BALLER BOY's Friends
Queendiva yahmya
BONJOUR!!! Salut!!! Comment ca va? Jemappelle Jhamya! Ou habite tu? je suis new jersey. Quel age as-tu? jai treize ans. Mon anniversare le septembre douze! oui im a virgo!!! For all my english speaker im jhamya im from new jersey my age is now 13 my birthday is september 12 So yes im a virgo baby!!!!! LOVE YOURSELF DONT BE AFRAID TO BE YOU!!!!
beccy bexmob
hello everyone! :-) Marie = Edgy User Btw Things about me Age:Unknown Favourite food: Pizza Waifu: waluigi Favourite drink: Unknown Rival: Toby fox job: Memez End (Not kidding) MM57
Alex alexcadena246
WOODS thebeastX226
Sup, Guys WOODS here! Fav Stuff: Video games, Movie, Books, and ect. A BIG FAN OF: THE LAST OF US , imagine dragons and fallout boy. FOLLOW 4 FOLLOW I ACCEPT ALL FRIEND REQUEST!!! FAST FACTS ABOUT ME! I'M 13 I'M 5'4 I'M IN 8th GRADE I'M HAVE A PS3! DAY STARTED MIIVERSE 8/3/2017 REMEMBER PEACE OUT BYE!!!!
∞ Маsои ∞ ToastyTsuki
☆ Hey, it's Matt!! Or just Sammy, for my nickname!! ☆ ▼~ I speak 5 different languages!!! ~▲ ♪~ Call me Izumi, if you'd like!! ~♪ ¤ Wanna know more? Message me or just ask!! ¤ × No Wii U Chat!!! × ♡~ Cool Fact, I come from South Korea!! ~♡ ★~ I'm a guy, for the record. Just to clear stuff up. ~★ ♂- Happily Gay~♥ -♂
vinny vinnylanee
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Bones StarryKnight312
Hello there! I just play smash brothers and splatoon excessively.
Amiłα Lunershine
Can't you see am sleeping here? good night! -ω- ._. i really have nothing to say when miiverse ends well bye!
king KING421155
Queen Wolf yuritzi2002
Sancu★Wolf Sancudawolf
Carlos Carlitos1621
GamingHero gaminghero2099
India 1INDIA1
deraptr360 derapter360
Hello everyone all I have to say is that I like ninjas/steath and I like the number 360
*~klent~* jonahaaron234567
minepro48 555216cool
I wish to become a animator when im older but to be honest I want to start young I hope everyone has a decent day at best. Later!
Maxine Kawaii_Markii
Keiry Keirily
Hola amigos de miivers yo soy un niño qué quiere tener muchos amigos me gusta zelda sonic mega man mario legos minecraft sean mis amigos pls
☆.:Alex:.★ GBusch14
Hi!My name is Alex,just your typical gamer. i am a 10yr old kid in gr5. oh,I Dyed my hair!!Its red! games i like include:Xenoblade chronicles x ,Botw,pokken,smash and more. and you can follow me if you want. I also LOVE Anime!i mean LOVE It! I like to draw.Im really good at drawing.(NOT Digital Tho) And I love eddsworld too. i have more than 100 OCs. so i guess thats it! so,bye!:3♪♡♥♡♥♪
Hamburger hamburgerman1234
NeStOrNESS edgarcruzsanchez
PKPaladin★ ajoseph101
Hi the names Kameron Age:11 Gender:Male Likes:Playing Smash 4,Minecraft,and,Splatoon Fantasy Name:Black Saitama CatchPhrase:Okay. Cool People: Princess Dela DyerKids Arby Deedo Quincy Crush=Dela Party: Cloud Roy Princess Dela Platinum Mewtwo Platinum Shadow Mewtwo Kenji DA MEME 3(soon) Sam:Kameron is dead so myself Sam will have to avenge him...
м♂ņęý çå†$ chonald123
hello! i like star wars anything,anime, teen titans go, gravity falls and i love super smash bros and disney infinity. i hope we will become good friends!
Reiley ReileyOneill
★δεхϊϊ★ CHiiCKENnuggets
cyan laser simonrulz12
Trapsiston Trapsistion
tigey magictiger4
Koopa TheOnlyKoopa
Hey! I'm TheOnlyKoopa! I have stopped playing the Wii U because I now have a Nintendo Switch. Anyway, here are my Minecraft Adventure Maps and Minigames. -KitWars (MG) -Alone in the Dark(Adventure Map) -The Lab(Adventure Map) -Fish 'n Pawn(MG) -SPLEEF SHOWDOWN(MG) -Bow Spleef(MG) -The Walls(MG) -Mario Hide and Seek!(MG) -Sky Wars(MG) No more for now :D
jorge pinajellybutter
#alexdorame #hatsunemikuchan #yanderechan #lucina #robin #corrin #peri #setsuna #kana #kanna #pieri #whodat #whodatlucina #whodatrobin #whodatcorrin #whodathatsunemikuchan #whodatyanderechan #whodatalexdorame #whodatperi #whodatsetsuna#whodatkana #whodatkanna #whodatpieri #mlgalexdorame #mlghatsunemikuchan #mlgyanderechan #mlglucina #mlgrobin #mlgcorrin #mlgperi #mlgsetsuna #mlgkana #mlgkanna
Sinon Yunogasai97
im a little weird i love anime, playing video, games,and read manga like a certain blue hair otaku lol ^-^
Timmy sonic0995
hello idk why im posting right here. Is it safe to assume i get alot of yeahs? Also is sad for me i'm getting popular at the wrong time and by that i mean miiverse will end soon >_<
Peter G. anisa3
Bloddy lavafirex
Hello there call me Ninten I play most the Pokemon in smash Lucario,Mewtwo,Greninja,Pikachu, And Charizard sorry if You're a Jigglypuff main I don't Play Jigglypuff I have My reasons for playing those Pokemon Lucario:The revenge the war Mewtwo:Revenge on us humans Pikachu: Because Of my friend remix Greninja: he's A good character Charizard: san as Greninja hope we be came good friends!
Dani Danii042004
¡Hola! Mi nombre es Dani (¿qué obvio, no?), juego cosas como Super Mario Maker, Yoshi's Woolly World o Super Mario 3D World. Quisiera tener más juegos, como Splatoon o Super Smash! (^o^)
Bull Gruberwii
Hugo HugoAlpuche
Que tal soy Hugo tengo 21 años y amado nintendo desde los 6 años nintendo hasta la muerte
Le0mahl0rd RiceRiceBaby0
Oranges kinda freak me out
berrdwe berrwa
hey bo3
Sεαη darkpitpro100012
I will no longer use this account on Miiverse after November 7th 2017 after 12 midnight
Dark Paige Golden-paige
What are you looking at? Why would you click on an angry face? I'm Kidding...Hi I'm Dark Paige or Gold<--My old name. I'm in a relationship with ♥DeVante♥! And I play Sm4sh with Palutena...Welp that's go away.
BlackWolf jaboo56
Hello Everyone! And welcome toooooooooo my beautiful profile!!! My username is Jaboo56 and It's pronounced (Ju-boo) . My real name is Jake. I love videogames!!!! I DO have the Nintendo Switch, this Wii U, the New Nintendo 3DS XL, a Gamecube, and a Nintendo 64! I use game chat, And I am a great videogamer! I am also 13 in age. Hope you follow me and be friends! (With me) #VideoGamesAreAwesome#
KJ kjsonic03
Hi my name is kj I like action, adventure, and cool music!I usually like playing Smash bros. and splatoon sometimes mario cart 8 :). I love playing with friends and love chatting on mii vers. So if you like to battle or talk i'd be happy to. ;) So stay fresh!!:p
Nicholus Pikaredstar
I like Xenoblade Chronicles I like Devil Survivor I like Kirby I Like Digimon fusion I Like Earthbound I Like Fate Stay Night My Best Friend is Shakira :) My Best Friend is Billie :->
Papa Jayden27B
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SavageX3 BrianLiem1
Jose jdelgado2019
Tropic Nooperton
My favorite games are legend of zelda botw splatoon and super smash bros.My favorite videogame series is legend of zelda.It would be fun if we could play together on other games
Logan ajtllajoie
im good at drawing and games
LemmyGirl Tarkatanfeeds36
..........Nohr forever and my husband Keaton with my son and daughter, D.M.M (Dont mind me) still fools go anyway.... Love squidparties Dont care i get splat, just turfing the best i can,please dont squid taunt which means you wreckless player and noob.... Try to be nice in smash unless attack If you talk smack that i suc, your just acting like a little kid which is sad and waste time! Goodbye
naruto kaitheyologuy
im an anime fanatic and i play a lot of video games i have a wii u playstation 2 game boy advance and wii and i watch youtube a lot who loves Death Note
Mr. Sushi Shopong
Yes, I'm actually a guy. ☂ I like to draw dum things. I'm older then you think I am, I'm just really immature. lol The only "fighting" game I play is Smash Bros. ➏➊⇨ If you're here because you're salty from Smash Bros. then please chill, it's just a game. I don't play seriously on there EVER and I was only joking. lol ツ
luckystar☆ donaldadams
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Gregg MyMar10
wassup my name is ςğ☆woomy and i am 14 years old and love playing MK8 Splatoon Sonic and All stars Racing Trasformed Super mario 3D world Lego Movie the video game Super Mario Maker MCPE(I dont have wii u edition well not yet) Mortal Kombat And GTA V And will aleays take friend request (""♡▼♥"") Instagram is:always_a1_squad follow me ~Mae♥
Valexa vannessi13
Herzlich Willkommen, Habt ihr heil hier her gefunden? ~The Legend of Zelda Allwissender ~The Legend of Mario Allwissender [Okay Damit meinte ich:Party,kart,smash,bros] Bei Fragen,Steh ich immer offen :) Schade das es bald kein Miverse mehr geben wird...Danke an das tolle Team! :)
Mai Crimson_Nimbus
Senpai 5.3.0u
Matt Matt3085
Vlad APHetaria125
Joe Joskatan14
junior amipatte
Stazpuff Stazpuff
Qúéëñ_DË™ Nabreia_Gilor
super smash bro's are addicted to me
Ahmwhy64 bubbatrist
Hi, my names AZ. I like games like Smash, The Legende of Zelda, a little bit of Final Fantasy, Minecraft, Super mario Bros,Kingdom Hearts, Adventure types and Fighting types. If you want to know more about me then send me a friend request and maby chat a little. May we meet in the video game World Age: 14 My Favorite Character: Young Link
Ashley AshAbi
Nintendo is the best, which means I love Pokémon!Super Smash Bros./ Splatoon is epic! Anime is great I guess kk Nothing else to say :0
Emoney jhughes81
A lot of No Comment!?!
Häruka michelle_rod14
Please follow me ^.^
julian jr JuJuBeezNtheTrap
Åñġ★łĞø☆ť dakotadakota1234
Why hello there! I got nothing to say really. Although expect a lot of drawings from me here! Mainly Smash Bros related and such. Enjoy!★☆
Marie Eeveefan11
"Are you daft?" Hello! My names Matthew.I like Mother(Earthbound),Mario, Shantae, FE, and Pokémon(Some favorites being Flareon, Omastar, Jigglypuff, and Gardevoir)! I also really love Super Smash Bros., even though I'm not really good at it. My mains are Ness ,Lucina, Jigglypuff, Robin, Dr.Mario and Lucas!
CJ DurtyMex13
Well i love jrawing and my favorite game is splatoon im 10 years old i like studying stuff and i don't have any friends in real life so i gest i,ll try to make some friends so i gest this is how i will get friends but ya i,ll try my best(^-^)
Deedo reecedeedo
←(■o●)→ ↓ ↑
Brenton3 dd-wrt-vap
Isra Israel1234567890
You awoke and unleashed, The fire in my heart, I will dance and I'll defeat them, Through the light and the dark! Your mistake was to, Underestimate my power! Won't let go of the fight, 'Til Tomorrow is Mine!!
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
hii everyone followers friends and likers i'll keep updating my posts bye have a good day AND IM ...
hii everyone followers friends and likers i'll keep updating my posts bye have a good day AND IM ALSO PROTECTIVE OF MY FRIENDS AND IM REALLY FRIENDLY LOLZS 0//^//0 GLOB I LOVE THIS FACE LOL!!! oh and just dont get on my bad side even tho its hard to lol have a great day!!! BB