Queen's Friends
Kitana KitanaKahn
I am Queen Kitana Kahn from the video game Mortal Kombat I am over 10000 years old and I have a half sister Mileena and a best friend Jade and the person I hate the most is Shao Kahn even though my last name is Kahn I have my song i sing its called Its all about me here's my favorite part ♪Who doesn't like it can kiss my @$$ flash flash get out of my way want a picture got to pay
westa spiritofthawind5
hey i love monster high dolls msp and aj and i love to go to school.
Drag dued sacobon
Luke SaiyanRuuku
Hey there! I'm Luke, love pretty much all genres of gaming, Action, Adventure and RPGs mainly. Sonic The Hedgehog was the first game I ever played back on the MegaDrive and he has been my favourite game character ever since. I'm a huge Sonic and Dragonball fan, love animals and always looking to make new friends, feel free to add me, I'm sure we'll get along! :)
Mary Mary_Parlin
I'm an adult gamer and i enjoy reading horror books on my samsung tab 4 nook.Happily married for 25 years now.My hubby is a gamer too.Game systems that i own are 3DS,PS4 and a PS Vita.
Jenni CandiBunni
HiHi~ (n ω n)
Kendrick AndroTrig
Zanark DarkSpark246
I'm 20, like games and anime. I wii u chat on occasion and tell when you want to. A person who's different is much more better to understand than others. Learn to be yourselves better. I'm just another random joe on the internet
Hi my name is Dshadow i am 36 years old. my favorite games are zelda mario sonic and lego games. if any one wants to wii chat just give me a call. but it if i off i on my 3ds or ps3 and some times the other wii side i wish i could draw but stink at it. I do love onine playing because it sometimes helps me make friends! My Favorite 2 gril shows are M.L.P and L.P.S!! ever thoe i am a guy !
Soup LightningLink
NFuse_Greg gamergd3
Editor for Nintendo Fuse fan site.
icecissalc IceCissalc
Gamer.Computer Engineer.Kung Fu Apprentice. Guitar playing as a Hobby . "Running water never grow stale.So you have just to keep on flowing.Be water,my friend." "Live and Learn."
88☆Arek★88 thriftyarek888
hi am Arek from UK. Check my net site google: smartfit888
★RC★ BlueYveltal
Nintendo is amazing! Things I like: 3ds and Wii U! All Nintendo! All Pokemon! All Mario! And so much more! Please follow me and add me as a friend! :D
Zeldaboy16 Zeldaboy96
★zoeybug8★ zoeybug14
boop im back
DLX-Junior D-Warrior
~ D-Player ~ ¤Playing on Nintendo Switch Hello, I'm an ordinary player who likes videogames, chat, draw, and help. *The 'DLX' is for [D-E-L-U-X-E] in honor to the Nintendo Switch Join Miiverse: December 2012 Favorite Series: The Legend of Zelda Playing now: Super Mario Odyssey Arms Puyo Puyo Tetris The Legend Of Zelda Skyward Sword Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Happy to help, Greetings! _^o^/
phenomajp phenomajp
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Linkz LinkIncognito
I'm a Nintendo fan since NES. I grew up loving games. I love The Legend of Zelda, Pokemon, Monster Hunter and Animal Crossing ;). I like to draw and knit ;)
SirSlifer SirSlifer
I'm not one to video chat: sorry.
Mary parasiteeve
Currently own Wii U,PS3 And a 3DS. I'm 40yrs and i enjoy RPGs , Action Adventure and simulation games. Game series i like are Silent Hill,Resident evil,The sims,Mario,Final Fantasy,Zelda and Animal Crossing. I also like Mario Kart,Pikmin3,Little Big Planet and Ni No Kuni. :-) I don't do Wii U chat just too shy.
RC RChfijoi
My name is Julian Michael David Chavez, and i love to play games, and be creative! I graduated high school in 2013, and am aiming to get a job with making art or music. If anyone would like to collaborate, let me know! Have a voice? Join: http://www.thenintendoelement.proboards.com
queenzelda queenzelda01
VL VuoriLiikaluoma
Oh youth, guided by the servant of the goddess, unite earth and sky, and bring light to the land. Oh youth, show the two whirling sails the way to the Light Tower... And before you a path shall open, and a hevenly song you shall hear.
Alex Alex_R
samfisher mrhackman
games games games my website name is godfathergamer.com oh and did i mention im a gamer last but not least games :-0
Hanna Zelda_the_legend
Hello there! My name is Hanna and I love The Legend of Zelda. ^.^ ...And that's pretty much all you need to know about me! ▲ ▲ ▲ ←Triforce Life: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡ Zelda is life
Zero Zeedief123
Charly Piripitiflautico
καιιγшαιιγ kally1098
Brandon Weave88
High score? What's that? Did I break it? I seem to be getting a lot of random friend requests, if I haven't interacted with you I won't accept.
Hecktur ChicanoPepperito
Hi! Videogames are my favorite pass time! Especially whenever I play TLoZ!!!!!!!! Other series I love include Fire Emblem, Portal, Assassins Creed, Mother, Metroid, Banjo Kazooie, and Star Fox. I have obtained every Star Fox and Paper Mario game to date! Music interests include everything except a few select artists. I LOVE CLASSIC ROCK! Bon Jovi forever! I am open to talk about anything! Farewell
Robert Broxert
I have been a Nintendo fan almost all of my 30 years, I never miss a new console/handheld release. My favourite game of all time is Majoras Mask, I feel it is a very underrated game, and far superior to Ocarina of Time. For the N-Dub Nation.
Z Irish_Shinobi
Hello I am Z. I'm a 23 yr old gamer that loves Metroid and Pokemon. I am learning how to play the violin and my favorite music includes classical, epica, rock, orchestra, & OST. I enjoy anime, manga, & light novels. I am a proud nerd, gamer, and Catholic. Must know what happens after Metroid Fusion! Currently a Master Pokemon Breeder #YearofMetroid
MaTT Samus2008
Classic Gamer Favorite games include: Shovel Knight, Super Meat Boy, Super Mario Bros 3, Donkey Kong Country 2, Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3, Rayman Legends, WarioWare: Twisted!
Nate Nartist
I am the Nartist! As the name implys, I love drawing! I'm a big fan of nintendo consoles, and have owned every one since the N64. (I've since purchased an NES and SNES) Like what I draw, why not give that follow button a click? I really like miiverse drawing threads, and will usually respond to comments/drawings sent my way.
Gameguy196 Gameguy1996
Rayn OmegaNRayn
What's good? My name is Rayn. I'm from Esco/S.D. & am a Nintendo fan! I write, rap, play games & live life. Fav game: Any Kingdom Hearts!
Hassan DarkWish
Podcast host on NintendoFuse, Power Rangers toy reviewer and vlogger on YouTube (HAVortexDude), and love the acapella group Pentatonix. Huge Nintendo fan, they're awesome! Favorite video game series: Smash Bros, Mario Kart, and Animal Crossing. Going all digital on Wii U and 3DS, yay for no more disks!
Neil Tokiloki
Steve NF hattrick
Senior Editor for NintendoFuse, big Nintendo fan, & Wii Games 2010 Finalist. Started gaming on NES, and I've got no plans to stop anytime soon. Own all Nintendo consoles except Virtual Boy and some of the Game Boy versions. (I might be slightly addicted.)
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
Hey queenzelda here. Just a run of the mill everyday kind of gamer. Can't wait for Xenoblade Chro...
Hey queenzelda here. Just a run of the mill everyday kind of gamer. Can't wait for Xenoblade Chronicles 2. ^^