Follow DrEvBoss, and check out Coco and Is Jer.
Ari Demon sunshine101100
Hi there, it's charmanda! i am the alicorn. I'm hanging out with my creator. Also, i'm a time traveler. I love my little moana um.....pinkie? now bye. My family My mom: Fluttershy My dad: Discord My sister: Screwball My love: Maui My daughters: E, A, E and Moana my friends: cusa–chan durrani–chan those are my grandmama's friends. All Hail Cusa and Durrani!!!!!
☆Leopard★ bugsalot
Hello! It's the nature elf: Saria<3! Me and ☆Zelda★<3 both have <3s because we're BFFs. :) Fave book series: Warriors Fave band: The Beatles Fave game: idk at the moment Peeps I know IRL: ☆Zelda★<3 PitGamer Christian hit that follow button cuz why not since miiverse is closing :[ uhh… … …im done talkin… … … #HelpstopMiiversefromclosing
Matt Naruto101893
westa spiritofthawind5
hey i love monster high dolls msp and aj and i love to go to school.
icecissalc IceCissalc
Gamer.Computer Engineer.Kung Fu Apprentice. Guitar playing as a Hobby . "Running water never grow stale.So you have just to keep on flowing.Be water,my friend." "Live and Learn."
Robert Broxert
I have been a Nintendo fan almost all of my 30 years, I never miss a new console/handheld release. My favourite game of all time is Majoras Mask, I feel it is a very underrated game, and far superior to Ocarina of Time. For the N-Dub Nation.
Hi, my name is Alexander but I like to be called Alex. I'm a nice, cool, typical boy that loves to entertain myself with games. Some games that I enjoy a lot are Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS, Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer, and Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival. I also really like Fire Emblem Fates. I chose to defend Hoshido. That's me! :-)
leafheart kristylbrewer7
hi i love cats really i do btw leafheart is a name from a cat book warriors i mostly like kid icarus ,splatoon and zelda themed games and i ♥ puppies and i'm also willing to play with any one as long as ur my friend and have the same games i do
HANNAH Mingo04
ale goku0023
DADDY duke902100
{ObeyThis} mrcoolguy619
iam15 and A Swag Pro Smash Player on Twitch/Tv. My Mains in order 1.Sonic 2.Mario 3.Lucas Brawl was my first smash game.
Zanark DarkSpark246
I'm 20, like games and anime. I wii u chat on occasion and tell when you want to. A person who's different is much more better to understand than others. Learn to be yourselves better. I'm just another random joe on the internet
Mallerie mallerie7
Hello, it's me Mallerie Rigsby! I'm live from Inglewood. My favorite game it's Disney Magical and Disney Magical World 2. And, that's my favorites the Disney Games!!!
★☆Ellie☆★ Bannworth
Hi guys! You wanna know more about silly ol' me? Fine... Well.. I play The Legend of Zelda alot, along with Pokémon and Super Mario.. I also play Animal Jam... if you guys are into that. and I love reading books, especially Warrior Cats, currently on the 3rd book in The New Prophecy :3 Soo.. That's all about me, gaming AND reading-wise.. So stop reading and go back to what you were doing! Bye!
Roth RothSothy
I'm a multi-talented super being from the year 1985 \:D/ Find Mii on the Wii U web browser!
Hi my name is Dshadow i am 36 years old. my favorite games are zelda mario sonic and lego games. if any one wants to wii chat just give me a call. but it if i off i on my 3ds or ps3 and some times the other wii side i wish i could draw but stink at it. I do love onine playing because it sometimes helps me make friends! My Favorite 2 gril shows are M.L.P and L.P.S!! ever thoe i am a guy !
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dr. mario juarez1
luigi: WHERE THE HECK ARE WE!?!? dr.mario:#IHAVENOIDEA! hello! welcome to my profile! luigi: and hello from me to! dr.mario: i will make posts VERY VERY SOON... so i will make posts about crazy stuff about mario and luigi and including me! so dis haz been dr.mario but you dont really care and see you in a little bit! i am dr.mario and i save lives YAHOO! RIP iwata he was a good man #NINTENDO!
Emerson SW128148
Hello welcome to my profile! Age:17 I love playing Nintendo a lot, i'm a shy & quiet guy who likes making new friends Fav Series:Bayonetta, Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart, Sonic, TLoZ, and Pokémon
LAILA lailabellB
Hey! Laila again... my fav things -SwitchedAtBirth -I have a crush lol -Pizza -Ana Dudley [my bestie] -Cats -Sean Berdy Blue eyes British accents lol
Gold Alexa Ayri919
Kaylee kayleedang94
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Master Krux627
Kingdom Hearts 3D's and Pokemon X are two of my favorite 3ds games.
tristan tristan310
Young–Mula DanielMinott
I am 16 years old. Play 3 sports and I have a 13 year old brother whose name is AWSOME. I think miiverse is actually fun. I can just talk to people about games or daily life and thoughts.
spirit fox unityglassarts
Hi my name is kate. My favorite animals are... red pandas, ferrets, meerkats, fennec foxes, artic fox, cats, dogs and more. I am a girl. I love to play mine craft on my Xbox360. I watched The Lego Movie. I'm a sonic and unikitty fan also ever after high and monsterhigh fan. I'm a nice person I give out costumes to you. If you whant to friend me you can.!
swolepepe StevenDrkPrince
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♪Chantal♪ taylorswifty22
I'm that Harry Potter fangirl everyone loves. I am a daughter of Apollo Who was schooled at Hogwarts Fought with the Jedis And grew up in Elsewhere
heartgirl heartgirl123
Hey, I'm 13yrs old, I Love Kpop,I Love Anime,I Love Jpop,I Love Animals, I Like All The Colors in the world....I also love the llama song and llama song 2.....My dream is to go to South,Korea., I want to be come a kpop singer....and I LOVE to make new Friends!!!!!!
GIANNIBOY! giannixd
Welkom op mijn profiel ik ben GIANNIBOY! Mijn echte naam is Gianni ik ben 8jaar ik heb 1 zus zij noemt Angel zij zit op miiverse op miiverse noemt ze FLOOR haar ID angelxxd zij is 10jaar ik heb 1huisdier een slang mijn lievelingskleur is rood je moet Nin★chip volgen zijn ID is valcoclive volg me volg je terug veel plezier op mijn profiel XDXDXD GIANNIBOY! XDXDXDXD
ANGEL ‹3 angelxxd
Welkom op mijn profiel Hallo ik ben Angel ik ben 12 jaar ik heb 1 broer hij noemt Gianni hij zit op miiverse op miiverse noemt hij GIANNIBOY! zijn ID giannixd hij is 9jaar ik heb 3 huisdieren een slang en 2 konijnen mijn lievelingskleur is rood veel plezier op mijn profiel XXX ANGEL XXX
★zoeybug8★ zoeybug14
boop im back
Hey queenzelda here. Just a run of the mill everyday kind of gamer. Can't wait for Xenoblade Chro...
Hey queenzelda here. Just a run of the mill everyday kind of gamer. Can't wait for Xenoblade Chronicles 2. ^^