Malik's Followers
azulf bomb noahbenjamin22
Hi, im azulf bomb! I play team kirby clash deluxe, super mario maker for 3DS, kirby triple deluxe, Rusty's real deal baseball, ninetendo badge arcade, pokemon shuffle, sonics lost world, teenage mutant ninja turtles, angry birds: star wars, Luigi's mansion dark moon and lego city uncover!! Have fun, guys!
Zach~~~~~~ noswal1990gamer
Profile comment hidden by admin. This my alt I will be using this one from now on because false reporting. Don't worry I'm still using my main to post in game post but commenting on other post I'll be using this account.
Joshua Josh-4383
Thanks for conversing with Mii! It's been a wild ride. Tell stories of the Miiverse's greatness! It was so much more than the naysayers say! If not for you, then please do it for me. See you around!
★√Kevin√★ kevinregis
★★Hello Miiverse! Kevin here!! I love basketball .. My goals:Be in the NBA..andi just make people laugh if u like that then stick around :D Soo yeah thats it, make sure to follow I follow back and yeah peace!★★ 100 followers ★ 200 followers ★ 300 followers ☆ 400 followers ☆ 500 followers ☆ 600 followers ☆ 700 followers ☆ 800 followers ☆ 900 followers ☆ 1,000 followers Lets hit 300!
Zach……………… noswal1990
hello i been gaming since the nes/SNES era, enjoy my post and have a good time.
Thalia Thalia-Star
Sup peeps of the world follow me and I shall do the same for you and thnx to everyone who follows me,later peeps remember always keep on dabing(one fact about me is that I watch anime ,draw anime people mostly girls, and i love blackpink,red velvet,twice,and I.o.I). Shout out to @SNOWFANGES#anime bestie thnx to all the peeps who followed me let's keep it up. DAB
•ЯιснĠαηġ• jahlae27
Όϋсн ù ρσкёd мч ƒαсё меапïě! αηчшач şıňćε чоυг нёгё нìt tнατ ƒσιισω ьυττση άήδ ΐ αιωαуς ƒσιισω ьάск üñłėśş чоΰг ħιddèñ .-. ьαι. ~ςεηď мен а ƒгιепδ геqυεςτ~ «ƒаνοгατε ςόήġ řiğħτ ησω ις: Mask Off by:Future Ģόάł ←500 ƒσιισωεгς ρις→ ι δσητ ωιι υ снат ιм пот геаłłγ τнат астıνе αηγмоге... ı гłłγ δοητ саřε ιƒ υ υηƒοιισω мен. ↓ġσ dσωη āηd ğěț чσύг cооκίё↓ ←ςıκе→ &↑нαрру 2017↓
machamp machamp82
pokken tournament is the best
Drew DrewDiddy1996
SM28 craigstewart2000
Hello, Reader. I am a 16-year old loser you know as ShadowMere28 (No connection to Bethesda), and I love Nintendo!!! ...You want me to say something else?
jaden W lilbear115
Hello, my name is Jaden E. Williams. I enjoy creating comic books and crafting ideas for future stories.
[HUN]Bendy ShadowMario95
Snooping as usual, I see? Hi, I'm ShadowMario95, I'm 14 years old and I like to play Nintendo stuff. I'm also a hardcore Undertale and FNAF fan. I can speak: english and hungarian. I'm an indie game hunter. #dontletmiiversedie
David MiHermanito
Hello everybody!!!!!
David nicamex4
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Pixel Pixel-777
Fans It Feels As Though I Am Being Smelted By A Furnace Of MineCraft ☆☆☆ feel free to friend request me if you want to play mario kart with me!
●Mогтопıо● Ieenamajed
Yollo, guyz! What's buzzin! It's yo man Mortonio! I'm: ★ A Gamer! ★ 15. ★ A Nintendo Fan! ★ A Sports Fan! ★ An Anime Fan! Favs: ★ Wii U & 3DS: Sm4sh ★ Food: Pizza ★ Sport: Basketball ★ TV Shows: The Loud House, Lab Rats, LR: Elite Force, Yo-Kai Watch, Regular Show, Clay Kids, Fangbone ★ NBA: Cavs & Wiz ★ NFL: Redskins ★ Soccer: Man United Peace on them streets, guyz!
●Moгтoпıо● Jose.Omajed
Yollo, guyz! What's buzzin! It's yo man Mortonio! I'm: ★ A Gamer! ★ 15. ★ A Nintendo Fan! ★ A Sports Fan! ★ An Animal Fan! Favs: ★ Wii U & 3DS: Sm4sh ★ Food: Pizza ★ Sport: Basketball ★ TV Shows: The Loud House, Lab Rats, Elite Force, Yo-Kai Watch, Regular Show, Clay Kids, Fangbone ★ NBA: Cavs & Wiz ★ NFL: Redskins ★ Soccer: Man United Peace on them streets, guyz!
Tyto MystPaladin
Welp, I got tired of my generic info box so I'm switching it to this. I love strategy and rpgs, and my favorite aspect of them is option coverage. That's why I love Fire Emblem Awakening and Fire Emblem Fates. Coming up with new skill sets is amazing once they're put to work.
The following titles are my favorite retail games on Wii U. ☆★☆Super Mario 3D World ♥ Mario Kart 8 ♥ Donkey Kong Country TF ♥ Pikmin 3 ♥ Smash bros. Wii U ♥ Super Mario Bros. U ♥ Splatoon ♥ Twilight Princess HD ♥ Wind Waker HD ♥ Kirby Rainbow Curse ♥ Bayonetta 2 ♥ The Wonderful 101☆★☆ Friends List Is full • Follow Mii on Miiverse YT • ActiveGamerLife
Jas Jazmataz162
Hi. I'm Jas. 20 years old. I currently have only one 3DS game but I'm planning to get more in the future! This is my second account. Follow this account and my Wii U account too! :3 If you're looking for my Wii U account, just go through my followers and you'll find it (The one with the red shirt).
Sup everyone! I'm a long time Nintendo fan who started gaming on the Atari and NES back in the 80's. Mario Kart, Donkey Kong Country, Wave Race, 1080 Snowboarding, Endless Ocean and The Excite series are my favorite Nintendo franchises. I'm a huge fan of SEGA's franchises as well.
eq eq123450
hi im eq
c-rad shad0w-7
Nintendo kid, born and raised. And it's not an easy thing to be. Currently jamming: Wii U ===== - MH3U - MP - Zombi U - Smash Bros 4 - Wonderful 101 3DS === - Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate - Smash Bros 4 XBOX360 - MGSV:TPP
LiL-KRAY Leatherface_99
Hi everyone, i play all kinds of games and genre. I got plenty of games and is down for online competition and play. currently playing alot of splatoon, xenoblade and mario kart...
malayna mamamqma
Just got the game and i love it
wulffrith wolflover15
my name is wulffrith meaning wolf of peace anyone is a friend to me & is very important to me i'm a very peaceful loving wulff if you need help ask me ill be there for you i am also a proud furry & supporter for them i accept them all for who they are & what they love remember feuding will get you nowhere never betray your friends & always take care of your loved one for life
andrew asc145
[TK]JUSTIN crazyman4242
Hi im justin im 15 I love smash and injustice my favorite smash charecters are Marth, Ike, Roy, Corrin, Mewtwo, Ryu, and Cloud. Injustice mains Green Lantern, Deathstroke, Solomon Grundy, Doomsday, and to many characters more to list. I have 100 wins with Solomon Grundy,Batman,Aqauman,Superman,Doomsday,Deathstroke,Green Arrow,Nightwing,Bane, Hawkgirl, Black Adam, and Green Lantern.
M4th Theveryrealm14
Bring in the New Year correctly by cuffing a bad female. Happy 2017 homiez
#FettyWap xavmal10
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Gabriel falcolambardy
I love video games especially Kingdom Hearts, The Legend of Zelda, Sonic, Smash Bros., Megaman, and Pokemon.Besides playing video games I enjoy playing yu-gi-oh and playing with my dog.
spider-man azakee20
Hi im spiderman enjoy what you see here some of it might be boring 1.i love Spider-Man 2.Nintendo cant survive without it You must be intrested 14 Wow you are Dang your a dad gum stalker!! Im ok with stocking Tho If you are that interested in my life follow my instagram andwele_25 Kevin is the snake GOLDEN STATE FOR LIFE BOI!!! OK OK im done boi!!
Yellow cuggaconroyBROS
This Is my Turf! Orange:No! THIS IS MY TURF *Hits me with an Ink Brush* GAAAHHHHH! Sniper the Fox: GOTCHA YA DOUBLE-*bucket on head and Kicked off Plaform* Shout out to Spider on Youtube! Hey Hey Hey! ITS YELLOW! TURF WAAAAAAAAAR!!!*inkstrikes fall every where *blushing*YOUR STILL HERE? .//_//. ... Orange:SENPAI! *Tackles Me* Me:OH DEAR GOD *thud*
Kristian ATLFalcon4life
Still waiting for 3rd Party Nintendo.
DeathMario 989898deathmario
Bye Miiverse you will be missed goodbye all Im making a video on the final minutes of miiverse IM ACTUALLY CRYING NOW bye fovever bye miiverse live to you now you will be missed forever
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