...Else to say tbh 3/3 Overall Likability: If you want a perfect show, almost, NTT is that show, this show is great and you WILL like it 3/3 Total: 15/15 Rating: Perfect

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...Good 3/3 Characters: Now theese are some great characters, like take Bubble Tea for example, she's basically black, and she's a great character tho just through her interactions, the only downsi...

Object Show review 1: Next Top Thing Visuals: Thhese visuals are great, I really do love how they're made, but the shading during the elimination in episode 2 was great, only downside is that the b...

And, the Youtube page doesn't allow descusions, of corse... check my profile for Object Show reviews...

Kinda forgot you can't make a description in the youtube play journals so... I'll brb in a descustion

Youtuber Shoutouts are kinda getting boring and hard to make, also coz there are so many 'tubers who you know are already good and don't need me to review, and BTW, Eliminator !!! and Roston11 Were...

Youtuber Shoutout 2: No Google NG made the 1st youtube camp I ever joined, I am Blocky in it currently and he's made an algacosathlon thingy and a marble race camp where I'm blue, overall, he's a c...

So Ghost Tree was now th Co-Host and yeah, Vince is a cool guy, he's made some awesome shows and deserves attention (Even tho he has over 300 subs he needs more) So yeah, Vince is 1 cool guy

After an hour of getting all the pictures up, it was done, so, on my profile I put up the host of my show "Ghost Tree" and Vince made a video called "Vote for a host for TCOOS" and Ghost Tree was o...

TCOOS 1a came around, the challenge was to make a team name and mine was "Nitro Armadas" I then asked on the same vid for people to join my camp Machine Mania, would ya know it? He signed up as Win...

Youtuber Shoutout 1: Vince Doyen Vince is a great guy, I found his channel after finding a playlist called "Stronger than Objects" One of the videos were called "Inanimate Objects 3, stronger than ...
I don't do Wii U chat :P
I don't accept friend requiests a...
I don't do Wii U chat :P
I don't accept friend requiests anymore
MM People Remaining 22/22
And Finally I follow back people who follow me
Oh, and this