Vsauce's Friends
SupaSoda SuperiorSoda
I love Mario Kart 8 and Minecraft
PuppetBOOM FazbearCrafters
Hello, Miiverse! I'm The Puppet, and welcome to our Miiverse page! We have made our Wii U user here at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, so we can meet new people and friends! Wanna be friends? Just send us a friend request! Enjoy our profile! ;)
My favorite WWE Wrestler is JOHN CENA My favorite Wii U game series is the Mario Series My favorite Mario Character is Yoshi My favorite YOUTUBER Is DashieGames My favorite color is Red My favorite movie is THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE I accept Wii U chats when i'm board not gaming or on youtube My Favorite TV Show is American Grit My Favorite band is Maroon 5 Fallow me i'll fallow you back.
ICopicLeaf BlessMehMez
Ello im Mez I play MC I can build i think im funneh.. i hope ._. ye if u want to 1v1 me just follow me and send a friend request...thats it Mez out★ Cetch meh outside how bout dat
*** * **** mkwPiro34777
This account is now inactive on Wii U Friend or Follow my new account: xDarkDSx
Lilly lillyplays
Hi my name is lilly I acasanally make a new account its a habbit my most popular account was team_franks but i got locked out of it i am not single i am 11 and i always play minecraft
JulezX2$ CuleJulezX
Hey i looove Rpg's and all kinds of /chill games like MC and also adventure type games. and btw Anime is BOMB \$/
sans michele1223
TEMMIE tazrjr10
hoi guys! moi name is TemMiE! i like undertale, minecraft, splatoon, smm, ssb, and a bunch of other games. one of the most fun games i've ever played is the bayonetta series. about me: #teammysticftw, my fav color is magenta or crimson red, i'm usually on the wiiU on the weekends (homework), i'm friendly, nice, and care about other people. PS: i DO take blank fr, but please put why you are fr!
CobbleLelz That1Guy29
xXBallaXx MostLegitTroller
Edwin ChimueloZanchez
Hello Internet its ChimueloZanches here and some of the games I play are: Minecraft Wii U Edition, Pokkén Tourtament, Super Mario 3D World, FIFA Soccer 13, Just Dance 4 and Cars 3 Driven To Win It. I will love to reach 100 friends that way I have tons of people to play Minecraft Wii U Edition with. I want to get Super Smash Bros.
Adam Ward SuperFunGuy220
I AM THE REDSTONEER also a builder used to make really hard super mario maker levels- check them out in my play journal always play minecraft making a huge hotel, need help! i changed my mii. know who it is? idk why i made this so long why are you stilll reading? im a self taught drummer im running out of ideas ! this is the 368th 30 left friend me! bye
dylan dylandev
hi i follow every how likes my comments or pictures i love minecraft and mario kart 8
Jaden Zacbrine
Hi im jaden the older cousin of herobriana im 14 years old and i am a youtuber too
nate vincentmac79
hello hello! welcome to the titan clan! we certifie ¶¤§?!¿¡←–→↓↑√⇔©™©∞=× oh! sorry! I HAVE to do something bye!..........
Roberto RobertDSmartHD
Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to Robert's profile...XD jk...Well this awkward...anyways this is my profile and yeah friend me and please follow , peace out! #thatwasawkward #pewdiepie # guava juice
kwiimaster wcannon123
hi im not new i made new profile for reason name is anthony b here are some things about me honisty ★★★★★ love ★★★★☆ hate ★☆☆☆☆ fun ★★★★★♥
Jack mineboss101
SS★Ashar Ashar.wi
iplaybongo HaweyLikesBacon
That moment when you realize you ate all your dino nuggets the day before but then you realize you only ate fifty-two out of the sixty-four nuggets which means someone must have broken into your house and eaten them when you weren't looking so you run to Costco only to realize that they closed six hours earlier so you go home and watch spongebob and cry. Yeah. That's my typical day in the life.
mimikyu CarterG123
mimikyu! ku ku!! ku! mim mim! mimikyu! ( hi i'm mimikyu nice to meet you i am lonley alot.. but i have lots of friends on the wiiu! bye bye! )
jazz jazzlynn00
im jazz and im 13 i like sports and shooting games
The Brony theminks
hello what do you like to play
lorenzo LorVic2015
luig stormcooper09
super mario maker
Luke Lukey0405
DAB_Lab__$ noaii241
Hello! Welcome to my sister's and my profile, you can call me Joebro160 and my sis's name is popypandi! If you friend me and we accept it you will most likely to find us on these games: Minecraft, Splatoon, Just dance and maybe a little supersmashbros and Fifa13! Bye!
Shaggy Mr_Shaggy1999
3rd account of MikeyB-CA
lol noaclo
SuperNoahB NoahTheReactor
Welcome To My Account! My Favorite Track Is N64 Rainbow Road! Minecraft Is Fun! Come With Me, And Have Some Fun Together Very Soon!
megaman ashketchem789
im free spirit nice kewl pro love 8-bitgaming and here's some facts about me im nice funny smashable and i like splatoon mortal kombat 1-10 and im ten send me a freind request and we'll play ssb together and follow if like fnaf please
AkiGHG Ako.Aki
Hallo,mein Name ist Aki.Ich spiele gerne mit Leuten verschiedene Spiele,am meisten Splatoon und Minecraft Freue mich auf jeden der mit mir spielen will. :D
isabelle lulu24410
Lego man ajcoolman13
♡♥♡♡♥♡♡♥♡ I'm Not U Greefr ♡♥♡♡♥♡♡♡♡ ♡♥♥♥♥♡♡♥♡ ♡♥♡♡♥♡♡♥♡ ♡♥♡♡♥♡♡♥♡
csaer5 meassssccg
erika erikanumber1
★☆ Ben™ ☆★ himynameiscody
Hi, my name is Ben and I'm just a guy who realy likes Nintendo. Did you ever think of how AWESOME Nintendo is for creating the Wii U, Wii, and the DS's so we can experience gaming at a higher level!!! I just love Nintendo, and I hope you do too!! - Ben
Steve Stevesmashqwerty
I like Smash. Age: 14 Favortie Games (Wiiu): Minecraft and Smash bros. (3Ds) Kirby team clash and MK7 Skin in Minecraft: Wolf Battler
juelz candye77optonlln
scream allybellanick123
Wassup, im Nick, Im an expert engineer and a good designer I play minecraft mainly Im Italion... GO ITALY Tacos are life, so is ice cream. Im a cross country runner, I play baseball. Im boss in combat. My skillz gonna pay the bills
Extra mayo Kayfamily7
Hi, i am Extra Mayonnaise 7 and iam into games like zelda, animal crossing, mario kart, super smash bros, Minecraft, and mario party. i live in Dallas Texas and if yall dont mind i think it would help if yall left game suggestions for me to play. thanks!
JamesYaBoi JimbodiniB
hi im james i like splatoon it is cool:) my favourite colour is bule please friend request me thanks james :) i also like you tube if you want to be awsome friend me i like the all blacks see ya
Mr,gumball chelseasalterego
Hello plz join me on minecraft if you follow me i will follow
erica eddissa
This user's profile comment is private.
Tyler tyew2003
having fun in minecraft!
Nano lolha707
Madison Madi2434
Lenny AAAAAA123456loll
TJ 1Celebration
SuperNinja mommasmithmia
Sup Dudes Im superninja my personal fav. about me I like are videogames. Here are my favorite games Call of duty, super mario maker, Minecraft, tetris, Team fortress 2, Gmod, pokemon, Captain toad, Donkey kong, Pac man and a tone more. so those Games are fun you should check them out. Anyways Bye Bye have a good of a time one more thing who loves watching youtube! I like pewdiepie,sml,Dantdm bye!!
rocky mikahx
i am a person i am also alive ans a human so im normall its okay to not freind request me
the o fam Fullhouse7
RubyFlame Popularmods
Hello everyone who has found my profile! Name's RubyFlame and video games is a hobby to me. ( NO IM NOT THE REAL POPULARMMOS BTW, I AM A FAN OF HIM SO I THOUGH OF DOING THAT >~>) here is somethings about me! 1. Favorite YouTubers : JackSepticEye, RobertIDK, 8-bit Ryan, Freyjiyn and Lazarbeam 2. Favorite food : Pizza duh 3. Favorite animal : CATS!!! AND THAT'S IT! STAY LIT LIKE LIGHTNING!
Steve kyle.the.hero123
Im Steve, sometime i play games but not all the time. You can friend me if you want, get lego dimensions its better or minecaft. I like to draw and stuff
Joe joebrookes
Hi there my names Joe! Im 11 and currently in high school. I still use Miiverse while I still can and will no longer be posting
КηιgнτΡго← mk8boss
Hello, Welcome to my profile! I do lots of thing like MK8 and Pikmin 3 Please Like, Follow, ans share my posts! I play lots of games outside of Nintendo Like Agar.io, Agarhub, and Dual! Hope you guys have a great time on my profile Please hit the follow button if you want good luck :) I also like to 'yeah' everything
Jacob TheCreeper28
Jðè6803 Joel6803
Well...Hi I Am Joe6803 Well..Um....I Play Pokken Tournament ...........Pretty Fun.. I Am A [Lucario] Main... Um....So....I Have..To Go....... Bye!!!!!
Lil Miss mommastone4
This user's profile comment is private.
brad unibrian
Ryan Ryan4270
Wii U is love, Wii U is life
Aphmau wgt76glt74srt06
hi. I love the movie Harry Potter (all 9 of them).red and blue are my favorite colors.my favorite games to play are MINECRAFT,Pokémon,Super Mario 3D World,and My Sims agents. I am a seriously awesome tomboy. I play with boys a lot and I mean a lot. My favorite subject is math and P.E.
SF lane: $ LaneBoy
h im lane also known as lane epic 7 i love mario sonic earthbound splatoon i also love rpg shotters adventure anyone can be my friend and you can to a like these youtubers PBG venturiantale pksparkxx and speedrun vidios so you can be my friends and have a great time so comon if you want to
Ice Kirby¤ sonicrulezforu
HI!!! I'm Ice Kirby! I am pretty much well, Ice Kirby...Thing...I DUNNO! But anyways, I hope we can be best friends! Yeah! JSYN(JustSoYouKnow), I don't do Wii U Chat.
♀Frisk♂ dsl87701
HOi! Memes I love!: HotMilk: Body: WannaPlay?: Forget: Hates!: Undertale fandom ShipingMe Hate Meme's: Every meme but not the one's i love I AIN'T GONNA SLEEP CAUSE OF YA'LL YA'LL AINT GONNA SLEEP CAUSE OF ME! Don't forget to follow me! Also i'm back!!!!!! Your filled with Justice Kindness pererverince Bravery Paiticance Determination Integrty
Brady Treaton86
Luke luke.geranton
Hi, I love to draw. follow if you want to see more of my work.:) I also love pokemon, but not battles. I love to shiny hunt. I've found so many shinys. I will trade with you. (as long as you have good pokemon). And i LOVE super smash bros. my main ( character most used ) is marth. I will have a match with you any time! :) Im also known as a we-e-bo. Or in other words i love anima. i ♥ SAO! im 15.
allan allancool9
Bryan mkaws234
Hello! My name is Bryan Things about me: I REALLY like food I read alot I like puzzles
Nathan NathanKChampagne
kaeden theaannlee
BarryDunne BarryDunne
Thank you Sandy for the unforgettable memories.I will always love and miss you baby girl! <3 Hi everyone! (: I'm 26. I love Star Wars! Biggest Devil's Third fan in the world - FACT! I have over 35 Wii U games! :) Favourite games: - Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2! :D Appear in 2 video games: - Cube Life: Island Survival (Main Character) - Zombie Vikings Irish YouTuber: - Nintendo - Impact - Gaming
ŇĘΘ☆Scorch RockyCM
Well, now I am a High School Senior and I want to enjoy Summer playing with friends b4 I get 2 busy with College Classes. *Splatoon GEEK here Weapons: SplatterScope (modified), Luna Blaster Neo, Sloshing Maching (classic), and Carbon Roller (modified) -Rank S+ -Level 50 Lets play Splatoon everyday either Private/Squad Best Friends: MadJolly, Xyklon-b, Miah SB4 law is coming to Texas,bye guys
********** MikeyB-CA
welcome to my profile my name is Shaggy and im 18 Games i play: Need for speed prostreet,carbon, underground1&2, world for PC, most wanted 2005 and 2013, mario kart[wii/7/8], minecraft PC, PE and Wiiu edition and, super smash bros. for WiiU and 3DS and 64 Consoles I own: NES Wii U Wii PS2 3DS DS lite you can wiiu chat me but don't spam it or i'll not answer the call
Vsauce Michael here and today, were are your fingers?
were are your fingers?
Vsauce Michael here and today, were are your fingers?
were are your fingers?
were are they?