шббму★kyle's Friends
Dolphin Louisebonar2005
Hi guys i play minecraft and accept any friend requests i only play minecraft really so if anyone wants to play with me feel free to add
Euan-TYFC euan.cusiter
Shaina shaina0007
hi my name is shaina as you all now just to let you no i am not a open book ok i like dog's i love minecraft and i love anime's i like my friends ok bye oh yeah and i am 13 year old
DiamondBoy Diamond_Boy_82
Hello This Is My third account My last accounts name was Maxthawesome67 and my First accounts name Is maxthawesome65 I Love Minecraft And Mariokart 8 So if you are freinds With Maxthawesome67 you sould know me. Anyways Just have a great day And be safe :-> p.s. I Just got Splatoon
Cow Lover! hiurweird
Hello there! WE crushed 250 followers! how abot 400 followers and 60 friends??? My video games that i have are Splatoon (Wii U) Super Smash Bros. (Wii U) Minecraft (PC) and MC Story Mode (Wii U)! PLEASE LET ME REACH MY GOAL! ONLY YOU GUYS MATTER!
mollbob mollyandsam
hi i love splatoon so if anyone wants to play with me they can
TWP TitanWiiPlaza
HI, im TitanWiiPlaza or jeremiah, wanna know me? -my best friends are XgodessXWiiPlaza and OMG_ITZ_WILLOW there like awsome little sisters to me :') _im 15 and my favorite colors are green and blue mostly green -if u have cod bo2 join my can [TWP] [GWP] [SoLr] or [TGS] -also im 17 and need a gamer girlfriend age 15-17 add me! -favorite anime is attack on TITAN and kill la kill JOI
Dominic hyperssonic
plz follow me i want to get to 1000 followers befor miiverse ends go follow these guys ( these are there username ) alexia533 and paperyoshi )
Kill*me*!! loveUnicons
I am very nice and i love all my family and close frends. oh and l LOVE UNICONS SO MUCH. p,s i lost my dad one day before i whas born but i still have my amazing mum :)
DAD D00oD00o
This user's profile comment is private.
SLD|Asuna asunakirito12390
part of a clan called SLD best friends are... grace5006 lilly33013 trinity_thegamer_12 derpynoob123 [bf :>>>] starghost33 larissa and my bff phoenixlolololkk and, my bff bläçk09826 they dont have a wii u
danilowiiu yarpoi9
hola añademe y jugamos minecrasft mi nobre es danilo
GH☆Tiny! kookceb_tiny
it's pronounced Koo Keb im the leader of the gold helm clan! but... Due to leocypher, im closing the gold helm clan
ZGgn-Z_ib Z_ibGaming08
About Me Favorite Game On WiiU: Minecraft Favorite Book: Diary Of A Wimpy Kid Double Down Favorite Food: Hot Dogs Favorite Game Console That I Have: XBOX 1 S Favorite Song: Solar Eclipses Ft. Hollywood Principal Best Friends: junior160107 and Brown5WiiU Can WiiU Chat My YT Channel is Z_ibGaming 08 my clan is ZGgN Members are KocoKids
Ink♀Sophie SophieRosebowman
Hi! my name is Sophie!(^o^) i am just a 13y/o Woomy who wuvs Splatoon & is Still trying 2 Reach lvl 50! XD ma B~day is on da 27th February & i have 2 Brothers (only 1 of dem has a wii u!) PLZ READ!--»my Feelings Can B hurt VERY Easily so pls B very careful about wat u say in the Comments. thnks!^^ & thnks for over 850 Followers! Woomy!\(^o^)/
sam baileysambruce
BlueTH DjTayTheBoss
Hey! You may call me BlueTH or MK8M. I am cool and i love the color blue im not a yeahbomber im just a yeaher that means i dont really yeah like that because i dont wanna get BANNED!! My Clans ZK Zero (Member) Mario Kart 8 The Pros and the Bros!(Onwer) Mario Kart 8 Chatting!(Owner) Lost Reavers Pros Only!(Owner) Want me to join your clan? tell me on any of my post. Sincerly BlueTH
£€¥ųůβ juleisy245
always here this is an 13 year old girl i play minecraft, splatoon ,mariocart 8 and i really love having friends and making friends
CrazyLegs rawduckyo6497
Ah, I guess you have found my profile eh? Let me tell ya, I LOVE MC!! Some of my great friends on there are debby75, putypie, Sergioa, Leenie, Kora, Shilo, John, DanyNinja, Supergamerkid, Nick, jessemarsh, ptdamato and a bunch of others! (Even if I didn't put your name, don't worry!) Btw IM A URNICURN! (Sergioa would get the joke) (^o^) Oh yeah! Please remember to follow me!
kei-chan mymommasaid
Profile Currently Unkown
samuel bossamuel
i am not brown its just my character
elcolme elcolme
erick fong erickfong
mario jegheterjens1234
spar sparpookie75
Hey, I see you found my profile i guess your here for info ⇒ Im a guy ⇒ Wait whats my age again? ⇒ I rarely use wii u chat Experience at building¦ Good *please dont yeahbomb/yeahgive me *Cool people* jag123 has a nintendo switch[√] quiting wii u [X] #corrin in the house #cloud OP
KS‹Silver› Silvey-Silver
Hey I'm Silver Stryker, some call me Silvey -×- I'm 15 years old '¤●¤' I play baseball, soccer, basketball, hockey and football @{}@ I'M THE LEADER OF THE KNIGHTS OF SILVER (KS) 62 total members in KS! KS Record: 3-0-0 Allies: TP & ZZ Alright, Silvey out :P (・ω・)ノ (⌒▽⌒) Sora=Senpai XD
Luke LukeG890074
Victor Epic15play
Nothing to see here :P Rien à voir ici :D
jack Linkstet9000
my name is jack , i am twelve,love splatoon(my only wii u game) and will accept friend request or play splatoon
Alex pikomn
Hello im Alex im ??? years old i live in belgië i can speak vlaams and czech my favorite games are 1. minecraft 2. splatoon 3. smash bros my best friend on miiverse is care26 4. mario bros favorite food pizza favorite colors red,blue,black and green
Usmaan Uzidude265
BLOBBY phantomkisses
♥ Hey im Saffron or Phantomkisses and i am a APH (Axis powers hetalia) Fangirl who loves drawing and hanging out with my sqaud and also making new friends well if you have dark humour like me ♥ Besties: ★Pisces, Abri, Glitterpop, Danny, Gilbird, Seanog★ Sqaud: ♥★Abri,Pisces, MyYoutuders★♥ Anime i like include: Hetalia♥ Black butler♥ Attack on titan♥ Free!♥ AND MANY MORE ♡well have a nice day♡
Derpy Derpiscool21
Hoi, I'm back! I'm a minecraft builder, ask me if you want me to make something for you, tell me plz. I also teach PVP so if you want lessons, just ask.
me nachohead66
i play minecraft
stephen hoofedclock4
good news my account is up again the service will work again I will start accepting friend request again and wii u chat calls as well so everyone will start seeing my post again im sorry i havent posted anything since a year ago that will change you will start seeing post again on my account but if I want to wii u chat with you you need to send me a friend request hoofedclock thanks everyone by.
☆★☆ryan☆★☆ ryan1984rich
hey guys im Ryan and i love action packed games and love to meet new friends/people although my mii looks nothing like since i dont have glasses its cool if you wanna play minecraft FRIEND ME!!! I pWaY mInCwAf
аеsтнеτıc hayley82007
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kevin tran kevinnart
°Sushiim° moonlightunicorn
I love all sorts of games, but my favourites include... Splatoon, Pokémon, Mario Kart and Animal Crossing. And I am absolutely addicted to pokemon BTW i do have a 3ds, i dont go on miiverse on it because i forgot my login X3
xLiamLinkx fullershome29
Alola... (this is getting old) I'm Liam , and i've had a makeover! I like Legend of Zelda, Super Mario, Call of Duty, Metroid, Destiny and F-Zero. I Have a PS4 , Wii U , New 3DS XL and Getting a Nintendo Switch.
Yoshi monuhoralie63dr
Yoshi (Hi guys ,I Play lego marvel superheroes, And I also play Splatoon and lego movie videogame, Minecraft Wii U edition, new super mario bros. wii U and demoes. Im Mario's pet and in my freind list, u can too if u nice to me or help me or if ur a fan of me bbbbbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
haidy haidy123
ethan toptado555
Boomtastic ExtremeEmerald12
Hello! I have a special love for Nintendo because ever since I was five, I played all day on my DS. I have owned the DS, DSI XL,and the Wii. Now that I play on my Wii U and 3DS XL, I tend to look back to my little kid years and think, electronics weren't like what we have nowadays. Nintendo has grown so much. I will always have a place in my heart for Nintendo, even now in my teen-age years. :D
†ιεοη† CryoxHD
#Nintendo4Life Hey Guys im a big nintendo fan♥ Add me and we can play together :) I'm from Germany← Thx for 200 Follower♥♥♥ ♪I listen to: Cloud Rap♪ ♡I love Japan♡ ☆My favourite food is Pizza☆ My favourite Games:MK8, TomoDachi Life, Splatoon Favourite Artist:£εα★Cro♪ H A V E A N I C E D A Y
SoDaftMN florian_iem
Read More
гς★мιlеς™ SuperMegatron321
Hey! I'm a huge Splatoon fan. I'm 17 years old and Iike games such as MK8, Super Mario Maker, Splatoon, and SSB. No Wii U Chat Clans I'm in: KS★ мςν★ гς Also currently an S rank.
misty mememe99
ZεηNεκσ★☆★ LoliNekito
Hola my name is Matteo and i am italian About me: i have the 3ds, Wii U, and a phone (i play only Deemo on it) Current Age: 14 Favorite Songs: Aragami, Marigold(M2U) Birthday: 11 September Well for now it's all see ya (^-^) 3ds Account : DarkMatteo... ID Darkatteo
Knightmare kirbytu
ciao mi chiamo alessandro ho 11 anni e il mio gioco preferito e' skylander superchargers
WNjoshua summjosh1977
okay so guys im getting my nintendo switch tomorrow so i wont be on my wiiu anymore for the last time peace out bye);...WHO AM I KIDDING I,LL STIL BE ON!!!!!(;!!!!!!!!!!!
neighbor Kohnlee10
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Nicole nicoleelawson123
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BlueSky.am jfizzy246
Hello! Really what I mostly see is people doing cheesy quote! So here is mine.↓ Happiness is inside of everyone, sometimes you need someone to help you find it.♡ Make sure you find someone important to you, and the person I have is my bestfriend. Have a great day. ( I know that is cringey because quotes are cringey)
Jarell★EBK Lints11
Hi, I am Jarell★EBK... My Wanted Switch games: -Mario Kart 8 Deluxe/MK8DX -Super Bomberman R -Super Mario Odyssey -Minecraft Switch Edition -Splatoon 2 -Sonic Mania -Sonic Forces -Inversus Deluxe I'm a banana PK Fire BEKFAST!
loveiskeyü Seminole8888
stijn hello.boy.girl
hi i am stijn and i love to play nintendo games.I accept friend requests. splatoon level is 36 smash bros mains are bowser, little mac and pikachu mario kart online score is 2230
Shabbir SmashForces
Hi im Shabbir.Im the leader of the smash clan.Any friend of you is a friend of mine.i finally got a Wii U :D.ill happily be your friend. smash clan's latest members: yasin (yasinstarley)
Hiya Peeps! I am ARTHUR PKC! Earthbound and AC are my favourites! Ness and Rover best! M●ther4Team Member. Out soon! Im in a group of Good Friends on Miiverse- Master lee, Jules, Ron, Pete, James and Scamp! My other good friends are-Luke, and David Follow them Pls! Who wants M●ther 4? Join the PKCLAN! For Tournaments and Chat! Please join on my fave post! 3DS-Arthur SSB Main-Ness Cya! :)
kiler357 sonmmariogamer
Hi guys I'm kiler357 my favourite game ever is Disney infinity Besides Minecraft And Super Smash Bros And Call Of Duty
Overscore™ rilesjrfam
(>●•●)›––★•:˙º·.▲◆▼ ___________ Overscore ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Greeting, It is I, Overscore! Lol Hello users of miiverse. I'm a very i n t r e s t i n g (not) person. So if ya' like watcha' see, don't hesitate to S M A S H that follow button! ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ • Skeppy is best MC Ψoutuber. •Learning Japanese (J•υ•)J •I mainly post In NSLU. ____________________ Thanks 4 your time! (ÔωÕ)/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
Hi miiverse friends l'm Dom-Cena. I love Lego games,Mario games and more. I have Splatoon, Mario kart 8, Lego marvels Avengers, Batman arkham Origins, Call Of Duty Black Ops 2, Lego star wars TFA, Nintendoland and more. i like Shooting games, aventure games and sporting games. My real name is Dominic but i go by Dom-Cena. I like the wii u chat. I can talk to many people on wii u chat.
Zarder™ 18 lewis180606
NAME Zarder™ 18 but my real name is Lewis BIRTHDAY 18.6.06 I tend to change my mii a lot though i don't really look like them GAMES I PLAY SSB4 splatoon mario maker skylanders imaginators hyrule warriors MK8 Fav Youtubers ... itsalexclark theodd1sout adsfmovies Introspective and domics I wish i could draw accept all freind requests close to 200 followers which is AWSOME
TBD*Pixel bookmark10
What is good, miiverse?? I am an awesome builder so if you need help with a map tell me!!! Heres some stuff about me! I Have modded my wii u, i have a nintendo switch, I am a youtuber, i have discord And...................I LIKE TRAINS!!!!!! XD jk
Matt Pat Hillb79
☆Hamish☆ camscampbell
pleaz plae splaton wif mea evry dae bi frending mea xD
william Expansion_Pack
WNLouisHF★ coolguylou
hi im Louis my best mate is joshua and HFU★ noah l like games like mario kart 8 minecraft splatoon youtube and terraria also do you even stunt bro :) miiverse we will always miss you :( and im in a clan and a faction ;) im in the ш66мy nation clan owner:superdudekyle co-owner:wnLouisHF★
chayse marvelhero2010
i am 7 years old I love playing splatoon play it ever day wen school finesh is i go on my wii u then xbox360 BE FRESHHHHH every one ... Then wen i was 6 years old i defytid the final boss I WAS SOOOO SOOOOO SOOO SO SO HAPPY I am year 3 in my school I have 99 frends on XBOX360!
Patate shadowsky100
i like playing super smash bros and splatoon. my favorite gaming series is fire emblem and second is super smash bros. i send posts not often but sometimes.
☆ Nεαεг ☆ Neaer567
★ Welcome to my profile! ★ Although you are a little late... Rest in Peace Miiverse 2012 - 2017
D.C. WII U Betzfamily.info
hey! here are some things about me!↓ update status: im back until splatoon 2 comes out
chregu Christian1994
hi everyone!! im 22 years old and i LOVE Splatoon! my phrase to it is: Splatoon is love, Splatoon is live! feel free to send me a friend request if you wanna play Splatoon! my fav. mode is rainmaker(goldfisch), fav. map is walley warehouse(kofferfisch lager) top 5 games are: 1.Splatoon 2.TLoZ: A link to the past 3.Top Gear 2 4.TLoZ: Ocarina of time 5.Super Mario 64
Capn Woomy SupaEpic
Find me on Discord! Captain Woomy #7709 *Captain of all Woomys since September 24th, 2015* *Recruiting new Woomys 24/7/365* My mission is to educate all squids on the importance of Woomy. Together my army and I will spread woominess throughout the entire world. Remember this and NEVER forget it: Woomy is love, Woomy is life. Now get out there and woomy your little hearts out.
Hey you! Yes you! Feel free to ask if you want me to yeah some of your posts! Im a yeah giver. ...
Hey you! Yes you! Feel free to ask if you want me to yeah some of your posts! Im a yeah giver. Im in 4 clans, such as øмεgå, KS★ and SA★!Im the leader of the шббму nation clan 12 members in the clan! Just ask to join! Co-Owner:шп★Louis. Every follow and yeah is much appreciated!
Can I get to 800 followers by the end miiverse. I know thats a big difference from my amount of followers. Bye!