Zash Kong's Friends
zero luigiman2222
jojo xenoblade200
tabluga tobiasbrandt0000
Chey Chey_Hess
I have played super mario 3d world donkey kong tropical freeze kerby rainbow course.and minecraft can anybody play mario 3d world im board
smitty smitty12344
hi i love games
OMGITZJosh Joshyboy64
My name is Josh Shaun John Grant and I am a awesome player, just not good at kaizo and stuff like that. I,m 9 years old and good at SMM. I would like to have as many friends as I can. Clans: Electronic Sisyty (Its is my NEW clan Thing.) NLM T7W Youtube Video- Meme Machine #Joshmakesameme Just ask me to join ES [Sonic Land In Progress] Boiiiiiiiii -Nuggets
Nicholas jaws1980
Hi I love video games my two favourite games are Smash 4 And Overwatch. If you want to play Smash 4 send me a friend request and we can play some time.
★~Yoshi~★ ThatCuteDinosaur
Here we are. The end. It’s been a fun two years. <3 Deviant = ThatCuteDinosaur T w i t r = DatCuteDinosaur please go there as quick as you can
Splattista Quintin123456
Hi hello wait is this thing on im kidding this is news by squidlet tv are u art or science pick the one that wont fall seeya on squidlet tv ü
scooby batscooby
This user's profile comment is private.
Kokoa Pika_Pikacha-san
THOMAS JR jleeltv
hi i'm thomas jr i play a lot of games with friends and also call people to. i like to chat with people to. some games have onine gameing
Christina MoLand1234
Hi, I'm Christina from Arizona. If you're a competitive gamer who likes to have fun then send me a friend request!
scooter mastergamr101
my favorite games are pikmin 2, pokemon omega ruby, zelda and the windwaker, mario galaxy 1,2 mario 64, super mario world and super smash bors 4.
Celina Grilo7
Hey! What's Up? Welcome To My Profile! My Name is Celina, If You Guys Follow/Friend Me, I'll Be Happy To Follow/Friend You Back! My Posts Will Mainly Be Funny/Creative, Other Times It Will Be My OWN Opinion! If Your Looking To Smile and Laugh, Then Im Your Girl! I will Mainly Post On Youtube and Netflix Community!Peace Out! -Celina Status: Online [ ] Offline [ * ] On Netflix [ ] Sleeping [ ]
Neko Suker Moka_Akashya
Hi looking for friends to play Super smash bros. I love: Anime. Cheerleading. Games. Cats!!! Pie. Soccer. ^ω^
Aaron UncleLuigi
I am the great Emperor Andross! In the closing moments of Miiverse, I want to thank my MV BFFs for standing close by my side thru the whole way:) Always remember, I'm not done yet. I am always lurking out there in the galaxy...waiting for you, Star Fox!
Rosalina YeahRosalina
Hey! I'm Rosalina! Princess of the galaxy. I'm luma's mom, and I'm Peach and Daisy's best friends. Wow! Thank U very much 4 500 follows. (blows kiss) If U follow, I'll follow back. NO WII U CHATTING WITH ME! I'M FICTIONAL!!! Online (☆) Offline (★)
Lorenzo llorenzoo
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▲K.Mangle▼ mckenna489
HOI im Mangle stuff bout me BFF'S:YoshiSmyfriend3 Plushtrap Toy Vero Naeshawn K.Foxy nd 522666 Favorite games: FNaF Undertale nd SuperMario PLZ FOLLOW THESE AMAZING PEOPLE :Yoshismyfriend3 :Plushtrap :Toy Vero :K.Foxy ND : others HAVE SOME TEMMIE FLAKES MM THATS A WONDERFUL IDEA I draw random drawings Im nice plz be nice back JOIN ME CLUB .... INJOY FUNNY/RANDOM STUFF BOI!!
Anica! seanschweska
hi i'm 10 years old im a tomboy video gamer nerd! or what ever you wanna call me. I like mario, south park, being smarter than others,candy, video games, running, drawing,hoarding stuff, and correcting others. I use Wii U chat My religion is bootest ..... or how ever you spell it ....? I love writing ....... and talking !
Sleepy.G.C enderboyjsr9000
Hello! Sleepy.G.C stands for Sleepygamercat (jay for short),and I like: Splatoon, Anime, UNDERTALE,etc.In roleplays, I like to be known as Rey the Red Inkling. I do amino, cats are my spirit animals. Also check out my little brothers Miiverse profile! He makes alot of posts and he is well known. He is RBro100RSR.
Zachary deerman46467
Well miiverse is ending so you really don’t need to know anything about me, do you?;)
rye guy Bigapebananafred
Hello, Bubs! The names Ryan! Im just a 18yr old who enjoys playing any video game put in front on him! My main games are Sonic, Pokemon, Mario and Mega Man. Im nice once you get to know me, so take a chance and lets chat! Im almost positive you won't be disappointed! He He Yeah!
olivia mmgirl11
hey guys welcome to my profile if u want to be my friend just friend request me i love mario i do wii u chat sometimes i love my friends i want to sing with rihanna thats my goal and dance with beyonce hi toby and i might chat with people that i know in real life then chatting with people i met on here!
Jeff SnelgroveWii
Thank you Miiverse for allowing me to connect and play with so many other players. I also want to thank all the friends I've registered and played online with. Thank you for a lot of laughs, friendly competitions and wonderful conversations you've given me from the moment I picked up Mario Kart 8 (my first WiiU game compatible with online) to Smash Bros, to Xenoblade Chronicles X and many more...
saphir~☆ Raripie
★☆~hoi moonlight here just a pony that travels around getinng rid of zombies im also a yoshi name saphir that works for koopas n yoshis i draw n love ☆koopalings ☆mlp ☆doko demo issyo ☆undertale ☆cod zombies (i do now in sketch books) yaaay ^///^ bowser jr flowery n richtofen nya well thats all i have off to rid more zombies boi :3~☆★
lilshorty lilshorty22
hey everbody this is lilshorty had to use my other person can't get friends why me why k so yea just to want to tell i love rabbits love music can sing can dance write songs i made like 4 songs cool girl to hang around with love justin timberlake oh hold up if ANYBODY know burbe tell him to talk to me loves plz follow me i will follow u back lol love u too oh call of duty MY BFFNMW ZASH27!
Brandon BrainyKong
I'm back everybody, and do you guys like my new look yeah I look awesome now with these new glasses
SsbNews Ssbnewscast
Hello smash fans ill get you updates on games newcomers too heres what i talk about. Ssb Ssbm Ssbb Ssb4 (not realesed yet.) so have fun!
thebeast basketball159
i hope i have a great time on miiverse
Batstüd Stomp-a-Goomba
Hello there. I'm 36. I've been gaming for over 30 years. Nintendo fan since I was 6. The Zelda series is my favorite. Friend request for future Mario Kart and Smash Bros. matches. Some of my favorite games are: The Legend of Zelda series Metroid series Castlevania series Mario series Contra A boy and his blob TMNT series Earthbound Batman Arkham series Mortal Kombat series Soul Calibur series
Luiz TubbyHR
-Brazilian -15 years -Wii U & 3DS -Playing Twilight Princess HD and Breath of the Wild.
Stink Bomb Nathandominic
I love to play many types of games, mainly nintendo games of course. Some games I really enjoy playing are: Splatoon, Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart 8, Mario Maker, Pokken Tournament, and Star Fox Zero. I am also a HUGE fan of Skylanders and amiibo. Friend me if you want to so we can play together. :-)
Lil Shawty LILSHAWTY25
im very cool and i love wii u hopefully i can get more friends on here so please help if u can and i love to sing and i can so if u want to know about me there u go I dont like to wii u chat alot !!! §§§LIL SHAWTY§§§ ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★
Juju ForeverGrace
Why do I still continue to use this sorry excuse of a website? Seriously, I want to leave. But I've met some truly amazing friends on here, and the only reason I come on here anymore is because of them.
Maxie SupermariogirlZ
Hello world, it's Supermariogirl!
Noelle jessup01
anyone miss me?
Venusiana Venusiana
Hi! My name is Karen. I'm a 22 year old graphic designer from Monterrey. I've been in love with video games since I got my very own Super Nintendo, my favorite console of all times. I think that video games are more than a simple way of entertainment. My favorite Nintendo series are Mother, Star Fox, Donkey Kong, Kirby, The Legend of Zelda and Mario.
chillAngle Bacca-man9000
Is this profile dead?... probably :} Nah but seriously, i'll show up occasionally :p Miiverse Golden Years: 2014 - 2016 Everything's bleh now
Michelle Michelle_dash
H H.2-3228
Enjoying Summer! Alright, I've finally put in my last moments to miiverse. Again, I've had a lot of fun. Thank you for the many conversations. There were also many interesting ideas on miiverse. Gaming can be pretty serious lol. I'll see you guys on the switch and enjoy! Peace. (For real, I'm out this time.) I got as many people as I could on the switch. Take it easy.
Scooter scooytfjedvjjllk
ih i'm scooter i like this game super mario world and i like pikman 3 and 2 but i like this too mario galaxy the legend of zelda wind waker more and mario 3D world super smash bros. 4.
ƒļуηη kevtendodude
˜¸µ˜¸˜µ¸˛˜µ˜¸~˜§˛˜ųµ˜¸˛˜µ˜§˜¸˘¸µ˜¸µ / \µ~§˘˜¸˛µ˜ųµ˘~˜˛¸µ¸˘§˜¸˛µ˜˘˛§~˘µ˜¸ ♪ ▲ —– /___\ –— ▲ ?♥ ▲ ▲ Ťħę Nīηèτěεη / I \ £εġęņδς... ▲ ▲ ♡ ♥♡♥♡♥˜µ˘µ˛˜¸§µ˜µ˜µ˘¸˜˛§ų ?˛¸ ♥ ˜˜♪˘ µ˜§˜¸µ˘µ˜¸ų¸˜µ˜§˘♥♡♥♡♥ Ťő ςεε ßıφ άгț νϊεω ση ЩίίŪ All LoZs ply'd/doc'd in OTL order here
Jennifer JennMarie
I Am Thirty-Two Years Old And Love To Play All Kinds Of Games. My Favorite Games Are Resident Evil, Zelda, Super Mario Brothers, And Batman. I Love Meeting New People And Having A Lot Of Friends!
Dela(: Dela94
ULTIMARIO zacharyabbysammy
HELLO! I'm ULTIMARIO, my real name is Zack, and I love Mario, Super Smash Bros, Sonic, Kirby, Metroid, Legend of Zelda, Donkey Kong, Yoshi, Banjo Kazooie, and Star Wars.
Snackinz Snackinz
Hi there! I'm 28 but still a child at heart ;) My old man, HIGHscores & I are crazy about our dog "Diesel" as well as gaming! We have: *original NES *Super Nintendo *Game Boy *Game Cube *N64 *3DS *3DS XL *WiiU *Sega Dreamcast *Special edition Star Wars XBOX360 *PS3 We also have a 1978 Gottlieb Solar Ride pinball machine, a Space Invaders arcade machine, & a Super Pac-Man arcade machine! CHEERS!
Lizzie StarDustAngel
Im a Nebraska native and a gamer who is 29. I am a huge nintendo fan. I also have a 3DS so if you wanna be friends on both hit me up, i prefer friends to be 19 or older. I am engaged to be married and have two weimaraners named dante and sophie.
Papa Johns spillerfamily
WELL HELLO THERE im just a idiot on miiverse. second acount: iliketurtlesbruh that acount is for game reviews, game rumours, more its basically a gaming updates acount This acount is my main for just doing whatever. :->
cooluigi cooluigijustin
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A SWORD WIELDS NO STRENGTH UNLESS THE HAND THAT HOLDS IT HAS COURAGE – Hero's Shade Splatoon is not just a game. It's a way of life. Games/series I like: The Legend of Zelda, Splatoon, Animal Crossing, Professor Layton, Super Smash Bros., Mario, Xenoblade Chronicles, Donkey Kong, Pushmo, Project Mirai, Kirby, Yoshi, Chibi-Robo, Starfox and others. I'm really feeling it!–Shulk
QuinnRahal quinnrahalwiiu93
Bill DeadpoolRocks
SUP If you play games, are active, and are a Nintendo fan, then you'll love me! Games I play and generally enjoy: MARIO KART 8! Batman Arkham Series Windwaker/Legend of Zelda Lego Marvel Superheroes Disney Infinity Mario in general Watch Dogs Injustice Gods Among Us Super Smash Bros U SSB4 Mains: 1. IKE 2. CORRIN 3. LUCINA/MARTH
MARIO WiiU Edwardbrooking
im hardcore nintendo fan and i love all kind of games been playing nintendo since 1985 and the wii u is amazing system :D
Hi, i'm zash27
here are some things about mē
Favorite foods:
1. Shrimp
2. Fish
3. Sushi
4. Chicke...
Hi, i'm zash27
here are some things about mē
Favorite foods:
1. Shrimp
2. Fish
3. Sushi
4. Chicken
5. Fries
6. Fried Okra
7. Ribs
Favorite Restaurant>Mongolian Grill
Favorite Game Series: Pikmin, Donkey Kong, Mario, Starfox & The Legend of Zelda. DKC2 is my favorite game followed by DKC, DKC3, DK64, DKC: TF & DKCR. Peace!