Users шббму★kyle Is Following
Jackson voyagers43
фSunRise☆ф unicorncoe
Hello, Im фSunRise☆ф. i'am a normal girl who has the hart of gaming and drawing. SPLATOON ROCKS BOI!!!!! LVL:37 RANK: B-B+ (probably we beetween those.) DONE THE FIANAL BOSSS YAY My Stars are: фKitKat2700ф, фlepicф, фRainHeroф and фSunRise☆ф. F4F EVERYBODY!! Shout out to pops and kit for being such grate friends <3. Have a awesome day stars. Shine like the stars you are <3☆
Euan-TYFC euan.cusiter
Daisy pikachu25160
Hi! I'm Daisy! Yup, It's me, Peach's cousin. My 2ds LCD screen broke so I'm using the PC I live in Sarasaland I'm Christian I have a Wii,& a 2ds. I love commenting games, even when I don't have them. Please follow me! I will follow you in return, and if I follow you first, well... If I get Banned, remember me followers, REMEMBER ME... Why are u still here?!
PJ 360 prhamz
ok i dont have mincraft eny more doo to my brothers love of throughing game discs at the woll ( same with splatoon ) -_-
joe wilmabeast12
hello welcome to my page olso i need followerse 'francia salui jemepel joe
°Sushiim° moonlightunicorn
I love all sorts of games, but my favourites include... Splatoon, Pokémon, Mario Kart and Animal Crossing. And I am absolutely addicted to pokemon BTW i do have a 3ds, i dont go on miiverse on it because i forgot my login X3
Savva SavvaDm_2017
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Noah14.0 Noahtalley16
im noah
Sans weeeeeyew
Hey there i'm sans and i play undertale also i like minecraft,undertale
Luke LukeG890074
おはこんばんにちは♪あこっぴ♪です!! ミーバースが終わってしまう…悲しい 今までたくさんの人、ありがとう!☆ まだ、ミーバースは最後までやります その間に、フォローしてくれると…… わがままだけど嬉しいな☆ヨロです! ミバ友達s、いつも有り難う~♪ 誘ってくれたりトークしてくれたり… とっーーーーーーーても嬉しいです!! 私のミバダイダイ親友を紹介シマッスル~w 名前が変わって、ナツメノコニナッル~w もう一人 紅華ってうちは、呼んでますっw 二人を仲良くしてあげてくださいね♪ いじめたらだめだよぉόдό ~音楽友達~ みさ(みさき)、☆★ゆず★☆です!! 仲良くしてあげてね~♪いじめたらだめだよόώό
DS★Carlos sunnysofi
Hello everyone im actually pretty new to Wii U so if you would like to be my friend go right ahead but I Will Not Freind People that either say bad words or a bunch of bad WORDS! Ok One More Thing Please Follow Me! One Last Thing! If You Think I'm A Girl I'm Actually A Boy! Bye!!!!!
Manny Rat LankyPsy
50 followers! Get in! Thank you guys! Thank you Isaac to for being the 50th follower! Next stop 80 followers. Whoever gets me there will get a shoutout! THANKS! Also plz comment on my posts #BlackScreen to get a shoutout These are the games I play: -Kirby Clash -Splatoon -Mario/Luigi Bros. U -Mk 8 -Super Smash Bros. Plz follow me! Oh yeah, btw I know Lukie (MegaLucarioFan) Follow him
Jaden PikachuWarrior01
Hey guys. What i play is minecraft splatoon SSB MK8 Pokémon S and M and ACNL. People u should follow are AnimeNerd018 178cheeselover ToyBreadly xoxoxo090 also me CastleWarrior. Im 12. Thx for 200 followers \(^o^)/ Also if u want to join the Pika Squad just ask and i can set you up. Also if u want to play minecraft on survival just ask. See Ya PEACE!!!!! Pika Squad
isa SmileySasori-san
Eyyyyyyyy I'm Isa aka meme addict xD I like to draw and love to be weird with my friends since its super much fun !!!! Be prepared for random doodles and my craziness. I'm not that much online but I'm looking forward to fun conversations.
SB-Captain SillyCaptain
I met great people on mv. But since it's closing.. Anyways let's keep in touch! My 1N5T@GR@M: FROM.A.NEW.SHEET I belong to zero <3
Natalie NTBR10
Hallo! \('v')/ I'm pretty borring, just to let ya know. I love to draw trashy art, ovo)b play video games, and watch anime! Nothing special. I'm Also a very shy person. ~v~)b But I hope to meet many people and make some friends ^^ Well thats all I got, Thank you for reading this trash! 'v')b
lelwhat™ ScoopyTOP
@spooky_bands_brooks go to google if you wanna keep contact after the end of Miiverse.
»Stαtisky Statisky
Thanks for the nice memories! Sorry for any possible inconvenience. I'm away from my WiiU at moment. Peace to everyone! Farewell, Miiverse.
What's up everybody! It's me, MARIO4EVER! I'm a really nice guy who sucks at drawing and socializing I like Mario, Sonic, and any other game you can think of. u can leave, i'm boring, ugly, and un interesting lol..... I WiiU chat with people I trust/ask
ψ†Dwayz†ψ™ PokeBigFan
J'ai fais une rencontre il y a un peu Plus d'un an,rencontre INOUBLIABLE, rencontre FORMIDABLE, rencontre IMPROBABLE, qui aura été la plus belle de toutes les rencontres que j'ai faites ici, ta rencontre Evy ♪Je me souvient de l'année dernière, quand sur l.a on parlait pas encore vraiment et maintenant je pense à aujourd'hui tu es ma meilleur amie, une amie en or à toujours dans mon cœur ♪\\^o^//♪
Акаиε Akane_Doragon
Akane |♀|16| ~Artist|Musican|Otaku ~Cat Lover ———————————————— ~I will take requests but i may not post them right away due to school and band ~My irl friend is HelloKitty|Go check out her profile she does amazing work ———————————————— ~Feel free to comment|yeah my posts|follow me ~Thnx you|Have a nice day
Lyn' 3DSNetworkA
Adieu! T^T I thank you all, I love you, that was the biggest and funniest experience I have ever seen...;( ‹3 ;-;
Shelbilina Tokyo_Chloe14
I won't be here that much any more, but I'll visit... DON'T WORRY!!! GOOD BYE EVERYONE I HAD SUCH A GOOD TIME ON MIIVERSE I WISH IT WOULD NEVER END...
Novaya CodeGearZ
Heyo I'm NovayaCM! Its been fun hanging around, cyall elsewhere! ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪ ご支援ありがとうございます!ここは楽しい
Trashbot cs.go.s2nduser
bye miiverse Hi I'm Michael Just call me Trashbot, I Make Drawings and Garbage I Like Stuff Such as Steven universe ,Nintendo and Sonic, Previous Account November 25th 2013 , This Account November 17th 2016, -American Irish Cool people Derpjacob Tigrex C Meister Grayson879 Cillian Laurzy Amethyst is love, Amethyst is life, -15
AdamTF Fishleadam
Yo sup? The names Adam Thanks for 4000+ I'm a mutant fish with an ego the size of the moon. Few things bout me: 1 I NEVER accept blank friend requests 2 Please don't ask me to follow you (I get it too often. XD) 3 I don't Wii U chat 4 I don't answer questions outside of Ask Adam Make sure ya check out AdamTF_2 This is the fish, signing off -AdamTF
Pumpkin SourFace144
Happy Halloween! Have a great thanksgiving! Merry christmas! And happy new year Won't tell yall this when this site ends so might as well tell you now...
しょうた shota626
Pumpkin Oscarine
mad butt brookemontoya
kaya~scorp jtm_Rey-Mysterio
Et kiki jtm jtm jtm !!!!!!! #jesuischarlie #jesuisparis ou #prayforparis #jesuisbruxelle bon on petite music du panda de slg deviner c quoi ^~^ ¡! ON VIT, ON PLEUR, ON CHIT, ONMEUUUUUEUUUURT !¡
グリーンダカラちゃん tomiyqmqkonomi
おはよぉ~♪ こんちはぁ~♪ こんばんちゃぁ~す♪ グリーンダカラです!! 気軽にか話してくれると嬉しぃ…… では、自己紹介いくよぉぉ!? 性格 うるさいよぉぉ~↑↑ しつこい× あっさり○ しつこい子はキラィだど!!w あっさりちゃんは、大好きだぁ~! あと、ノリがいい子かな☆ 年齢 10歳以上15歳未満だよぉ! 性別 女子だぞぉ! ~やっているゲーム~ スプラトゥーン(S+) 動森 うごメモ(新人w) とか、かなぁ…… あ!フォローしてくれたら、絶対返します!! じゃ、おわり♪ バイバァ~イ!
Hey you! Yes you! Feel free to ask if you want me to yeah some of your posts! Im a yeah giver. ...
Hey you! Yes you! Feel free to ask if you want me to yeah some of your posts! Im a yeah giver. Im in 4 clans, such as øмεgå, KS★ and SA★!Im the leader of the шббму nation clan 12 members in the clan! Just ask to join! Co-Owner:шп★Louis. Every follow and yeah is much appreciated!
Can I get to 800 followers by the end miiverse. I know thats a big difference from my amount of followers. Bye!