Users Queen Is Following
Scott GoldTomahawk
Hey everybody! Welcome to my profile! My favorite YouTube Channels: Lordkronos100, BrawlBRSTMs3, MunchingOrange and SilentWeaponsIII.
Elanin Meta-KnightFan13
Aspiring game designer with delusions of eloquence, a fondess for RPGs, and a punchant for wordplay.
Justin JumpingGirraffe
{ObeyThis} mrcoolguy619
iam15 and A Swag Pro Smash Player on Twitch/Tv. My Mains in order 1.Sonic 2.Mario 3.Lucas Brawl was my first smash game.
Zanark DarkSpark246
I'm 20, like games and anime. I wii u chat on occasion and tell when you want to. A person who's different is much more better to understand than others. Learn to be yourselves better. I'm just another random joe on the internet
ViскуDоΙΙ 171071
♥ Шеļсоме то му Ргоƒιĺе♥ Нι Ι'м VιскуÐоιι Ι łiке Ðгашιлģ,Vιδео ģаме, алδ Αηιме Аģе:18 ƒανοгιτе соłег:ριлк алδ огалģе ƒανοгιτе şιηģег:Натşųле Мικυ аиδ Şqчiδ Şişтег ƒανοгιτе Şųβjест:Агт Неге'ş τне гųłе тнат I δοη'τ łiке 1.Ио шiių Снат 2.Iмроşтег... 3.Ио вųłłу Тнаηκş ƒοг Уеанιиģ му роşτ ųг тне веşт Вуе (^–^)˜♥ Меер!
Yami Tigress105
*Exsists again* PUZZLESHIPPING! Hey, Yami here! Er- most of you know my OTHER name. Yami was just kinda an adopted nickname from my friends. It stuck.
GadgetGabe Ch0colate
I've gone by many names on this network, and GadgetGabe is here to stay. I've learned much since my last active stay here in Miiverse, and the best advice I could give with my collected wisdom is to take it easy. Who needs to be dead serious in an environment where normally nothing should be? Cheers.
Zero Zeedief123
Iwata SatoruIwataA
Hello, I'm Satoru Iwata, global president of Nintendo. Thank you for enjoying our products. Along with my duties as company president, I also focus on "Asking" and "Delivering news directly to you".
jack Bully9000
★ωεlçοmε tο thε ωοrld οf gamiηg★ ☆If some οf you guys likε οr εηjοy my draωiηgs i ωουld apprεciatε if you Fοllοωεd mε fοr υpdatεs οη ωhat might be ηεxt, thaηk you!☆ ♡ Also, i would like to thank all of you guys for all your appreciation support yeahs!♥ and awesomeness, gracias!♡ ***NO0! Video Chat! SORRY.*** ∞And feel free to yhea♥ any post you like∞ ^^•More to come•^^
R Rontrium
My Posts are only available in Japanese. The mistake in English is a promise. The mistake in Japanese ia aslo a promise. スプラトゥーン ついに購入いました ゼノブレイドクロスは全然進んでいませんが(汗 マリカやスマブラは完全に放置気味>< ※フレンド登録は、関わりのある人物を登録したいと思っています。
Aonuma NintendoAonuma
任天堂の青沼 英二(あおぬま えいじ)です。 「ゼルダの伝説」シリーズのプロデューサーです。 Eiji Aonuma, Producer of The Legend of Zelda games, Nintendo
Hassan DarkWish
Podcast host on NintendoFuse, Power Rangers toy reviewer and vlogger on YouTube (HAVortexDude), and love the acapella group Pentatonix. Huge Nintendo fan, they're awesome! Favorite video game series: Smash Bros, Mario Kart, and Animal Crossing. Going all digital on Wii U and 3DS, yay for no more disks!
Hunter Zluigi56
Jess JessNoMaybe
Hello :)
Durik Lieutenantcheez
Why are all these stoners celebrating Hitler's birthday?
Hey queenzelda here. Just a run of the mill everyday kind of gamer. Can't wait for Xenoblade Chro...
Hey queenzelda here. Just a run of the mill everyday kind of gamer. Can't wait for Xenoblade Chronicles 2. ^^