Users Malik Is Following
Barbie BarbieBobomb
Archdan Archdan
(Creator of Lonely Roy series) Comic returns Sep 2017 °Check my Alt Account "Lonely Roy" yeahs for all the comics in order! °Awarded Wii U News Miiverse Artist of the Year 2014 °List of my POTD draws? check out "Archmask" (2DS account) theyre listed in his Yeahs
Zach……………… noswal1990
hello i been gaming since the nes/SNES era, enjoy my post and have a good time.
Lonely Roy LonelyRoy
(Archdan's Alt Account) i post on occasion now.. im busy with the comic and getting a switch check out my yeahs for all the comics listed in order! Archdan's potd drawings? check out Archmask's yeahs list (Archdan's 2DS account)
•ЯιснĠαηġ• jahlae27
Όϋсн ù ρσкёd мч ƒαсё меапïě! αηчшач şıňćε чоυг нёгё нìt tнατ ƒσιισω ьυττση άήδ ΐ αιωαуς ƒσιισω ьάск üñłėśş чоΰг ħιddèñ .-. ьαι. ~ςεηď мен а ƒгιепδ геqυεςτ~ «ƒаνοгατε ςόήġ řiğħτ ησω ις: Mask Off by:Future Ģόάł ←500 ƒσιισωεгς ρις→ ι δσητ ωιι υ снат ιм пот геаłłγ τнат астıνе αηγмоге... ı гłłγ δοητ саřε ιƒ υ υηƒοιισω мен. ↓ġσ dσωη āηd ğěț чσύг cооκίё↓ ←ςıκе→ &↑нαрру 2017↓
Thalia Thalia-Star
Sup peeps of the world follow me and I shall do the same for you and thnx to everyone who follows me,later peeps remember always keep on dabing(one fact about me is that I watch anime ,draw anime people mostly girls, and i love blackpink,red velvet,twice,and I.o.I). Shout out to @SNOWFANGES#anime bestie thnx to all the peeps who followed me let's keep it up. DAB
Welcome to the Trav- Zone! GET READY!! Hope you enjoy my scribbles and what-have-ya. I want to thank all those who yeah, comment, and follow! THANK YOU!! Also be sure to check out my main account: The Trav (Megablurx) for all my WiiU posts and other random cray.
Lylatroid Lylatroid
Thank all so much for visiting and for the follow. It means so much to me. I feel right at home here enjoying playing games, post art, and having a blast with laughter. Sadly, it’s ending soon. It is an honor to be with you all and I hope to see you guys in other places. Peace out! To Nintendo, thank you for this wonderful experience. You made me smile everyday!
Courtnay CJluvsMJ27
Today's the end I guess. If you wanna find me on "kick" or "bird sounds" page, I use the same Nintendo name as I do here. I hope to see you there. :)
Jas Jazmataz162
Hi. I'm Jas. 20 years old. I currently have only one 3DS game but I'm planning to get more in the future! This is my second account. Follow this account and my Wii U account too! :3 If you're looking for my Wii U account, just go through my followers and you'll find it (The one with the red shirt).
Sup everyone! I'm a long time Nintendo fan who started gaming on the Atari and NES back in the 80's. Mario Kart, Donkey Kong Country, Wave Race, 1080 Snowboarding, Endless Ocean and The Excite series are my favorite Nintendo franchises. I'm a huge fan of SEGA's franchises as well.
Banned.Bye LightningChaser
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LiL-KRAY Leatherface_99
Hi everyone, i play all kinds of games and genre. I got plenty of games and is down for online competition and play. currently playing alot of splatoon, xenoblade and mario kart...
Bananya! Greyteaser
( ^o^){Are u a kid or a squid?] __________________________________ Proclaimed titles: Doodle Mastor | Easy Peasy Squeazy S Rank Squid Kid l HR 999 Monster Hunter | The UBER Pokémon Trainer | Redditor | ARAM Addict
Ozetka Ozetka
Day 1 Wii U Owner! Currently Playing-Xenoblade Chronicles X Federation Force 4 life! Halo 5 is trash! Keep on Gaming!
Raquel Ram_51
''On my bussiness card, I am a corporate president. In my mind, I am a game developer. But in my heart, I am a gamer.'' ~Mr. Satoru Iwata (1959-2015) ''Believe in your strenghts, believe...'' ~Happy Mask Salesman
Λитн anthonyDarnell
Art • Drama • Performance • Music technology • Music performance • Photography • Acting •Animation
geenee geenee
Hello. I've been a Nintendo fan all my life. I love the thought they put into their software and systems. I also love Star Wars, Disney, Adobe, and most BBC programs.
It'z Anto! antonio411
°•˘★Welcome To My Profile★˘•° Wii U Games: #NewSMBU #NewSLU #SonicLostWorld #SonicBoom #SM3DW ⇔ #MarioKart8 & #SmashBros • Mains of Smash Bros: Zero Suit Samus, Rosalina, Roy, Lucina & Palutena. • I'm 18 & I ♡ videogames, music, hang over, ETC... xD • I don't Wii U Chat. (Depends) • I play Online Mario Kart 8 & Smash Bros. 4 • Follow Me & I Follow You. ♥ • Thanks! ♥
DrMemeLord SiAnn165136
Thank-you, Mr. Iwata~ Yo, its SiAnn. I play Splatoon, Smash 4, and Mario Kart most of the time. I draw a lot, that'll be like 99% of my posts. Fandoms??? I guess??? -Earthbound -Megaman -Game Grumps -Steven Universe -Detective Conan -SSB4 -Splatoon -Vocaloid -Homestuck
Veronica ShinxShinx
I love squid kids. Splatoon! I dig Pokémon, too. Accepting all friend requests now!! Booyah! On a squid Amino place I go by Cat, and I'm the highest level one by such name. User thekaiwisp is my unofficially adopted son. You be nice to him, now. I draw dumb things in the comments of my own posts sometimes.
The following titles are my favorite retail games on Wii U. ☆★☆Super Mario 3D World ♥ Mario Kart 8 ♥ Donkey Kong Country TF ♥ Pikmin 3 ♥ Smash bros. Wii U ♥ Super Mario Bros. U ♥ Splatoon ♥ Twilight Princess HD ♥ Wind Waker HD ♥ Kirby Rainbow Curse ♥ Bayonetta 2 ♥ The Wonderful 101☆★☆ Friends List Is full • Follow Mii on Miiverse YT • ActiveGamerLife
ΝΔΠΗΔΝ★Ξ nathanmod
dude!!!! soy de Puerto Rico me gustan los videogames fan de nintendo yaaa-hooooo!!!
ρκςραrκχχ PKSparkxx
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Skittles GSfanskittles
Probably the biggest Golden Sun fangirl. I'm just a 26 year old who loves RPG games, especially Golden Sun. Pokemon, Etrian Odyssey and Fire Emblem are also my main games. Nice to meet you. Note: I'm only accepting friend requests from those 18 and up.
PK Ben supersonicboom92
TW: @ben_faulstick YT: PK Ben I Love to play Mario, Sonic, Zelda, Pokemon, Earthbound, Animal Crossing, Final Fantasy AND MORE! Join me on my epic quest to.. well, I'm just postin stuff. Facts about the guy that is me -I'm 18 -Fav game: Sonic 3 and knuckles -I'm an amiibo collector -I love to draw -Fav food: Spaghetti -Sm4sh main: Mewtwo -Video gamer since 3 years of age.
тнгошеď★☆★ zombielady46
i love food ( IM NOT FAT ) basketball is my life ima sneakerhead im in 6th grade . bye
SM28 craigstewart2000
Hello, Reader. I am a 16-year old loser you know as ShadowMere28 (No connection to Bethesda), and I love Nintendo!!! ...You want me to say something else?
M14 TherealM14
I'm just an average everyday guy who likes to play Video Games, Watch NBA Basketball and listen to Hip Hop. Also a Real person who speaks his mind. I'm a Huge fan of Sonic the Hedgehog and Legend of Zelda games. Games i currently own for Wii U and 3DS Are displayed on my favorite communitys list. I also own a Nintendo Switch 8244 5001 0935
Ryo Ryo_Hazuki-san
●Part Time Artist…Full Time Otaku…● Iam a Professional Artist,I do Traditional,3D& digitalArt,also3D printing & custom figures!I Have a Bachelor of ScienceDegree In VideoGameArt. I collect Anime,Manga,PVCfigures,&rare videogame items. ★Playing★ ☆DragonBall Fusions ☆FinalFantasy 15 "The perfect blossom is a rare thing. You could spend your life looking for one, and it would not be a wasted life"
goldie solidgold98
super smash bros . get smashed bro
HYOTTOKO hey-its-me-J583
Thanks for playing NG3RE CB!!!! we need more players !!
DA Crow guidoc
Age:33 love fitness ^^ How to get the best out of your WiiU I know how just read my posts youtb News Channels my self The Crow Doctre81 Snorth93 Nintendo Fan Girl ThaBlackBaron Zelda Mario DK Bayonetta2 Devils Third! Xeno Blade! Can't Wait! Sure I like to draw Ill do a doodle some times to amuse you ;D Love Media share from PC to WiiU :D WiiU chat ... if I know Ü
Squidkid GoProScout
Hi, I like mk8 pokèmon SPLATOON!!!!!! Meme Run Legend of Zelda and more!! Get ready to have a storm of ink come down on ya! :3
RED KNIGHT ActiveGamerLife
The main account of the ActiveGamerLife host Is RED_KNIGHT follow It to stay up to date on the latest Miiverse post and gaming conversations! Thank you!
David Davidaw
Hey, my name's David (obviously). I'm a proud gaymer. I was born and raised in Washington state, moved to Pennsylvania and I now live back in Washington state with my fiancé, Shaun (of 9 years). I'm into all genres of games, but RPGs are my favorite. I'm an open book; so if you want to know something, just ask. And don't be afraid to send a friend request, I'm always up for making new friends.
Rocqaz22 Rocqaz22
Mike Videoking3ds
[TK]_Trey RoronoaTREY15
Hello miiverse! I'm the T in the [TK]! Our clan mingles on the Injustice miiverse community, and we host our own podcast. Huge One Piece, nintendo, and anime fan here! Favorite games are Donkey Kong Country 2, the smash bros srs, fire emblem srs, the zelda srs, phoenix wright srs, Advance Wars srs, Paper Mario TTYD, Arkham srs, and fighting games. I play games to have fun, not to be a jerk!!
Jason MyEyeNevaLie
♪ Naominoi
Hi, I'm Naomi. I am a gamer and I have a 3DS, a DS lite, a Wii and of course a Wii U. I really love gaming and seeing your posts! I like to yeah them as much as I hope you yeah mine! If you follow me I'll follow you back. Thanks!
Dorell Chrisshelby
Hi! I'm Chris and i like to play action and fighting games a lot. I really like Smash Bros too.
FCOSZ FuturePhoenixVA
Salutations everyone, allow me to introduce myself l'm FutureCosmicOblivionSparkZ however in simple terms it's FCOSZ. Ok here's my description; l'm a MLG Hardcore Player that loves Video Games, l watch Youtube/MLP(Semi-Brony)/Anime/Cartoons/etc & l'm a artist that draws for fun. Also if you guys have any questions or request, don't hesitate to ask, ok you guys stay parky. #WoH #O.R.C.O.StaffMember
6mario4 Presid3nt_Khaos
My top 10 favorite games: 1.Metal Gear Solid (PS1) 2.Sonic Adventure (DC/GC) 3.Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time(N64) 4.Mario Kart Wii(Wii) 5.Pokemon Gold(GBA) 6.Super Smash Bros Melee(GC) 7.Dynasty Warriors 4(PS2) 8.Donkey Kong 64(N64) 9.Mario Party 1-3(N64) 10.DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi 3(PS2/Wii) Honorable Mentions: PKMN Yellow, Xenoblade Chronicles, Halo 3, Metroid & Golden Sun.