★ŸțÉģ9★'s Friends
opm★Nolen★ granpashere
mario rules!!!!!!!!
chingun NOTIZN
dais 7 buddo12
•★€няί§2 SMM-Chris
Hi im SMM-Chris! Welcome to my profile! Want to know was ↑ on it? Just keep tuned to it! Stay Fresh #Herobrine_Is_Fake_In_MC! B y e !
гштасуысп TWATYGU2222
hey guys , l 'm a fan of mario maker my biggest dream ever think l would be a pity that it would not come from one of the best maker
TWOWKBANXC alien_of_yeahs_2
Profile comment hidden by admin.
кίτ KitKatKrave
I'm Kit. I'm a friendly fox who will occasionally post awesome stuff and I hope you guys will become friends with me! "I'm a fox!" -кίт
♪Cleo♪ PrincessCleo89
Hi my name is Cleo. Games I like: Pokèmon Nintendogs Animal crossing Mario maker My best friends: Every single one! My birthday is July, 14. I will accept all friend requests! Follow me and I will follow you back! Please no Wii U Chat. Thank you. ♥♥♥♥
david xy david153456
♪Rose♪ RoseFlower001
Hi! I am ♪Rose♪! Some call me Rosie! I love playing Super Mario Maker! I love drawing in different communities. I can draw normal drawings, straight line art, and textures!
●KuroMann● flutch_alenbb
Hallo Leute willkommen zu meinem Profil. Mein Name ist Kuro, ich spiele und sammel amiibos. Ich kann Englisch als gut reden. /Hello everybody welcome to my profile. My name is Kuro, i play games and collect amiibo. I can speak English pretty good. Ich kann Japanisch reden./I can speak Japanese. Tchüss leute!/Bye guy's! ~Kuro
I'm a Boo, or a ghost if you're of a shortening mind. I usually make cruddy reaction drawings, where the only detail is put into me. We Boo's are neutral. We can choose to be good, or evil.
melissa lissa216
This user's profile comment is private.
Hello eveyone, I like mario and sonic at the rio 2016 olympic games, paper mario colour splash, and more mario and sonic games! I am the leader of JOMC (Jamies official maker club) also friend me if you like also I am single. I have a boring life
Smasher maka146142
This user's profile comment is private.
Daddy thebestdaddy212
wilson jr wilsonjr0812
*im wilson *years old: 14 *favorite characters: mario,luigi,bowser & tails *favorite tv shows (recent): steven universe #GoodbyeMiiverse
tahir deadwonder
★TRG★снгίς Sauron17
Hello I'm Chris, and I like turtles. Curent feelings: Fine and good. I am the CEO/President of the GMU. (TRG, 3MM, NLM, T7W, TRON) Owner/Leader of TRG. Co-leader of OMC & Member of 3MM & TCW. I ♥ playing SMM, Minecraft , Splatoon, MK8 & SM3DW. I have over 3500 stars in SMM. I usualy Wii U Chat when I am up for it. WAFFLE! That is all! Bye! :D
george exterminat04
άς Antny™ skalasun
Hello my name is matty Im a gamer as U can tell by my profile and yeah thats it really XD boi boi boiii booooiiiiiii miss me probably not im gonna stop spamming the button now or not
Momma nelodell1179
ds3gun ds3gun
Hello miiverse. My name is sam im 15. Feel free to add me. And if you follow i will follow you too. I play minecraft,splatoon,super mario maker, super mario 3d world,super smash brawl,island flight simulator disney infinfy 2.0 and new super mario bros U. I do have a 3ds but i forgot my nintendo network. Bye miiverse. see you later
ShulkerFan Kmoneyjr420
I'm the owner and creator of Shulkerplex, like Mineplex™ but on console and ZERO commands or mods! Current Version:?.?? ;p
LoQuin cloudyYETI
Hi everyone I'm LOQUIN I share the wii u with my brother.My brother name is LOGAN mine is QUINTIN but my friend call me QUINN. Hope you friend me because I have few friends. Bye!
loltaner!∞ schrumpfkopf2
hi i am loltaner!!!Thats my Lol Profil!! xD I am 13!
Ñεσ★мκζ★β♂ Jjnend
ςγω and τďмżdž Clan I am the leader friend me if you want to join Clan power★★★★◆ Mii ★★★★★★★★★☆ gaming ★★★★★★★★★★ that's it :) λκ мεмβεя too people who friend me get 100,000,000,000 cookies best best friend αώτмкςPяσр no more posts Not following random people Best Youtubers TDM,Xplain,NintenU Clans λν ηεσ λκ Bye Leave Now!!
mason gotswag21
Cameron TheGamer235
Hi it's me, Cameron (TheGamer235) I mainly play Minecraft but I also play Mario Kart 8, Splatoon, Super Smash Bros. for the Wii U and Super Mario Maker, If you want to play with me on Minecraft, Splatoon, Mario Kart 8 or Super Smash Bros. for Wii U then send me a friend request via the friend list in the home menu. That is all, have a good day. Goodbye.
Michael ♪★ CAMEROOOON05
国際交流基金(ジャパンファウンデーション) 各種の通販サイトをバーチャル店舗として入居させているおっくん マイケル Michael 販サイトをバーチャル店舗として入居させているおっくん 販サイトをバーチャル店舗として入居させているおっくんャパンファウンデーショ Huge Fan Of Mario Maker
super ...M Mateusz32
im the best pearson in the world :)
YoshiLover jadengarvey911
im yoshifan91 i play lots of video games and of course.. love yoshi [from mario] i play many game genres and i say with pride.. '' no matter how bad the situation looks for poor yoshi he will end up doing his signature peace sign and his trademark ''yoshi!'' in the end he and me will stand stall! aslo a big shout out to my follows and friends C999'' I aslo give constructive criticism to levels!
lanebøi! SpringTrapGamer
i like: pyrocynical LIFE IS GREAT AYY LMAO papa franku aka my waifu gorillaz the white stripes hugh mungus dank memes my favorite tøp songs: hølding øn tø yøu heavydirtysøul isle øf flightless bird fav white stripes songs little acorns black math seven nation army fav gorillaz songs: dirty harry superfast jellyfish feel good inc. (you can find me on switch SW-7185-5080-9724) stay alive |-/
Cool girl malaiyka
Hey guys its cool girl here and this just help you to get to know me favourite food is: pasta and CHOCOLATE favourite youtubers are:DanTDM and LDshadowlady Favourite games are:Minecraft and mario kart so that all bye
Reus Michaela1000
jeden Sonntag kommen von mir mindestens 2 lustige oder infos über Need for speed. ich würde mich sehr freuen wenn ihr in unseren clash of clans clan kommen würdet unsern Clan kommen in clash royale name German kings richtig guter clan sprecht mich einfach an wenn ihr fragen habt. ich würde mich sehr freuen wenn ihr mir eine Freundesanfrage schickt Marco Reus ist der coolste,
Nin★Мarco MarcoSaumer
★Hi I'm Nin★Marco♪ ♂ and 16 years old.★ ♥Nintendo♥ | | | | | | #R.I.P MIIVERSE #BYE #LOVEYOU __________ ♥Thank's guys for all!♥ :'-( †R.I.P. MIIVERSE 08.11.2017† 1 day left.
********** newidasdf
hi im in a grup called NLM i dont know the memers yet i know one glen my flower
G&K Pario Kev_14-02.fr
Salut et bienvenue sur mon profil de Miiverse ! Je suis G&K Pario, un grand fan de Guillaume & Kim. Je joue à diverses jeux vidéo sur Nintendo Switch, Wii U, Nintendo 2DS, Mobile. Si vous aimez le contenu de mes messages, suivez-moi. Si vous voulez jouer avec moi à Mario Kart 8 ou Splatoon, ajoutez-moi en amis sur Wii U. Je vous remercie de me suivre ! Bonne journée, ;-) !
&Æ$ÞËR bdsoze
How is it going? Im sans the comedian. I am a pokemon nerd. I love mew. I have not lived a full life. Follow these friends of mine. ☆Matt★: He is a really nice guy with a great heart. Foxy123 (Chara): He is really cool with swag drawings. melee18: He is a nice person who is excellent at minecraft. Thats all I have to say. Y U DOWN HERE?????
Lilokey Lilokey
•Abonne vous a moi je suis •cool et je m'abonnerais à vous n'esiter pas! :3 •aussi j'ai 19 years\ans mon ptit 9...ect •Se qui s'abonne a moi je ferais des partie •de,Mario Kart8 ,super smash bros ect... •Se si dit j'aime les mangas et... •DBZ,one pice,fairy tile,naruto shippuden...ect •donc j'aime: •le japon en gros USA,Amerique entiers,.. •Mon topo c'est datteidre les 1100abonnez •MerciAVousBye!
Jonathan co1669
Hey, I'm Jonathan, I'm a fan of Nintendo and YouTube. I Love Smash Bros and Mario Kart 8 so if you want someone to challenge, i'm free for a friend request. That's it :)
LOS|smash trinavan
i love skylanders and splatoon and love You Tube so potrtl masters unite and STAY FRESH!!! P.S.on weekdays i play 2:45-7:00 and weekends almost all day!! i aslo Don't wii U chat da dab is ded plz follow LOS Braydn,Morgan,Daredog!
Darthvader robert1972
greetings. i am the leader of the empire. join the dark side. we have fun, games, and lots of other stuff. if you want to come to the death star, be prepared to travel to a galaxy far far away...
duck voice thewiiyoung
KevMaster mario123321
My name is Kevin and i'm 9 years old! I was born in 5/2/06 in the US! My most popular SMM stage is called "Color Matching" which is "3B1D-0000-0229-660F" and don't froget to "Friend Request" & "Follow" me! These are the games I own: Super Mario Maker Yoshi's Story A link to the past & Ocarina of Time Hyrule Warriors SMW SM64 MK8 Superstar Saga NSMBU&NSLU Mario Party 10 There are many more...
Nin★George tottenhamspurs
I used to post alot when I was about ten I'm 15 now and I clocked all my posts are wet ;-p
dad arlo75
My name is Kayden Likes:Video Games :Pokémon,Amiibo,Splatoon, Super Mario Maker, Super Smash Bros. Tv Shows : Steven Universe, Star Vs. The forces of evil.Dislikes: Tomatos.Age: NOT YOUR CONCERN! Birthday: 10/18. Now,Tusk Tusk,Go do Your daily things Wait, Your still here? Go play a Game like Please,Stop reading this and go do something FUN! ÞHÈ ÊÑÐ! or THE END! #Miss Shampoo
SonicDude7 Alexander005
Hi im Beta and i love video games like these: Sonic the Hedgehog, All types of mario,and all types of minecraft The Anime's i like are Attack on Titan,Death Note, and One Punch Man Friends: Lily_Scout,octoling q,Kekecorruption,boogirl and many more. (remember to vote for video games)
I don't do Wii U chat :P
I don't accept friend requiests a...
I don't do Wii U chat :P
I don't accept friend requiests anymore
MM People Remaining 22/22
And Finally I follow back people who follow me
Oh, and this