шббму★kyle's Followers
haisam haisam37
hallo ich heiß haisam ich mag minicraft zu spielen
Erika Scarlet-Shinon_2
。_はろ茶_。 アルカトラズ連邦国防長官プリンツ・オイゲンです、 よろしくね♪ (本拠点)国名:京新アルカトラズ社会国家主義連邦&ソビエト社会主義共和国連邦 (仮拠点)国名:京新ウルフレトリア社会国家主義連邦 兵器戦力:7085/10000 軍人戦力:985/1000 所属軍事精鋭部隊 SSG特殊部隊JTK特殊部隊NSD特殊部隊 同盟国:フレンド 公用語:日本語、ロシア語 陸軍人数:約1千億 国歌「катюша」 陸軍行進曲「ブリティッシュ・グレナディアーズ」 海軍行進曲「海ゆかば」 空軍行進曲「航空行進曲」 総理大臣:私 国民:かえで様.りょうたろう様。 警戒国:無し 最後に一言。 Who Dares Wins(危険を冒す者が勝利する) Guten Morgen! 私は、重巡プリンツ・オイゲン。よろしくね♪ 誕生日:5月8日
lacomac123 harry459
hoi!!!! im lacomac! if u see me in gamez plz sent me a friend request! u can also see me on roblox or deviantart! you'l float too.
DrkDragon H2ODelirious244
Hey my name is Brandon,I am a gamer some videogames I usually play are MarioKart8,Super Mario Maker& Minecraft I need some friends so add me :P
helldog★☆● Gipfelstuermer06
Hello it's me , greenninja. I'm from germany I haven't got a boyfriend hobbys are : skating, play with my friends , play minecraft ( I love minecraft ) , speak english , play with my dog , but I didn't like: schow - off , peoples they thing : I'm the best I can everything , and I love : thunderstorm , listen musik you can send me friend requests see you later ! greenninja
Link300 turvo777
Splato 2 siiiiiii!!!!
yanou matoury97351
salut les amis
Jackson voyagers43
фSunRise☆ф unicorncoe
Hello, Im фSunRise☆ф. i'am a normal girl who has the hart of gaming and drawing. SPLATOON ROCKS BOI!!!!! LVL:37 RANK: B-B+ (probably we beetween those.) DONE THE FIANAL BOSSS YAY My Stars are: фKitKat2700ф, фlepicф, фRainHeroф and фSunRise☆ф. F4F EVERYBODY!! Shout out to pops and kit for being such grate friends <3. Have a awesome day stars. Shine like the stars you are <3☆
Samuel SMlestops
Salut je m'appelle Samuel j'ai 8ans Gentil★★★☆☆ Troll★★☆☆☆ Méchant☆☆☆☆☆(sauf quand vous êtes méchant avec moi) Sansible★★★★★
enderman xandazay2019
Kevin● orage12
Bienvenue dans mon mon 2 eme profil qui maintenant et mon 1er J'ai 18 ans. Si vous voulez des ami demander moi et on joura ensemble si on a le bon jeux (attention je joue jamais avec des jeux vidéo de PEGI 18.)
Euan-TYFC euan.cusiter
gustavo.mm sonic64mario
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Ashley Prestones19
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Alex Sales AugustoTrainerXD
ES 2017 deanstiel
hello!!my names dan from emerald squad2017 i like to play mine craft,ROBLOX,undertle and so much more! Friends My favourite friends are simmonsam10,Amon1237,koobkeb_tiny,williams.gaming,Jazzi alex,Robcar10. devises i play on... Wii u, nintendo DS, nintendo DSI, nintendo Wii, PS3,PS4, XBOX, PC, MAC 10.
Jayden jaydenemerypaul
Hi, Im Jayden Online[*] Offline [] I do Wii u Chat. I do Splatoon or Minecraft Multiplayer. If you want to play with me on Splatoon, Mario kart 8 or Minecraft, Friend me! Favorite Smash Character: Sonic. Out of Post? [] I am a nice gamer! ^-^
michael MCottFamily
antoine sggestsjtvuzes
Abbonez-vous ! Contre la fermeture de Miiverse ! Abbonez vous et je m'abbone !!!!
cool con Sir-Hydesalot
joshua joshuadixon2007
hi this is my first talk on miiverse
alisha fun8691
hi i like to wii u chat and please send me a friend request
かくせいネコにゃん tmkn0515
やぁぼくはフラウィー!おはなのぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉ((だまりんさい なんと なんとですよ?!?!フォロワーさんが100人を突破しました! 感謝します! あともうちょっとでミバおわる…… でも私は満足! 終わる前にフォロワーさんが100人を突破したので! イラリク募集!100人を突破したので 本気で書いていきます!1日でコメをつきらせるよう もったいないことしないよう 頑張ります! ありがとうございます。フォロワーの皆様! これは忘れません! いろんな絵が見れたこと、話したこと、絵の書き方を教えてくれた人! アンダーテール知っている人と仲良しになれたので、とても嬉しいです! リアル友達で1人しかいないので(アンダーテール) いろんなことを話せたので嬉しかったです! ミバさん フォロワーの皆様 今までありがとうございました!
Daisy pikachu25160
Hi! I'm Daisy! Yup, It's me, Peach's cousin. My 2ds LCD screen broke so I'm using the PC I live in Sarasaland I'm Christian I have a Wii,& a 2ds. I love commenting games, even when I don't have them. Please follow me! I will follow you in return, and if I follow you first, well... If I get Banned, remember me followers, REMEMBER ME... Why are u still here?!
stαr★ωσσму madisonsky05
he...l.lo? im.....s...hy sorry i'm sad okay plz leave plz okay fine have a cookie *cry's a little* okay now leave plz u stalker dont kill me plz im just a kid '-' (*_*).............................................(!!~!!) *foot step's* HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! yes it's my BIRTHDAY im 12 now so yeah BYE!!
Brady braedg
Miiverse will be closed in 11/7/17.
DOMINIK dominikkuempel
miiblitsy DabDabcauseIcan
hi there! ......? (oh? hi there! im blitsy. im a... pokemon? i guess... i do roleplays. and thats literly all.) thx for 153 flws♥ couldnt have made it this far without you.
BendysBack bAd-2-bOnE
hi. Im usaully on minecraft.Im A Master Of Battle Mode. I've Got DLC for Smash Bros. so BYE! i said bye? why are you still here? stop going down. well anyways online:Yes Posts:Yes have a good day.
Gamerbot Turbobrade
Hi my name is Bradey or Brade and I LOVE THE legend of Zelda series and the pokemon video game tv show card game my favourite food is spaghetti bolognese
regina Regina148
hola soy regina1480 y todos mis datos novio:??? mejor amiga o amigos son: daddy9bear, Franchuo♂,panditadita,diego125,mrfoxy,nekita y el último que siempre sera mi amigo ya no es amigo mio es gael cumpleaños: privado
Poke☆★Vane Frosquepikin
Alola mi nombre es Vanessa pero Vane esta bien,si les interesa sobre mí. Anime faborito:Pokémon luego DBZ y Mirai Nikki Pokémon fab: Xernias,Fennekin,Froakie,Pikachu y Squirtle Juegos que me gustan:Minecraft,FNAF Pokémon,de Sonic,Undertale,Vocalod,y de The Legend of Zelda Personaje fab de Sonic:Silver Soy fan de: Pokémon y The Legend of Zelda Juegos:MarioKart8,SuperSmashBros y Zelda Wind Waker.
Gil TheOfficialGil
Hey boys #SAVEMIIVERSE I have 13 years old. I love lego and Formule one. I practice Triathlon. And I am French...Yes French... Like my draw and follow my. 😎
Kill*me*!! loveUnicons
I am very nice and i love all my family and close frends. oh and l LOVE UNICONS SO MUCH. p,s i lost my dad one day before i whas born but i still have my amazing mum :)
♪{CP∞ρερ}♪ pepingold
Im Rank S On Splatoon and level 50 I love Splatoon minecraft and mario kart 8 My best friends are Eameael008 Youtendo5 DudeG2008 MaddogKLD and youtubeiscoollol I am amazing at Tumble battle and glide on minecraft with my world record on glide but i am good at all of them I am good at building stuff like statues I am amazing at rainmaker on splatoon i hardly ever lose
joe wilmabeast12
hello welcome to my page olso i need followerse 'francia salui jemepel joe
Jelly Bean Kneppy1234
Status: Not In a Relationship I'm 12 My 1st follower: Kendall My 122 follower: Superstar☆ Thank u guys for 122 followers!! I would like to get 150 followers before Miiverse shuts down so if I can get that many followers I will follow you guys back!
TBNR★Wommy Pikachu-22-Kenny
HI i new here Friend reqwest me plz im lonly my youtube channel Pumba (^o^) BYE MY FANS AND FOLLOW ME (^-^) i dont do wiiu vids sorry
Brandon princessb87
my name is brandon i like splatoon mk8 super smash bros fav youtubers abm 456 jaymoji skul viantastic calliemacn octoboy gabrel gamer
Boss princess_diana83
Hi I Like To Play Animal Crossing New Leaf Welcome amiibo game .My Updated DA: Is 5C00-009A-EB58
Hey you! Yes you! Feel free to ask if you want me to yeah some of your posts! Im a yeah giver. ...
Hey you! Yes you! Feel free to ask if you want me to yeah some of your posts! Im a yeah giver. Im in 4 clans, such as øмεgå, KS★ and SA★!Im the leader of the шббму nation clan 12 members in the clan! Just ask to join! Co-Owner:шп★Louis. Every follow and yeah is much appreciated!
Can I get to 800 followers by the end miiverse. I know thats a big difference from my amount of followers. Bye!