Malik's Post

The Legend of Zelda Series Community


8 hours ago

R.I.P. to Miiverse. Since 2012 this place has an absolute blast.


8 hours ago

Good bye Malik. It was great knowing you.

In-Game Splatoon Community


07/07/2017 3:23 PM

Play Journal Entries Pokkén Tournament


05/28/2017 8:34 PM


In-Game Replay Viewing Community


05/19/2017 2:15 PM

I'm back baby!

Play Journal Entries Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U


05/19/2017 12:28 AM

I got a Nintendo Switch, and I've been gone for a while. In my absence the Wii U community seems to have forgotten who the Smash King is. Now that I'm back home for the summer, it's time for me to...

New Super Luigi U Community


03/08/2017 12:33 AM

More than any other Nintendo franchise, I think Custom Robo needs to be on the Switch. That game would be absolutely perfect for the system. Grinding for parts and money wouldn't be as tiresome sin...

New Super Luigi U Community


03/06/2017 6:00 PM

Fast RMX is the 2nd best Switch game right now. It's really good and very addicting!

New Super Luigi U Community


03/05/2017 6:01 PM

So I got my Switch (and Zelda). Here are my thoughts. 1. Joy Cons and the Grip are really comfortable imo. I don't think I'll get a pro controller soon. 2. I really like handheld mode. So far it's ...

New Super Luigi U Community


02/16/2017 8:07 PM

We gotta stop applying the old rules to the new Nintendo. Their onlines gonna be better, so we're gonna have to pay for it (like other consoles, even though it's cheaper). Their going to have dlc (...

New Super Luigi U Community


02/08/2017 6:02 PM

The Switch's "hidden costs" are the same as the "Purple Lunchbox" jokes of the GameCube. The same as the "Wii Wii" jokes the Nintendo Wii had. And it's the same as the "is it a controller or is it ...

New Super Luigi U Community


02/01/2017 8:40 PM

The marketing for the Switch is surprisingly good. Not good for Nintendo, but good for any company. It's clean, it's simple, it's relatable (mostly), and it's actually genuinely cool. Bonus points ...

New Super Luigi U Community


01/22/2017 7:08 PM

So I just pre order my Nintendo Switch. I only had to put down about $30 so I'm glad I didn't have to lose my entire paycheck today. Now I only have to do the hardest part, wait for March 3rd.

New Super Luigi U Community


01/13/2017 8:22 AM

Breath of The Wild, Splatoon 2, Xenoblade 2, Fire Emblem Warriors, and Mario Odyssey are all must play exclusives imo. Plus I'm glad Sonic Mania is present as well. Day one but regardless but I'm s...

New Super Luigi U Community


01/04/2017 8:38 PM

Only one Link is titled the "Hero of Time", not all of them.

Play Journal Entries Mario Kart 8


01/02/2017 7:29 PM

Imagine this in BOTW!

Play Journal Entries Mario Kart 8


01/02/2017 7:19 PM

Ludwig did it first!

Play Journal Entries Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U


12/22/2016 2:38 PM

75% isn't too bad, but I think I can do better!

New Super Luigi U Community


12/20/2016 8:22 PM

My teacher seriously wouldn't round my 89.92% to a 90 so I could get an A for the semester.

New Super Luigi U Community


12/19/2016 9:41 PM

People need to just think reasonably with the Switch (idk why Nintendo gets these unfair expectations others don't). Some people want the Switch to be more powerful than the PS4 Pro, have a 6 hour ...

Play Journal Entries Bayonetta 2


12/18/2016 8:35 PM

This is so awesome!!!

Play Journal Entries The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD


12/16/2016 9:01 PM


Play Journal Entries The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD


12/16/2016 8:57 PM

It's finally over....

Play Journal Entries The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD


12/16/2016 8:48 PM

Bring it,Ganondorf. BOTW should have moments like this!

Play Journal Entries The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD


12/16/2016 7:51 PM

Professor:" This assignment can't be completed the night before". Me:" You underestimate my power".

Play Journal Entries The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD


12/16/2016 6:27 PM