Users BALLER BOY Is Following
♪Samantha♪ walktheprank10
Hey everyone! Im ♪Samantha♪. Some things about me: Age:12 Book: Warrior Cats Games: SSB, Mario Kart 8 BFF: Pika Cutie Pika (Pika!!!) Animal: Polar Bear Smash Mains: Lucas, Corrin I love taking screen shots for people, and im kind and gentle. No Wii U chat please. Have the best day ever!
********** advsnivy
Sup, im Adventure Snivy. M I I V E R S E I S D E A D I guess i will just "yeah" everything? :/
DarkBigley TheOneTrueBigley
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Diperboy89 KJGAMER99
Hi, i'm Diperboy89, i play alot of Minecraft and LOZ: BOTW, but soon i'll be a youtuber. My gaming experience is kinda standard, but i'm working on it. My highest score of yeahs on one post was 50, but i hope you like posts and smash that follow button IN THE FACE!!!!!!
XxDarthXx AndOneKid08
Thanks everyone for giving me posts on my stuff and i will be geting the dlcs for mario kart8 soon and minecraft bye.
ほほほほほほほほほほ hohohohoho123456
ほほほほほほほほほほ といいます 皆さんどうぞよろしくお願いします ゲームがすごく楽しんでやっていますが、特にWiiPartyUを楽しんでやるのがとても楽しくて、テーブルサッカーがとても楽しんでやれています 本当にすごく楽しいのでぜひ皆さんもやってみてください 以上私からのメッセージでした
YoshiFan3 YoshiFan3YT
It is I, Weeg. I have take over this account. it is kinda smelly here. I will delet the non memes of the past.
•ΔК★αмαιg• fredajane10
hello everyone My Name Is •ΔК★αмαιg• age: 15 Name Real: Kainula Team Join ΔК: .ΔК◆JameMV, ΔК★pugtato, ΔК★Marcus, ΔК★NEVE, Gender: Female♀ ♡Taken♡: ----- Thank-you For Followers 1800+ <3 ★Best Friends★: Maryoom, Jeremy, Yuki, Octobutt, Viktor, ~Panda~, scaryLilly, Woomy, ★TacoSquad, Iilmeme, fareed^^, Agent3, Neve, GamerKitty, Arnold, ♪ςς_ραηδα♪, CC★tomato2, jetwindbay,
pinkie pie pinkiepie1409
hey everyone i am pinkie pie 1409 i really want to have a youtube channel and my youtube name would be blue heart and i would love to work with ihascupquake .And my two favourite colours are blue and pink.
Madeline BabyMads707
Likes: Scary stuff, Emo stuff, Pokemon, DBZ, Bendy and the Ink Machine, Gengar, Zen-Oh, Edgy stuff, Ratchet and Clank, and Roleplaying Dislikes: Undertale, Racists, Left wingers, Sans, insulting jokes, Opinion haters, Emoji movie, and Sensitive kids who report everything. Personality: Loner, yet sociable (If that makes sense) ;-; Gender: Female
remix Remix03
Insta: Pikazard03 Discord: Remix#3525
м♂ņęý çå†$ chonald123
hello! i like star wars anything,anime, teen titans go, gravity falls and i love super smash bros and disney infinity. i hope we will become good friends!
Gregg MyMar10
wassup my name is ςğ☆woomy and i am 14 years old and love playing MK8 Splatoon Sonic and All stars Racing Trasformed Super mario 3D world Lego Movie the video game Super Mario Maker MCPE(I dont have wii u edition well not yet) Mortal Kombat And GTA V And will aleays take friend request (""♡▼♥"") Instagram is:always_a1_squad follow me ~Mae♥
Gwynnie♪ MagnaV77
mazani gbaker95
gooey!! Torii94
Evo samuspizza
He my name is even i love to post screenshots and make my own main characters(OCS) my smash mains: Cloud, Zero Suit Samus, Rosalina & Luma, my fav franchise fire emblem favorite Characters: Camilla, Henry, Charlotte. Kagero, Thaja, Lyn, Takumi, Soleil, Selkie, Sain, Vanessa, i Also WIIUChat but you dont have to if you want to. I also Roleplay if you want to join well thats all for me see ya ^^
aLeix##&11 AleixX888
Hooolaaa Gamers soy Aleix un newwwww mii en miiverse.Hay cosas q dan suerte en la vida y hay q no, pero en ese botón q pone +Seguir da una suuerteee... y más si es el mio!!!Bueno espero seguidoressss. Y seguir a mi hermana es muuuy buena annacanet-16 byeeeeee
Alexis alexis1269
luke redx lukepokedude
hi thare im luke im a christen and i loooove video games and anime my fav games are the legend of zelda earthbound pokemon mario minecraft roblox ice station z dragon ball z extreme butoden super smash bros donkey kong kirby sonic the hedgehog street fighter and star my fav animes are dragon ball bungo stray dogs pokemon and rezero i love to make storys on here weekly to
みーみ osamu202
こんにっちわ~←(あいさつは元気に)(≧▼≦)エヘッ←いつも、こんなかんじで~す!! は~い自己紹介します プロフィール 名前 みゆです(。_。) ダサッ フレンドは……ぼしゅうしてま~すヨ! あと、たん生日、5月29日じゃないよ~(泣)2月28曰です。 あと、チーム°*ショコラ*°のリ一ダーをさせてもらってます(>ω<) 最後まで見てくれた方ありがとうございます。(^●^)/゛じゃあね~ 最終更新日 10月4日
vinny vinnylanee
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★€ħŕīš★ ccahue4141
Oliver woodpecker1000
OLA Mañana
Hotdog HOTDOGman00
Nicholus Pikaredstar
I like Xenoblade Chronicles I like Devil Survivor I like Kirby I Like Digimon fusion I Like Earthbound I Like Fate Stay Night My Best Friend is Shakira :) My Best Friend is Billie :->
★x star x★ Aba53x3
hello everyone! ! my name is lizzy! leader of the ★x star x★ clan! as you can see -_- things i like: fnaf undertale batim video games books miiverse CLEARLY drawing writing and friends! games i like: splatoon sdk paint super mario 3D world minecraft never alone and starwal follow these people! kristiankaylee Grape Soda★ trash boi Ethan bye every one of you people around the world^-^
•Dανιdε• macchina7
Hι Lιttlε Hσρεs,|Cιασ Pιccσlε Sρεrαηzε, sono •Dανιdε• e ho 11 anni e sono qui da un anno. CARATTERISTICHE •ACNL&HHD★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ •Simpatia★★★★★ •Scuola★★☆☆ •Videogiochi★★★★☆ •Disegno☆☆☆☆ T_T Obbiettivo: 270 AMICI: Aηdrε~Chαη #Link#Star, Greeninja Eму~Sister, Tommaso e Melissa. Da seguire: Stars06 †Nomy† gli AMICI e ME! I miei giochi preferiti sono: Αcηl HHD e Mιιtσρια! Nση cσριαrmι! Cιασ!
naruto kaitheyologuy
im an anime fanatic and i play a lot of video games i have a wii u playstation 2 game boy advance and wii and i watch youtube a lot who loves Death Note
Pearl CaitHart
I love Pearl,no im not inlove. My name is Caitlin.I draw junk follow me please :3 hoi
Jester JJay25
nathanknil nathan_knillz
soy jonathan de la tierra del tequila smash time! legend of zelda y fire emblem
hii everyone followers friends and likers i'll keep updating my posts bye have a good day AND IM ...
hii everyone followers friends and likers i'll keep updating my posts bye have a good day AND IM ALSO PROTECTIVE OF MY FRIENDS AND IM REALLY FRIENDLY LOLZS 0//^//0 GLOB I LOVE THIS FACE LOL!!! oh and just dont get on my bad side even tho its hard to lol have a great day!!! BB