Vsauce's Followers
Kenny oblivion88
To anybody who cares my discord is Kenny #9500 HAVE FUN TROLLING TONIGHT_BITCHES MIIVERSE IS_FUCKED AF
trash Edward2007COOL
Salutations, my name is Edward, and I have a vast vocabulary. I broke my nintendo and now I have this account. My favorite television show is the Amazing World of Gumball. My favorite youtuber is Mothvillian Minecraft and More. My favorite Nintendo Game is Lego Marvel Avengers. I had a great time conversing with you! Now goodbye, adiós, au revoir, tchau, slán, a hui hou, aloha, and ciáo.
zach zachary2006j
hi my name is zach
Zoolig Verickiam
Hello yo mateys! Almost the end of Miiverse :'( R.I.P Miiverse :'( I love yo mateys so much! :) and I hope you guys have a great life ahead of you! :D
♀★ Lee ★♂ omgie1
Hello mατε im Lee im a edgy 13 yr. old, gender fluid potato who loves video games, singing and drawing :3 . Im really humorous so if you dont like humor you wont like me . In my days i like to burn fidget spinners and talk to my favorite wall :'] cri btw i love my chemical romance
My favorite WWE Wrestler is JOHN CENA My favorite Wii U game series is the Mario Series My favorite Mario Character is Yoshi My favorite YOUTUBER Is DashieGames My favorite color is Red My favorite movie is THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE I accept Wii U chats when i'm board not gaming or on youtube My Favorite TV Show is American Grit My Favorite band is Maroon 5 Fallow me i'll fallow you back.
MrTNT456 MrTNT456
MeGa sagegoomba
Bluest of Birds:@MegaTMysterious Deviοus Artist:MegaTheMysterious TumblΙngDown:MegaTheMysterious Universe of the opposite open: megathemysterious *probably will go unused* It is the end, my friends. Always remember, Praise Lord Bigley.
Rhett physicsiscool
Welcome to my reformed page. I'm just a chill competitive Smash 4 player currently maining Mario primarily. I also love a good RPG too, especially Rune Factory 4. I might start doing illustrations once I have more finesse. If you want to verse me in smash give me holler and I'll try to be with you.
α ησβσδγ oddlumprulz
Alola! Why the *cars honking* did you tap on my face?! Anyway, my name is Autumn. I'm 18, addicted to anime, LoZ, AC, furrys (ya, furrys), UnderTale, Pokemon, JackSepticEye, Markiplier, PewDiePie, vocaloid, nightcore, and puns. A wolf in sheep's clothing is more than a warning♪ I'm extremely emo. Depressed. Passing is my homie :þ Online √ Offline × ~Queen Of Toast
mack pslht1130
.......im missing something.....inside me... oh wait no im not i found the puzzle piece ive been looking for
ZOMBIEGOD zombieking2000
hi lets be frineds i love to post, i will post crazy things i love all kinds pets.
Foo HyroFoo
IF U SEE THIS SPAM #SAVE MIIVERSE 0 Days since last meme. favorite games: friday the 13th, undertale, watch dogs, elder scolls 5 skyrim, scribble nauts unlimited. favorite movies/shows: one punch man, friday the 13th series, rick and morty. STOP RUINING RICK AND MORTY, undertales fanbase is the second worst next to fnaf, i used to be an adventure like you, then i took an arrow in the knee!woah
Mike colaka
ωοΙƒιε superwoman1100
Ellie EllieLew2007
im almost at 100 friends, so now, if you want to friend me, you better have a good reason. part of da Cactus Clan ΫΨψCACTUS CLAN 4 LIFE!ψΨΫ
kian KirbyKian
hi my name is kian and i playing games like mario pokemon and much more so if you follow me i follow you bye
RobloxNoob MinerGUY5263PRO
Hello Im MinerGUY I Love Video Games Like SSB4 Minecraft Terrarira Lost Reaver And More I WII U Chat And I Love Drawing I Have A YT Channel Thats MinerGUY5263 My Favorite YT Channel Is theodd1sout And Thats It Goodbye
Tris Bendy Tristanocho
Hola chicos y chicas soy Tristanocho mis mejores amigos,amigas y hermanos son: Serchivas Capuchino_yt0 Luink28 Orkito amigas: Daisarelys Carmen1967 Kira-gummy Hermanos: Happy-Herardito y un familiar Brian_0 juegos favoritos: Splatoon minecraft mario kart 8 y con esto acabo si me siges yo igual
ELIJAH theh3ro
hi its me elijah and one day im going to be a youtuber. i play minecraft super smash bros wiiu and splatoon!
Koa cat KoaPip
I like to play mario, minecraft and splatoon! hope you like me :3 lol!!! Bye Bye jk:3lo
Mario RobotBracer
i am pro. i play Minecraft and Nintendo games most of the time. i am training to get to Every Amchevemt in MineCraft! i am ready to BEAT THE MASTER AND CRAZY HAND ON 9.9 (Noting More) (NOTE: My Real name is not Mario)
vinny vinnylanee
Profile comment hidden by admin.
ari detroltplayer
HoI! my names Ari and I'm only about 10 and a half years old, and I enjoy playing lots of different games including Minecraft, Super Mario Series, The Legend of Zelda Series and I'm a big fan of Nintendo. ( :
KoolAid_23 Xx_Kool-King_xX
*doots in confusion*
Devdog Devdog2017
R.I.P account ID for artstyle, died because nintendo didn't like my name when my mii was my artstyle back then and I am very sad. My other account name changed from artstyle, to Devin. And I want nintendo to tell me whats wrong with the old name, if you have a way to message nintendo, please tell them about this problem. Thanks for reading this. :(
MM★Harvz CamoSquid11YT
Hi! Im CamoSquid! I am the leader of MM★... Here is the list of members Pro Builders: MM★Harvz(Leader) MM★Elijah No one PvP Elites: MM★Kenny MM★Noble7 MM★Icee Bear Elytra Masters: MM★Finn MM★G Man No one Redstone Engineers: No one No one No one 7/12 Members,if you want to join my clan then just ask me! P.S SA★BOSSES is a terrible clan that copied us so dont join theyre clan
Ashton akdmkamacw
can i play with anyone on mincraft?
Mom Gr8tfulMama
how are you doing anyone anywhere anytime right now it seams like mad is mad whats wrong ha ha ha just kidding so tell me about your day doing good ok bad sad tell me when your free to play on the wii u ok i'll be ready will you tell me when?
Elizabeth eve82447
HylianHero JacobHamel
Holy-cow you actually found my page! Now you probably don't know me, unless you're Dogame+ (Check his page out). But I'm just a gamer. Some of my favorite games are Minecraft, ANY Zelda game, Most Mario games, Pokemon, Pikmin, Most Lego titles, and Terraria... to name a few. if i'm not online on my wii i'm either playing on my 3ds, or Switch.
CrossyPig! crossypig
hello piggy fans i have some devastating news soon miiverse will be shutting down! this is probably bad news For you aswell thanks all the people that have followed me in the past 100 of you have followed me and thats great and i cant believe it but now miiverse is closing thanks for the support though THANK YOU >: crossypig PEACE ♥♡♥♡♥♡♥ love you piggy fans
COD_KING kyleswii075
Oh hello there i didnt see yall well!!! favorite games:mincraft mario cart 8 resident evil cod ghost/call of duty ghost favorite food/dessert:pizza and milkshakes and brownies All of my followers are epic and some legendary!! All my friends are cool ! and im single and happy!! my name is cole got a big brother and sister bye bye
jj petalsparkle
Joshua★★★ JoshuaMFischer
Well hello you tap me ill tell a bit of myself but some information a can't say Age: ??? gender: boy. Birthday: ??? Dream: To be a famous Youtuber. Has a crush on: ??? Favorite game on 3DS: Yo-Kai watch 2 Favorite game on Wii U: Minecraft Name: it's obvious right? Favorite Youtube channel: Unspeakablegaming and DanTDM
Rooloo gdfhijj
Veronica nixiegirl
Hi i em a undertale fan and more i em going to 4 grade so wish me luck
Cat★Luki LucasJagla
Hallo Leute Infos die ihr über mich wissen solltet! Name: Lucas Alter: 13 Geburtstag: 06.07.2004 Lieblingsessen: Burger, Wrap, Pizza, Milchreis, Lasagne, Sushi Lieblinsfarbe: Grün, Rot, Blau, Schwarz, Gold Lieblinsverein: FC Bayern München Lieblingsspiele: BotW, Splatoon™, Minecraft™ Best Friends: ♥Meli♥, Niels, Philipp, Mike, Kevin, Adis, Ajren, Danijel, Lukas, Oliver
Vsauce Michael here and today, were are your fingers?
were are your fingers?
Vsauce Michael here and today, were are your fingers?
were are your fingers?
were are they?