Zash Kong's Followers
Ahmad Adel Ahmoody2015
I love video games I have a GameCube, Wii, Nintendo 2DS, New Nintendo 2DS XL, Wii U, PS4, Nintendo Switch, PC Windows 10, and an iPhone 6s Plus. Nothing here I assure you there is nothing here. Really there is nothing here. Free Cookies!
Richard Siviney
МικυΚαωαιι DaisyPeachRosie3
Hi! My name is Tsetsuko Arisugawa but my name for my friends is Miku. I am 12 years old. I speak english a little (but my english is great!).I love drawing (I draw kawaii),listing music,dancing and playing video game!!!!!!!! I don't like speak french on miiverse I prefer speak english or deutsch;))
MissGaming MlleMelissa4
βαηсночг ›‹ ďмапdе моi еп амiе ˘^˘ λsепа мv ♥ Г.i.p мiiνегs ._. Моп мsр : XxMiissGamingxX ηiν 20 .ω. вгеƒ сiоо •˛•
William ilovemario2000
Aléx xanderman101
why hello thier my name is alex i am 7 and i like nintedo im a fanboy ... Well thiers not much to express ... so what would you like to do im bored sometimes ... do you want to play minecraft? ... huh what do you want to do ? :D i have the perfect idea we can friend each other do you have a 3DS or a wiiu or both tell me in the comments...
zero luigiman2222
George georgemarleyphl2
This is the alternate account of georgemarleyphil. Posts on this account will mostly be Super Mario Maker courses.
なまたまごNo1 keiyuu2322
どうも!中学一年生です。学級委員長をやってます。 マイクラ:スプラ:マリカー:マリテニをやってます。もし自分が強いと思いましたらフレリクお願いします! でも、チーターやハッカーは受け入れません。こちらからフレリクを、送る時もあります。 まだ、フォロワーは590人弱と少ないですが、なるべく沢山の投稿をしていきたいと思いますのでフォローよろしくお願いします。
Julin Schlaumenal
hi wie geht es dir? hi how are you? ich liebe es wenn mann mich anruft!i love it when everyone calls me!:) =) ♥♥♥♡♡♥♥♥♡☆☆☆★★☆☆
v mmmmmmmmmmmmmmvv
totem_3321 ifuui3321
こんにちは! $がほしいです! 僕はようつべ(youtube)がだいすきです! youtuberはれるりふさんがおすすめです! おそまつさんのgameを主に実況しています! これから宜しくお願いします! フォローよろしくー! youtubeでも活動していますw(ガチ)
PυŁςε⇔.ıI÷ Eth_1123
Hello Mııverse!!!!! I'm ξτнαπ. I'm diligent and nice!!! I'm just a 11 year old boy who has autism, but lives a normal, happy life. Bans: 0 Reported Miis : 1 I Have a Switch Clans: MКЯ ιξr Hobbies: • Playing Mario • Ragdoll Cats! • Our awesome clan МКЯ! (MarioKartRacing) (6th Worldwide best time holder at Wuhu Mountain Loop [Maka Wuhu] (MarioKart 7) Я.I.P Miiverse 2012-2017 - PυŁςε⇔.ıI÷
bob Weremammoth
The world is a scene. -Shakespear Since this place is to end, I have to thanks all the people I have meet, all the people that I have dueled in Splatoon, all the people that I have raced again in Mario Kart, all the people in Minecraft, and, of course, all the artists I have meet. To all of you, Thanks, and take care. bob
Kaitlyn redleaf11
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こうた kota0620a
Mario It_Ah_Me_Mario
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Thomas² 134313
My nickname is Tom, t-dog,tbird and T or you can just call me Thomas. I love animals gaming gardening raising animals and nature having fun. And I like all mario skylander and minecraft games and many many more. So follow me and send me a friend request and we can play together. And I love showing off some of my awesome minecraft worlds so join sometime. P.S Cant wait to hear from you guys.
υмм★кιегдл imweirdandproud
Hey, I'm Kieran. School and homework take a lot of time. I'm in Pre-algebra so I get lots of homework. I'm not online too much anymore during the week, but weekends I still am my old self. SMM: 8K★s MK8: 5K √R
•★Яαƒу★• Rafster13
Ħı l'м •★Яαƒу★• øиε øf tħε αłts øf •★Яαƒαεł★•!! Mαкε sυяε tø gø føłłøω му мαıи αccøυиt αиd му øtħεя αłt •★Яαƒα★•!! (Mııνεяsε Jøıи Ðαtε: 2/26/16) (Stαtυs: ØFFŁIИΞ) Cłαиs l'м ıи: Team Darkrai (ÐISßΛИÐΞÐ/Łεαdεя) MКЯ (ÐISßΛИÐΞÐ/Łεαdεя) PR★ (Ałłıε) λP (Ałłıε) USB АЯ ΣΨ ин Tħαикs, ßуε!! ★☆Я.I.P. Mııvεяsε 2O12-2O17☆★ ▲▼#Ðερяεssıøи…▼▲ - •★Яαƒу★• [ΛССØUИТ IИΛСТIVΞ PΞЯMΛИΞИTŁУ.]
tuffwell danielclonefan17
hola amigos soy micheal organizar no kilómetros amigos soy likes power rangers all game characters and all tv show characters food he likes is......... hot dogs corn dogs french fries food dont like is............. potato salad
Isaiah MetalPetal
hi my name is isaiah and play splatoon, smash, and wooly wrlod '!' and i play my 3ds xl that i got when i was 5 its really old!!!!!!! lol. :) i play netendio land and other games to like pikmen i beat pikmen 1, and 2. see ya wow your still here??????? you relized this is stupid 12345780$ didn't relized i skiped seven wait there is a 7!!!bye
Snoopy Dkin3056gmailcom
well i wanna say thank-you all for taking a look at my profile and if your reading this just know your AWESOME and no one can take that from you thank ya for the 268 followers:) p.s I'm a convicational guy so if your my friend im gonna spam you with messages until you respond back and im a gaming pro ( also I've just made-up a new word )
Rajeen Rajeen02
αηsεм★☆ TheGlamourGroup
I like Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, etc. lol My real name is Yuna. My old account got deleted. Now follow: cj, Niηjαβøγ99, KoFluffeon, ★ÐαгκШøĺƒ☆, and all my friends. Drawing. ...yes I play Super Smash Bros. Wii U, Xenoblade X, Minecraft, AC:NL, and Mario Kart 8 very often. If you want to play, just ask. p.s. my old Mii name was Creepyness. Oh yeah I follow back.
★Rosαlinα★ kaylaskye
★Profile comment hidden by reckless Lumas. Ha, Joking! Greetings Fellow Starling! Anyway, I'm Rosalina, watcher of the cosmos. I live with my lumas on my Comet Observatory. They've been getting really reckless lately... -_-' "Hey! Stop That!" Ugh... I try my very best to protect the galaxy within my reach.I will with the help of my lumas and you all! Welp, they're breaking things again, see ya! :D
Exciton☆Vξ ChobitsLove
Leader Of TBG: the Sm4sh Clan TO BE GOAT! Look at open discussion if you wanna join! I main Pikachu, second Falcon! Peace!
Owen Cannoncool234
Hello my name is Owen. My nickname is Cannoncool234. I got it when I was making an account on Quizlet for school, and there was a penguin commercial on TV. I hit generate random account name, and that's what it came up with. I love to draw and play video games. I love anime and manga, and I like to draw it. Check out Angel, Daniel EDC, and Yugibro!
Falco buzzcut97
yo! Falco here! ace pilot of the star fox team (but don't tell fox I said that.)! welcome to my profile. I like to post random stuff every once in a while. and despite what the rest of the star fox crew may have said, I'm actually pretty friendly, so don't be afraid to start a conversation. real name: Cameron.
Jakob kholl7
elena 677707
cc je suis youtubes
Just Aidan 30PostLimitSucks
What's up guys hammyyy here
OMGITZJosh Joshyboy64
My name is Josh Shaun John Grant and I am a awesome player, just not good at kaizo and stuff like that. I,m 9 years old and good at SMM. I would like to have as many friends as I can. Clans: Electronic Sisyty (Its is my NEW clan Thing.) NLM T7W Youtube Video- Meme Machine #Joshmakesameme Just ask me to join ES [Sonic Land In Progress] Boiiiiiiiii -Nuggets
Giacomo Giacomo008
(NO WII U CHAT.) Ciao mi chiamo Giacomo, ho 9 anni e mi piace giocare a Mario Kart 8 e a Splatoon!!!! e vorrei avere tantissimi amici, mi raccomando cliccate sì sui miei post e seguitemi
Joker Zajoker
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Yaw Tulo100
Hi, i'm zash27
here are some things about mē
Favorite foods:
1. Shrimp
2. Fish
3. Sushi
4. Chicke...
Hi, i'm zash27
here are some things about mē
Favorite foods:
1. Shrimp
2. Fish
3. Sushi
4. Chicken
5. Fries
6. Fried Okra
7. Ribs
Favorite Restaurant>Mongolian Grill
Favorite Game Series: Pikmin, Donkey Kong, Mario, Starfox & The Legend of Zelda. DKC2 is my favorite game followed by DKC, DKC3, DK64, DKC: TF & DKCR. Peace!