Users Vsauce Is Following
Brady Treaton86
Miyamoto ShigeruMiyamoto
任天堂のゲームプロデューサー。 工業デザイナーとして1977年に任天堂に入社。 1980年にドンキーコングを作って以来、マリオやゼルダのシリーズ、ピクミンやWii Fitなどを制作してきた。 Game producer at Nintendo. Began his career at Nintendo in 1977 as an industrial designer. Ever since making Donkey Kong in 1980, he created making titles such as Mario and The Legend of Zelda series, Pikmin and Wii Fit.
HylianHero JacobHamel
Holy-cow you actually found my page! Now you probably don't know me, unless you're Dogame+ (Check his page out). But I'm just a gamer. Some of my favorite games are Minecraft, ANY Zelda game, Most Mario games, Pokemon, Pikmin, Most Lego titles, and Terraria... to name a few. if i'm not online on my wii i'm either playing on my 3ds, or Switch.
metaknight FireBolt25
hello, im meta knight from the kirby series. i dont accept wii u chat. im a fictional character. i am kirby's friend and foe. dont follow me. dont friend request me. unless you want to. but trust me, its a bad idea. follow meh boi mewtwo (powermewtwo). ive loved nintendo forever. my 1st console was the nes. because, after all, i debuted in 1993. galacta knight for smash IM BACK!!!!
rocky mikahx
i am a person i am also alive ans a human so im normall its okay to not freind request me
MemeSenpai TheMemeSenpai
♪._.♪™ Sonicr123
sup im SPEED_XSCOPER_X69 and heres some stuff you might want to know about me 1im 11 2i like video games who dosent 3i laugh ALOT 4 i like being a sniper NOT BECAUSE THE MLG stuff or maybe. 5 call me on wii u chat if met u in person like school 6 i read creepypasta ... Yep ._. 7 i will become a youtuber soon 8 i love anime 9 i LOVE DC oωo ^0^ (/o-o)/ y u still here
*** * **** mkwPiro34777
This account is now inactive on Wii U Friend or Follow my new account: xDarkDSx
Just4Cake just4cake98
Name:Ben Age:13 Favourite Youtube Channel: Game Theory Favourite Food: Mango D.O.B: 16/3/04 Favourite TV Show: NCIS: Top Gear (old one) / Grand Tour Favourite Colour: turquoise Favourite Sport: Cricket/Rugby bye guys i wish it didnt had to end so soon (meaning miiverse) but we have all had a great time sharing our experiences with each other - bye. :)
Layzie Dalayzie1
Im Layzie and.......umm..........hmm.................uhh.............well?........................thats about it Age: Twenty-something In Las Vegas Want ARKHAM KNIGHT / FALLOUT 4 Follow me as I lead a path of happiness and delicious waffles HAHA :D If you want me to follow you, just YELL AT ME I also own a XB360 and 3DS
Daniel Dan0606
hello i LOVE minecraft its practicly the only game i play exept for that a like playing Nentendo land mario kart8 and im trying to get terrairia (sorry if terrairia is spelt rong) im a RELLY GOOD FRIEND and i have some good friends too! its a win win for me and my friends if you want to be one of those friends send me a friend request and i will accept it i never reject friendrequest :)
Y2J Garrettiscool789
╲┏━┳━━━━━━━━┓╲╲ ╲┃◯┃╭┻┻╮╭┻┻╮┃╲╲ ╲┃╮┃┃╭╮┃┃╭╮┃┃╲╲ ╲┃╯┃┗┻┻┛┗┻┻┻┻╮╲ ╲┃◯┃╭╮╰╯┏━━━┳╯╲ ╲┃╭┃╰┏┳┳┳┳┓◯┃╲╲ ╲┃╰┃◯╰┗┛┗┛╯╭┃╲╲ 4100+ thanks! padens back
Ella ellaaaaaaaa
Coffe-kings sister
■◆Markus◆■ Markus0513
Oww you hit my face! The names Markus I'm a chill, "funny" person that rather be listening to music than playing video games. No 1 can stop this weirdo! |-/ May u leave me alone please.. Ok if ur scrolling this far I know ur intrested so follow me. Ok u can go.
ησσδιε☆ Emily23Bob
I'm Emily! ♡Yandere Simulator ♥♥♥♥♥ ♡I'm getting the Switch soon ♡Splatoon is very very special ♥♥♥♥♥ ♭Games I'll play♭ ♪Splatoon ♪Minecraft ∞Splatoon Info∞ Level: 28 Rank: B+ 28 ∞Splatoon 2∞ ∞Minecraft SE∞ ☆I only accept friend requests with a message
Lil Miss mommastone4
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probocor probocor
hello! im ashley im 16 i have 3 brothers... jackson 12 hes the most annoying one matt 13 hes responsible dilan 7 hes just annoying like little kids are XD (sorry to all little kids) my favorite color is blue my favorite food is pizza my favorite animal is cat i dont have a favorite game because theres so many great games
Jesiah Jesiah
Hey, I'm really into Minecraft. I'm a great builder and really good at tumble. Friend me!
ςáρ°Dυаяте supermariocar03
Hello welcome to my profile Unfollow=Hater Nope a Nintendo Switch :) 私のプロフィールへようこそ! Cιαήs: ςáр MK8 CC in Minecraft IT* in Splatoon Age:14 Follow My Sister IT*Padilla Plz No Wii U Chat Follow Me :P
ZubZero supersonic143687
Do u guys like trollingforlife well your in luck because im now posting stuff on miiverse so plaese subscribe to my channel or YEAH me on miiverse. THANK U GUYS SO MUCH I LIKE U GUYS STAY COOL AND KEEP ON TROLLING PEOPLE
JamesYaBoi JimbodiniB
hi im james i like splatoon it is cool:) my favourite colour is bule please friend request me thanks james :) i also like you tube if you want to be awsome friend me i like the all blacks see ya
Matt TrueTriz
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MACKENZIE Mackenzie1304
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Alex screamorfight
Hello welcome to my profile.I accept all friend request and if you follow me i follow you.I love to play minecraft with my that all for bye
TaraKitty TaraKittyCat
SuperNoahB NoahTheReactor
Welcome To My Account! My Favorite Track Is N64 Rainbow Road! Minecraft Is Fun! Come With Me, And Have Some Fun Together Very Soon!
Minecraft MinecraftCT
Official account of the Minecraft Community Team!
Demolisher Demolisher828
My name's Demolisher, I know that would mean I sound like a bad guy, but I am actually quite creative. I like to play games (overall, not just Wii U) such as - Pixel Gun 3D, Lost Reavers, Minecraft Wii U Edition & Pocket Edition, Terraria: Wii U Edition, War Dragons, the Fossil Fossil Fossil Fighters Franchise, and the Pokemon Franchise. I also make Minecraft Servers HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHHEHE
Ayhum ayhum11
godzilla Eldridges
Wings of fire
SuperLario SuperLarioBros
Hello Im DJ or SuperLario! I play minecraft Alot! But I aways love meeting new people! I hope you like the worlds I make in minecraft! My pen pal lanka always help in my city so thank him too for the worlds that I make, he helps me defeat hackers and greafiers! If you follow me I will follow you! Best friends(JackRedBird, Blackdice, robmadal TreyTrey, Juvxb1, ReecePuffs. Enemy (FireChase)
Omega8Omar The-Food-King-ID
A gamer trying to have some fun. I own Super Smash Bros., Minecraft, and Splatoon. If you want to have some fun message me.
Nano lolha707
Scotty psdav1970
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Julio Julio_EnjoyUp
Hi, I'm Julio, Game Designer of Abyss, ZombieBBQ, 99Bullets, Rock'N Racing Off Road... feel free to ask me any comment about our games.
Amy NintendoAmy
I'm Amy from Nintendo. I'll stop by to talk about fun activities and pointers about fun games, so be sure to look out for me!
cayden cayden05
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Tri Tsharkmegaladon
Hi my name is Tri or you can call me Tri. I love THE HUNGER GAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! minecraft,wii u games and sports i do fencing with swords and scuba diving my favorite color is blue and i love being friends with everybody!!yayayayayayaya!!!! P.S. from awesomeness !!!!
# $JR$ # family54
hey my name is junior im a good break dancer,i love all lego games mario games sonic games and more,i am a A and B student sometimes C+ and i play baseball,basketball,volley ball,soccer,football fav wrestler:john cena, fav movie star:cristian bale,fav game:SPLATOON,fav superhero:batman,fav singer and dancer:Michael jackson,fav greek god:POSEIDON,i love:god,jesus
alessandro alerocks2007
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cisco mosesxavier10
what's up my name is francisco,but you can call me cisco.I like all game!!!! I live in californa and born in 2002.I want to get 100,000 followers i hope i do. favorite color blue. favorite food i don't know. i want to be everyones friend. all of you guys are awesome!!!!!!! please follow =)
Vsauce Michael here and today, were are your fingers?
were are your fingers?
Vsauce Michael here and today, were are your fingers?
were are your fingers?
were are they?