Malik's Friends
Dizzy Dizzy90z
Super Smash Bros & Mario Kart 8
Venomjam venomjamaica1
They have stolen my wiiu. I bought a new one because Nintendo is my life. Cant wait for the NX. Get N or get the hell OUT!!!!!
Nick nsa12409
Jakob BlondeTornado
Jean bruh MaverickXJ
Skittles GSfanskittles
Probably the biggest Golden Sun fangirl. I'm just a 26 year old who loves RPG games, especially Golden Sun. Pokemon, Etrian Odyssey and Fire Emblem are also my main games. Nice to meet you. Note: I'm only accepting friend requests from those 18 and up.
ZER02GAMIN gamingslime
games have ruled this world... (sorry that im not active here much, im trying to be more active XD)
Nick Nickinator_87
What's good? I spend most of my time playing video games. I'm a huge Legend of Zelda and Smash Bros. fan.
BB BB1818
sup everyone. how's it going?
Blinx GaleBlinx
Always down to play smash bros or mario kart! (Main in Smash is pit)
ashion aceseya123
Adrian leija.a22
goldie solidgold98
super smash bros . get smashed bro
KingTutt KingTutt1996
BigWill 40_wattz
TC TrentonCarson
Brandon brandonb2490
Gamble MightyGamble
Eeee-Money egallager
Hi, my name is Eric! That's what the "E" stands for in my nickname. My Wii U friends are maxed out! An unfortunate side-effect of that, however, is that it means I can't accept any new friend requests, and as such, have disabled them. If you would like to be Wii U friends with me, please find my alt instead. Also, petition Nintendo to save Miiverse, or make an equivalent Switchverse.
Mohyman Mohyman123
Dorell Chrisshelby
Hi! I'm Chris and i like to play action and fighting games a lot. I really like Smash Bros too.
MiiDre Pantha35
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C-Ron jamaicanbacon575
d dwatts6072
DA Crow guidoc
Age:33 love fitness ^^ How to get the best out of your WiiU I know how just read my posts youtb News Channels my self The Crow Doctre81 Snorth93 Nintendo Fan Girl ThaBlackBaron Zelda Mario DK Bayonetta2 Devils Third! Xeno Blade! Can't Wait! Sure I like to draw Ill do a doodle some times to amuse you ;D Love Media share from PC to WiiU :D WiiU chat ... if I know Ü
AceTechHD AceTechHD
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TJYoshiboy TJYoshiboygamer
Hi i'm TJYoshiboy,you can just call me TJ.I'm a huge Yoshi fan and by the looks of my profile your right,I love to draw Yoshi,Kirby,ect. I love Super Mario,Mario Kart,Smash Bros.,Pokemon,FNAF,& Undertale! I'm a teen I'm awesome! :D OCs:TJYoshiboy/gal,Bread & many more to come(Probably)
Armando okami122
Hope we can be friends If you need any help iam here.
Adam:D A-Men21Kazooie
Go Spurs Go!!
Micklo Micklo202
Hey there beautiful people! ^__^ I'm a fun cool guy ounce you get to me! I also love to draw and watch anime too! (hehe kind of an obsession....=D) -----------------Favorite Anime List-------------- Hunter x Hunter Naruto One Piece Code Geas Dragon Ball Z The Last Airbender Death Note ---------------------------------------------------- Add me and let's conquer the world >:)
Izuku 8bitbox
Drew DrewDiddy1996
Rocketman TheCorre
Gamer Next Door :: Artist :: Gamer :: Nintendo Fanboy ::WWE fan ::loves lasagne :: NAme is (Shamontray) UTUB
Marzell bigzipper64
I'm a frosty person. I am a super smash fan hardcore all I want is a challenge. So friend request or follow me and give me that challenge. I'm 25 yrs old. I like everything that to do with Luigi. If you want to know more about me just talk to me. XD
[TK]_Haki OPKingshaki
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Funboy Uzzi413
sup ladies and gentleman i'll tell you a little bit about myself i'm puerto rican from Massachusetts i love "gaming and i love RPG platformers adventure and i love to play online like Splatoon monster hunter 3 mario kart 8 super smash bros. i'm friendly and easy to get along with. ---> i don't do wii U chat to busy gaming (so don't send me none)!! {thanks}! ♂ game on yo!!
Random RandomRalph570
M14 TherealM14
I'm just an average everyday guy who likes to play Video Games, Watch NBA Basketball and listen to Hip Hop. Also a Real person who speaks his mind. I'm a Huge fan of Sonic the Hedgehog and Legend of Zelda games. Games i currently own for Wii U and 3DS Are displayed on my favorite communitys list. I also own a Nintendo Switch 8244 5001 0935
ALX wolffango
HERES MYSELF ronin bard nomad guardian:hunter average human and wolf enthusiast ya' want wii chat, hit me up whenever im on naw its still me, just got clever with the alex part of mah name
Cweb cwebster218
I'm Carlos and I love games! Add me if you'dlike :-)
Caponetone CaponeTone
Con Man Cont_Man
Hey, I'm a gamer, mostly Nintendo, but I still enjoy other systems. Probably my favorite series is Pokémon, with my favorite Pokémon being Breloom. I'm also a fan of Zelda, Mario, Metroid, Mega Man, and more. Upcoming games I'm looking forward to: Super Mario Odyssey, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Splatoon 2, Kingdom Hearts 3, Final Fantasy VII remake, and more.
tdthekid tdthekid
Ultra GTX Ultimategamer-U
Wii U {––––––––––––––★☆★☆★––––––––––––––} *Prepare 4 Randomness XD ←↓→B - ←←→X - Tap A x10 = Combo Breaker *Smash 4 mains! Mains: Lucina, Ike, Roy, Robin, Palutena, Mario Bros, & Pit. Secondaries: Link, Shulk, Meta Knight, Ryu , & King Dedede *Its good to talk about your mains in the past smash games.. (Why not?) XD PM - Marth Brawl - Ike Melee - Marth SSB64 - Mario
GS*Spryte NGX159
I support japanese rpgs and their games! my favorite console ever is snes, fav genre are platformers, fav game of all time is super mario world
This profile is for everyone. If you want to game with me add me and let's keep it going. Currently I have been playing the following games mostly in multiplayer. Mario Kart 8 Super Smash Bros Wii U (Love it and suck at it!) Pokken Tournament Tekken Tag Tournament Wii U Edition Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Mass Effect 3 Special Edition
EasyT Mariee33
I am looking for Wii U friends to play online with me feel free to add me I'll video chat if im available I don't mind Just want to have some Nintendo Wii U Fun
ZyroXZ2 ZyroXZ2
Have you found me on the world's most popular video site, yet? Reviews, discussions, comedy entertainment, and episodes are 5 minutes or less! Did I mention I also stream weekly? ^_^
Fralv Sav Fralv123
Ayee yo so wats good yall yea dis Fralv Savage [aka, Dominican Savage Boii] Ball is Life, so yeah some of yall might know me from online in Smash Bros. WII U, NG3,MK8, BO2, n Ghosts [GUNz clan], i draw n im lookin to meet new ppl oh n don't be scared 2 friend, follow, n put yeahs on my post and i do wii u chat [not all the time] so thats all 4 now im out n Shoutout to mah homie Fresh Al
DK Master DK_Master
I'm just another good gamer out there... I play All Pokémon Games, The Mario Kart Series, The Super Smash Bros Series, and other games... If you want to play me in any of these games please feel free to send me a message or friend me! My friends list is full, so just follow or something Also I have a Youtube... Have a nice day!
Rocqaz22 Rocqaz22
vin deviruss6399
good day to you all.
fbt fbtthe47th
My fav games are action/adventure but I enjoy playing almost all types of games. The first Nintendo console I ever played on was the SNES which was ahead of my time but I'm glad I even got a chance to play it. First, I bought the GBA, Sega genesis,DS then switched to sony & played on the PS1 & PS2 but then I moved to Nintendo.
K.D. Heartless_Songz
DaddyCyn cynsin
Tigga ligert3
Jason MyEyeNevaLie
Dubal-E Dubal-E
Wassup I'm Dubal-E leader of the B.M.F. clan. Grown man here, this ain't no Childs play. I started B.M.F. In 2005. I love Nintendo. Mario Kart, Smash Bros, Zelda, Monster Hunter, Bayonetta, The Conduit, Metroid, X,Star Fox. You know the good stuff Nice to meet you. Follow me if you wanna kill some boredom. I post often....Dubal-E (double e)
LiL-KRAY Leatherface_99
Hi everyone, i play all kinds of games and genre. I got plenty of games and is down for online competition and play. currently playing alot of splatoon, xenoblade and mario kart...
Ozetka Ozetka
Day 1 Wii U Owner! Currently Playing-Xenoblade Chronicles X Federation Force 4 life! Halo 5 is trash! Keep on Gaming!
Rob Darth-Samus
Just a guy waiting for Metroid...
The following titles are my favorite retail games on Wii U. ☆★☆Super Mario 3D World ♥ Mario Kart 8 ♥ Donkey Kong Country TF ♥ Pikmin 3 ♥ Smash bros. Wii U ♥ Super Mario Bros. U ♥ Splatoon ♥ Twilight Princess HD ♥ Wind Waker HD ♥ Kirby Rainbow Curse ♥ Bayonetta 2 ♥ The Wonderful 101☆★☆ Friends List Is full • Follow Mii on Miiverse YT • ActiveGamerLife
DrFeelGood DrFeelGood
I'm here for good, clean, and fair fun. I do NOT entertain ignorance, hate, or stupidity. G.O.D BLESS YOU ALL!!! I truly believe the Wii U to be the definitive console of this and the next generation. It can easily please both the casual and hardcore gamer. Im not a fanboy, but a fan of all consoles. I ask that you all support the WiiVolution as gaming sorely needs a change. Spread that word!
T_Juice TerminatorJuice
Nintendo fan for life! I've been playing since the NES days! I feel that the Wii U is the best console that I have ever owned, but I think that the Switch could be even better! Looking forward to playing Zelda in 2017!
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.