Users Zash Kong Is Following
★Harriet★X PrincessHarrixx
Follow: Squishypanda101 Bunnylover1010 JoshTL Jac Clow Gul Flynn Dark Cj Ryan, RyanEmiel James, Minemas ★Memories★ Lee, MadlyPancake143 Shaneo mac Mankalor Riddler BIGSCOTTY65 Umaari Omar fraser317 Ty-Ty♪ ^_^Emma^_^ porkypig8 kittycat Babycraft JoshTL EJ, MiniActor luna Evilcrafty WindWolf If you hate on ANY Of my friends, You Will Have to go through ME
George georgemarleyphl2
This is the alternate account of georgemarleyphil. Posts on this account will mostly be Super Mario Maker courses.
zero luigiman2222
Branson Pikawarrior13
I'm just a guy that loves memes, brownies, and parties! I play Animal Crossing for the heck of it! I AM THE PARTY! I love doin whatever to my hearts content! Get ready to have fun...because.. THE PARTY HAS ARRIVED! If you have any animal crossing questions, just ask under one of my posts! If you follow me, I'll follow you! I'm 14 and a dude that loves fun! I'm in need of followers! Thanks!
CraZArtist Alphawolfgirl00
My Close Friends: ★Kiki (Kitsukii) ★Hally(BubbleIzBack) ★Julie(JulieKortz) ★Marisean(Mangosweets) i'm a self taught artist & i've played guitar fo 6 years. ćλβ мемвег i love roleplaying. Christian † for like 10 years gah! i feel old! I'm still me don't fret i'm still the CraZArtist y'all know & love (hopefully) I'm straight but it doesn't matter cause i don't date on here also i'm a ♀
Richard Siviney
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Vinnie potato5ever
I am no longer going to be active on Miiverse anymore. Goodbye.
×PάΠ×…•<★) 666MadnessBv
◆Muxas Gracias d todo corazón◆ Hai im patt lm the boss of blue team of ssb and my rivals they are the RedCloneTeam l like the hell&The darkness&Creepypastas:› fav.Themes ▲MussicMadness ◆Coj/Jog switcheroo ▲Ballad of the Goddes/Ghirahim´s theme(ssb) ▼Como1Cometa(Su) ‹3Fabi my sweety,l‹3 u uwu ⇒lFight4My5Diamonds&MyMvFamily◆ →Alternative Prof. DarkEXEEmo & Seplier
zoomzoor24 AnimeNote02
#Save Miiverse Sup people, i'm zoomzoor24 & i'm a Video Game fan & have always loved Nintendo best here are my fav series: Mario, Donkey Kong, Pikmin, Star Fox, The Legend of Zelda, Metroid, Fire Emblem, & Mother ain't much but that's all i've got for now folks, Stay Fresh!
¶SM¶Orange kitzscher147
Hi my name is Janina ^.^/ •German •my english is bad •i'm 15 •you will only find Splatoon drawings here >:3 •BFF: Lottie (Cherry) •Senpai: Mandy (Blue Berry) •Mv Brother: Marc (Marc) •IBF: Vicky (Lemon) ♥ Fav. game: Splatoon Level: 50 Rank: S Favourite Weapon: Splatterscope ♡ .·•Splatoon clan•·. ¶SM¶ (Squid Members) #Kevina ♥ 06.08.17 ~Have a nice day ♥
Snoopy Dkin3056gmailcom
well i wanna say thank-you all for taking a look at my profile and if your reading this just know your AWESOME and no one can take that from you thank ya for the 268 followers:) p.s I'm a convicational guy so if your my friend im gonna spam you with messages until you respond back and im a gaming pro ( also I've just made-up a new word )
★Rosαlinα★ kaylaskye
★Profile comment hidden by reckless Lumas. Ha, Joking! Greetings Fellow Starling! Anyway, I'm Rosalina, watcher of the cosmos. I live with my lumas on my Comet Observatory. They've been getting really reckless lately... -_-' "Hey! Stop That!" Ugh... I try my very best to protect the galaxy within my reach.I will with the help of my lumas and you all! Welp, they're breaking things again, see ya! :D
αηsεм★☆ TheGlamourGroup
I like Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, etc. lol My real name is Yuna. My old account got deleted. Now follow: cj, Niηjαβøγ99, KoFluffeon, ★ÐαгκШøĺƒ☆, and all my friends. Drawing. ...yes I play Super Smash Bros. Wii U, Xenoblade X, Minecraft, AC:NL, and Mario Kart 8 very often. If you want to play, just ask. p.s. my old Mii name was Creepyness. Oh yeah I follow back.
Cookie V.3 cookiehotwing28
Ayy, Cookie Crisp here. I'm a 14 year old guy who wants to do something with his life someday maybe. Now, I'd really love to talk right now, but my refrigerator's running and that is firST PRIORITY.
Natasha Leotriza
This is me my name is natasha and i am 8 yrs old please follow me (this is like facebook) i am trying all my best to get more following me and i want to get more than 10 following me hope you like my profile thank you
Tad&★Maddy Doubledash7
Omochao Say Hi Everyone Am Lightning Am 31 Please Meet You!! Am♂ Very Powerful Ghostbuster Catcher! Ranking 2576★+ Denpa Men 3 Games Ranking 16 at Coliseum I love Everyone!! Me & ★Maddy Are ♥♡Brother & Sister 4evers! No Rude In My Games Post Please! Enjoying Jack-o'-lantern & Snowman Magic Recipes! Am Tad Faster Gamers To Finish! Kinda Ok Love Dragon Quest Series!
Owen Cannoncool234
Hello my name is Owen. My nickname is Cannoncool234. I got it when I was making an account on Quizlet for school, and there was a penguin commercial on TV. I hit generate random account name, and that's what it came up with. I love to draw and play video games. I love anime and manga, and I like to draw it. Check out Angel, Daniel EDC, and Yugibro!
☆ぷりん☆ paruparu712
BCat ★ brooke_meow
Ouch. You just poked my face. Anyway, Hi! Welcome to my profile! Top 5 Friends: 1.Shelby 2.Derpy 3.Reaha 4.Rayden 5.Jaywalker Favorite Games/Entertainment: Hunger Games, Youtube (Markiplier and PBG) Steven U, LoZ Series, (Favorite is Twilight Princess) Splatoon, Minecraft, Mario, Smash. Side note, my birthday is actually on 12/20. I don't do Wii U Chat, and that's about it. Bye!
Devi| † StrawberryPIE12
G'day, i'm Hayley :) 18 yr old that's a weird, supernatural devil that lives in a cozy potato. I love Pokemon, Earthbound and a few other Nintendo-related games. Besides Nintendo I like to play Dementium, Mega Man, Minecraft and anything that has my interest. I like to watch a bit of anime aswell- Feel free to talk to me! Promise I won't bite. :x TOUHOU IS LIFE
Peter twicebanned
None of this would have happened if someone hadn't stolen my copy of Surfin' Bird Grand Admiral Griffin, Commander of the Imperial Super Star Destroyer Surfin' Bird Shrek is best Meme! Hail Neo-Zeon! Char is Fighting for our prayers! Shrek chases Callie and Marie to get yummy yummy Squid Dinner! Switch: SurfinBird
scooby batscooby
This user's profile comment is private.
nikki nikkithenat
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Teraƒοx TeraSmyte
Hello There! Just the guy behind the StarFox Mascot! >^ó StarFox is Extremely Underrated, So I've dedicated myself on Supporting it! But don't be Fooled! I'm not just a Huge StarFox Fan! Though i'm known for that around Here, (; I Love anything Nintendo! 18 Self Taught Artist Signing Out! BF's Magma,Misha, Hud,DaHuskyGuy,Aaron,Brit Wolf,Tyler,Delta,BigBoy And More! CHANDLER IS MY BFF<3
Ðς∞fire ranger05
Analyzing... Loading data... leave. ¡Puedo ablar en Español! I do NOT use Wii U Chat.
Talakori Laubwerk
There isn't much to say about me. I create levels with Super Mario Maker. But i rarely upload anything anymore. I also play other games occasionally.
DAVIS 00 Davish1
My name is jason Haha fooled u lol I'm 16 and I make silly drawings I would like to thank the user who made 2500+ accounts just to follow me Alt account: THENEWDAVIS00
PikachuGMR 201520Janelle
(R.I.P Iwata)Hi, um i'm Julia and nice to meet you *smiles softly*...*blushes*....anyway here's a bit of me .-. ^ω^ my name:Julia A.K.A PikachuGMR personality:awesome,shy,loyal, ,generous,honest,smart, funny,passionate. hobby:drawing,video games P.S!!! follow CHRIS! he is nicest guy, you'll ever meet. peace.
♪уυκα★ Fe.Azura20
Hello names Azura,im a fellow Smash player and also i play Mk8,pokken(tournament) and NFSMW.Feel free to add me if you feel like playing sometime :3
A SWORD WIELDS NO STRENGTH UNLESS THE HAND THAT HOLDS IT HAS COURAGE – Hero's Shade Splatoon is not just a game. It's a way of life. Games/series I like: The Legend of Zelda, Splatoon, Animal Crossing, Professor Layton, Super Smash Bros., Mario, Xenoblade Chronicles, Donkey Kong, Pushmo, Project Mirai, Kirby, Yoshi, Chibi-Robo, Starfox and others. I'm really feeling it!–Shulk
Kevin OmegaSupreme78
I completed the Pokedex in Pokemon X! (with the help of my friend Paige) Hobbies: Playing video games, reading, collecting toys, and watching obscure horror movies. Currently playing: Wii U: Pikmin 3 3DS: Chibi Robo Photo Finder, Senran Kagura 2
Hi, i'm zash27
here are some things about mē
Favorite foods:
1. Shrimp
2. Fish
3. Sushi
4. Chicke...
Hi, i'm zash27
here are some things about mē
Favorite foods:
1. Shrimp
2. Fish
3. Sushi
4. Chicken
5. Fries
6. Fried Okra
7. Ribs
Favorite Restaurant>Mongolian Grill
Favorite Game Series: Pikmin, Donkey Kong, Mario, Starfox & The Legend of Zelda. DKC2 is my favorite game followed by DKC, DKC3, DK64, DKC: TF & DKCR. Peace!