Users ★ŸțÉģ9★ Is Following
Krijo KrijoLuca08
Hi Leute!Mein alter ist : 8 meine Lieblingsspiele sind : Alles von Zelda, GTA 5, Minecraft, Splatoon!
Hey, I'm E_X_P_L_O_SION9/BurningInBlueFlames7, I enjoy watching YouTube, playing games and acting! That's kinda it...
りょうた ryouta-miyano
スプラトゥーンやマリオメーカーをしています よろしくー フレンドリクエストが送れませんサブアカウントとフレンドになり、そのあとフレンド登録お願いします。 フォロワー700人突破!ぜひフォローして下さい よく名前を変えます 元の名前は[りょうた]です サブアカウントの名前はりょうた(サブ)です スプラトゥーンでチームHGに所属しています 好きなYouTuberは ・HIKAKIN ・SEIKIN ・はじめしゃちょー ・MASUO ・恭一郎 ・りょうすけGames ・ツトッキー ・ゆーたけ ・パンミミ ・MOTTY ・ぽこたch ・裏切りマンキーコング ・エンピツしんちゃん ・からつけあっきい ・はしご ・ちはや ・ポッキー ・HIKARU ・Fate など
おんそくたけしうどん kendou9999
こんにちは 僕はのんびり投稿するんで宜しくッス
SirRob cwpr927
Eggg riothebest
sub to me on youtube
Alice alirmz
Sammy Hammy_Pielands
Rex RalphOK05
Hey Eveyone! I'm new here on Miiverse! So I hope we can be great friends!
********** How2MemeAGAIN
★Lulu★ priscille974
Salut tlm, je m'appelle Lucas j'adore dessiner et je m'entend avec à peu près tout le monde, mais je m'énerve assez facilement si on me cherche. Sinon j'adore jouer aux séries Pokémon, Mario et FNAF. Personnes importantes : Army, Zélénox, ProGamer, Encégo, Atilaz, Anaëlle et plein d'autres P.S : Je suis un joueur adicte de Pokémon Shuffle Mobile et Mario Maker ^^ Team : SB∞
SrPelo loleuu
!HOLA QUETAL¡ sa va mon gars? t'aime les mecs qui CRI tout le temps? BEN,je suis un mec comme ca moi! (UNDERTALE) dedi à: "Nepeta" "Akane's•πα" et"snookems"!(un américain!).
Stefan sonicslashers147
hey. about me 1.I am 13 2.I love (almost) everything nintendo! 3.i probably won't use my wii u that much, so i'm sorry if i'm inactive. 4.I have 72 amiibo. 5.i have a Nintendo Switch 6.Kirby is my favorite video game series 7.Sonic Mania hype! 8.My favorite game is BoTW 9.My birthday is the same day as kirby's! 10.Xpcveaoqfoxso. 11.Family Guy is my favorite tv show! 12.enjoy my profile!
Drake marioluigi1011
mad man onorout
opm★Nolen★ granpashere
mario rules!!!!!!!!
″☆Mag.Кαι″ greenninja10
Hi Im Kai, here's some stuff about me! I like to play Splatoon + SMM Im a nice person, not a toxic player Fav PS games: Overwatch, and Destiny *Im Christian* Friends, Chessi cat, Esmene, Gracie Cat I'm in 8th grade I'm 13 Joined: 07/05/2014 2:08 PM The fog may blur the path, but the wind will surely blow them all away. DONT LOSE HOPE, Your destination is waiting for you. - ″☆Mag.Και″
jadou jadou22
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Zach Nerd456-Hi
$$$$Ethan mariospringo8792
I am a video game person and i like games like splatoon and disney art academy and pokemon oras so stay tuned for my posts! Also Follow Me!!! I need 200 followers!!!! I Do 1–3 Drawings A Day!!!!!
Max poomba
Hello. Here are shoutouts: James RioluGamer InvaderSel Age: I don't know. Personality: I'm different almost everyday. What I like: Everything What I dislike: Everything Thats it. Bye. I can't feel emotion about Miiverses Closure. I don't care. Petition all you want. Nintendo cares about the money.
NLM★Mαłł Mattthecreeper
Hello, My name is Matt. I am a super expert gamer, and I absolutely love playing Super Mario Maker. I currently have two medals. My biggest gaming accomplishments are: -Cleared Companion Spring (Super Mario Maker) -Beat the Big Bossdown without healing (The Legendary Starfy) -Beat New Super Mario Bros. Wii in 45 minutes, almost a world record -Made it to over 21,000 mass ( -Many More Bye!
MV★Aπdrew Andrew173
SW-5639-9164-9787 Thanks everybody for the great times here. I'll never forget you guys.
smoshgang kingofsmosh
hi im the king of smosh kings i will follow people
chingun NOTIZN
matty mattkr1
hi this is matty here sonic fan/mario fan/zelda fan/pokemon fan. feel free to follow and comment on posts and leave a yeah and thx for the 90 followers! i really appreciate it ;) help me become more awesome and ill give you awesome! help me to becdome the best miiverser ever!
janni 2812jannick
This user's profile comment is private.
RIP Andre AndreWilliams14
I am a gamer who likes Wii and Wii U. This is a perspective run. For some reason, I want everyone to send me a friend request. If you do, I'll subscribe you.
Darthvader robert1972
greetings. i am the leader of the empire. join the dark side. we have fun, games, and lots of other stuff. if you want to come to the death star, be prepared to travel to a galaxy far far away...
chelsea cjhawksworth
hi name:chelsea age:15 relationship:single youtubers: pinksparkle and sophie louise comment: please comment on all my other posts best friends on miiverse: anthony out of posts
♪Cleo♪ PrincessCleo89
Hi my name is Cleo. Games I like: Pokèmon Nintendogs Animal crossing Mario maker My best friends: Every single one! My birthday is July, 14. I will accept all friend requests! Follow me and I will follow you back! Please no Wii U Chat. Thank you. ♥♥♥♥
←Lizzie→ Lizzonya
Hi my name is ←Lizzie→ I'm currently engaged to ←Sam→ I don't accept friend requests I'm friendly and kind I have OCD I love to make people smile and happy I will not tell where i live at any time I love to play Splatoon and Art Academy I wish to have 200 followers some day If you don't know who ←Sam→ is go check him out because he is the most amazing husband i have ever had
FireHazerd aidenandzack
mii verse is ending (awkward scilence) umm i uh umm u (cough) um uh hi? uh no uh umm uh bye uh umm the uhh world o~o ;( Also plz wiiu chat me becuase mii verse is almost over sooooooo yeah
speed_ink ninouche584
mes jeux:Clash of clan , splatoon,undertale mes amis:shina,neku hamada,steve,zino bon.... illuminati!
Cyci Cyril.S-11
bob jjcfranklin1
Quinn T. QuinnAllen
Welcome and greetings gamer fans. This is Quinn T. I'm a gamer who plays for fun. It doesn't matter if you win or lose, but at the end, it mostly comes down to Experience, Dedication, & the Heart of a True Champion in your very own perspective. Good luck to you all. Another important facts about me: I'm a poetry writer.
dais 7 buddo12
Çä||ämärĺ billbobob
I like Super Mario Maker! I have a series called Wiggler Story! Be sure to check it out! I'm part of the 3 Mii-keteers, along with chris, and TRG▲ħäñķ!
★P.Cool★ FunDeastroyer
Helloooooo everyone call me Danny. I love having a good chat If you didn't know my Best BFF's are Cherry, Angi and Abigal, Chelsea and P.Cute and Ninga Kid!!!I'm taken by summer :).I'm 9 this year (2016) if your older or younger i always want to make friends and have a good chat BTW:Follow plz I'd love it if you did :) :)
christian smith670
things about me my real name is richard i nice i love nice mii realy want tomodachi i like tdm smart funny hipe faster than flash and sonic coll do not call me bad words or you be block that mean leave
BananaMilk JackMcQ
[Age 11] Hey guys [Just to be Clear the Name CrossMog Is A Pokemon Reference lol] So yeah i Play A lot of Mario Maker Mario Kart 8 Splatoon that kinda Stuff If you want to add Me as a Friend Before Miiverse Ends [DO IT NOW] M'kay So im Kaizo Apprentice or something I teach I always Find New Ways to make Levels Good Friends with liam nbo Andrew2121 Tonte_Bolonte EC2Samu Bye
I don't do Wii U chat :P
I don't accept friend requiests a...
I don't do Wii U chat :P
I don't accept friend requiests anymore
MM People Remaining 22/22
And Finally I follow back people who follow me
Oh, and this