BALLER BOY's Followers
Toy Onyae onyae1234
hi guys my name is onyae nice to meet you Im Part Of The LOW★ Clan Im Part Of T.Ω Im Now An Animatronic I Don't Bite
India 1INDIA1
さっちゃん satosato725
FUKUまる orima08
フォロー宜しくお願いします!(100パーセントフォロー返します) 良くやるゲーム 大乱闘スマッシュブラザース 電波人間 大乱闘でよく使うキャラ キャプテンファルコン 大乱闘でよく使う技 下にメテオ 電波人間はまだ初心者です! 僕の投稿にコメント、共感よろしく~~~~~!
DarkBigley TheOneTrueBigley
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Diperboy89 KJGAMER99
Hi, i'm Diperboy89, i play alot of Minecraft and LOZ: BOTW, but soon i'll be a youtuber. My gaming experience is kinda standard, but i'm working on it. My highest score of yeahs on one post was 50, but i hope you like posts and smash that follow button IN THE FACE!!!!!!
XxDarthXx AndOneKid08
Thanks everyone for giving me posts on my stuff and i will be geting the dlcs for mario kart8 soon and minecraft bye.
ほほほほほほほほほほ hohohohoho123456
ほほほほほほほほほほ といいます 皆さんどうぞよろしくお願いします ゲームがすごく楽しんでやっていますが、特にWiiPartyUを楽しんでやるのがとても楽しくて、テーブルサッカーがとても楽しんでやれています 本当にすごく楽しいのでぜひ皆さんもやってみてください 以上私からのメッセージでした
м♂ņęý çå†$ chonald123
hello! i like star wars anything,anime, teen titans go, gravity falls and i love super smash bros and disney infinity. i hope we will become good friends!
pinkie pie pinkiepie1409
hey everyone i am pinkie pie 1409 i really want to have a youtube channel and my youtube name would be blue heart and i would love to work with ihascupquake .And my two favourite colours are blue and pink.
Gregg MyMar10
wassup my name is ςğ☆woomy and i am 14 years old and love playing MK8 Splatoon Sonic and All stars Racing Trasformed Super mario 3D world Lego Movie the video game Super Mario Maker MCPE(I dont have wii u edition well not yet) Mortal Kombat And GTA V And will aleays take friend request (""♡▼♥"") Instagram is:always_a1_squad follow me ~Mae♥
Monoaki karinacortez
i love anime \(ºUº\) (/ºUº)/ hope we can be friends: (~º¬º)~(º^°)/ MONO LOVES U ALL thank u guys for follows and what not ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ~M O N O A K I please follow me i WILL follow back
mazani gbaker95
Evo samuspizza
He my name is even i love to post screenshots and make my own main characters(OCS) my smash mains: Cloud, Zero Suit Samus, Rosalina & Luma, my fav franchise fire emblem favorite Characters: Camilla, Henry, Charlotte. Kagero, Thaja, Lyn, Takumi, Soleil, Selkie, Sain, Vanessa, i Also WIIUChat but you dont have to if you want to. I also Roleplay if you want to join well thats all for me see ya ^^
aLeix##&11 AleixX888
Hooolaaa Gamers soy Aleix un newwwww mii en miiverse.Hay cosas q dan suerte en la vida y hay q no, pero en ese botón q pone +Seguir da una suuerteee... y más si es el mio!!!Bueno espero seguidoressss. Y seguir a mi hermana es muuuy buena annacanet-16 byeeeeee
Tom ThomasSophie2324
Hi guys, I love smash 4, my main character is the golden captain i love and pokémon ORAS. I will hopefully be a youtuber so u can follow me. But Like me, comment on me and follow me on miiverse. Thanks Tom :)
vinny vinnylanee
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★x star x★ Aba53x3
hello everyone! ! my name is lizzy! leader of the ★x star x★ clan! as you can see -_- things i like: fnaf undertale batim video games books miiverse CLEARLY drawing writing and friends! games i like: splatoon sdk paint super mario 3D world minecraft never alone and starwal follow these people! kristiankaylee Grape Soda★ trash boi Ethan bye every one of you people around the world^-^
•Dανιdε• macchina7
Hι Lιttlε Hσρεs,|Cιασ Pιccσlε Sρεrαηzε, sono •Dανιdε• e ho 11 anni e sono qui da un anno. CARATTERISTICHE •ACNL&HHD★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ •Simpatia★★★★★ •Scuola★★☆☆ •Videogiochi★★★★☆ •Disegno☆☆☆☆ T_T Obbiettivo: 270 AMICI: Aηdrε~Chαη #Link#Star, Greeninja Eму~Sister, Tommaso e Melissa. Da seguire: Stars06 †Nomy† gli AMICI e ME! I miei giochi preferiti sono: Αcηl HHD e Mιιtσρια! Nση cσριαrmι! Cιασ!
naruto kaitheyologuy
im an anime fanatic and i play a lot of video games i have a wii u playstation 2 game boy advance and wii and i watch youtube a lot who loves Death Note
TWICE☆ダヒョン suponzibob24
こんにちは♪どうも「アリア・スゥイート」ともうします。現在中1でバレー部です! どうぞよろしく!私はアイカツ!・アイカツスターズ&プリパラが大好きです。雑誌は、ニコプチ・ニコラ・キラピチ・ピチレモン・ラブベリー・ちゃお・なかよし・りぼん・ショーコミなどがすきです! 今は少女時代&TWICEにハマっています!みんなでワイワイ話しましょう!あと、フォローしてくれたらぜったいかえします!あと無言フォローもokですよ♪ とび森をやっている方はぜひ夢見にいきたいです!もしミバ友などになりたい方はいつでもいってくださいね~♪-----------キリトリ--------------------- 色々な話や悩み事などを解決出来ればと思います!ちょっとした話でも返しますので書いてくださいね~♪よろしくおねがいしまーす´∀`>※ミバ友はプライバシーのためのせません。あらかじめご了承下さい※
Kendal cani456
Hello this is my 3ds account, but my wii u account is my main one.
いっせい momohito21
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こうへい adachikouhei1219
顔ポチありがとうww 残りミーバース少ないけどフレンド募集中だよ これからもよろしく('∀') 小6の野球少年 地味にチーム入りww だが勝てない(´_`)
Asriel masterRyanjr.900
howdy its me Asriel dreemurr its been a while huh (real Asriel) best firend:follers‚firsk my close firend is Chara(I miss her i was a flower)
Puka pookiebear123
Wisteria WisteriaMoon123
Hello, everyone! ^^ I'm an extremely awkward and cringy teenage girl from the United Kingdom. (No Racist Criticism Pls.) Anyway, thanks for poking me! - Slowly pokes you back - Ehhhhh... [ … … … … ] What do you want? A cookie? Alright, you can leave now... peace out.
Queendiva yahmya
BONJOUR!!! Salut!!! Comment ca va? Jemappelle Jhamya! Ou habite tu? je suis new jersey. Quel age as-tu? jai treize ans. Mon anniversare le septembre douze! oui im a virgo!!! For all my english speaker im jhamya im from new jersey my age is now 13 my birthday is september 12 So yes im a virgo baby!!!!! LOVE YOURSELF DONT BE AFRAID TO BE YOU!!!!
ARTHUR♂☆★☆ arthurswaraj2009
I am not from canada I live in CT USA! and herere are some games I like smash bros earthbound new super mario bros super mario maker minecraft splatoon lego marval super heros and thats all please friend me to come in my city ?
Diddy Kong 50KKKK
Hello everyone if you like me please give a yeah on my post and follow:)(Follow me i will follow you back)Thanks for the 100+ followers guys Gang Gang
UTfan4ever 417925
Hail Giovanni.
SonicNinja goldreece
Hi everyone my name is super Reece (real name reece) i am 18. If you want to know my favourite games look at my favourite Communities i speak a few languages BUT i am very VERY bad at speaking them AND DON'T FORGET support nintendo and SEGA. oh sorry hold on a sec...(clears throat) SEEEEEEGAAAAAAA Am a big big sonic and bayonetta fan and my dream is learn ALL THE MARTIAL ARTS!!!!!
Chelsea___ cheljos0708
Hello people I don't care who you are by the way Name: Chelsea, which you should know Age: 12 Favorite Animal: Monkey Favorite Pet Animal: Cat Fears: Bees, Spiders, and Dogs Dislikes: Rude people, and people who don't understand I do Wii U chat ♡♥♡♥Thanks For 300 Followers♡♥♡♥ I don't accept blank friend request
PK↑FaDe KyoshiSuzuke
Hi, I'm Kyoshi Suzuke. I'm a Smash 4 player who likes competitive play even though I'm not good at it
がびょう CSO-KAS
はい、ども画鋲です。トプ画への共感お願いします。 ~自己紹介~ 名前:画鋲、カル あだ名:かひょう、かひょん、9号 性格:NEETのようだ。 趣味:暇すること、作業 能力:暇を作る程度の能力 しかし、有効に使えん。 さん付けはしないでください。タメ口でお願いします。 暇さえあれば、ボカロ聴きながら整地してます。 自称作業厨です。 ミバ終了までにフォロワー1000人いってほしい() 以上。こんな僕ですがよろしくお願いします。 更新日 2017 9月の何日か。
Jаson Rivieraland
I'm soon to be a college graduate. I'm more of a supporter than a pro, so I will try my best and support. Rhythm Thief is an amazing 3DS game. Favorite tv show is Supernatural, NBC's Grimm, & Ash vs Evil Dead. Yeahing & then unyeahing my post will result in a blocked. Same thing goes for clicking follow & then clicking unfollow. I get annoyed when that happens. Be rude in anyway will be blocked.
beccy bexmob
hello everyone! :-) Marie = Edgy User Btw Things about me Age:Unknown Favourite food: Pizza Waifu: waluigi Favourite drink: Unknown Rival: Toby fox job: Memez End (Not kidding) MM57
harvey RedCharlie8
I Like to Play Games
CJ DurtyMex13
Well i love jrawing and my favorite game is splatoon im 10 years old i like studying stuff and i don't have any friends in real life so i gest i,ll try to make some friends so i gest this is how i will get friends but ya i,ll try my best(^-^)
hii everyone followers friends and likers i'll keep updating my posts bye have a good day AND IM ...
hii everyone followers friends and likers i'll keep updating my posts bye have a good day AND IM ALSO PROTECTIVE OF MY FRIENDS AND IM REALLY FRIENDLY LOLZS 0//^//0 GLOB I LOVE THIS FACE LOL!!! oh and just dont get on my bad side even tho its hard to lol have a great day!!! BB