Guillaume's Followers
Jazzy Jazzymae07
hi people on miivers
Al Stuntology
misty gothicgal101
Amanda Sweet-Tarts2
Hey Everyone. I'm new to this, looks interesting though. Any Pokemon, 3D world, and Zelda are my favorites so far. Not that i've played a lot of different games. Send me a friends request:)
☆Fabiana☆ momonaomi4119
hi meet me every days
Tyrie SpeedyBoii
Hi! My name is tyrie im 14 years old insta-yuvg.kidd
Steef Steefosaurus
aj aj0109
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Maya R3dHerring
Wit's my middle name, writing's my game. I'm Maya, one half of the gaming blog Very Very Gaming.
emma captinlover
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kareem3389 reemcuber
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Tim ShadowLink1984
ian iendsl
my name is ian i make video games
Lvaneede Lvaneede
Dave DaveInHD
Greggy TheBigG753
Sam solidsephiroth
Ocyrus Swagkitchen
Hey there. I'm Ocyrus. RPGs are my thing, but I love all genres really. I was born with a SNES controller in my hands. Currently really pumped for: Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
Ivan BladeWarchief
Tenho 22 anos, nasci e vivo em Campinas, interior de São Paulo. Meu primeiro contato com consoles foi em 96, jogando Sonic The Hedgehog, e desde então, não parei mais. Não me considero Nintendista, mas tenho um carinho especial pela empresa e suas franquias, em especial, The Legend Of Zelda. Ivan, ou se preferir, Blade.
Mommy! NeoNully
I love XCX more than I can say. Time is running out, friends, but remember: wherever Doug dances with saltat, that's where I'll be. Someone should write a fanfic about that. Maybe someone already has. "Dances with Saltat" is a catchy title, right? Until then, know that I love Miiverse so so so much, okay? More than Ma-non love pizza. Almost.
Adam v1perz53
GypsyOtoko gypsyotoko
Fanboy of Nintendo and Capcom. Lover of all games. Closet programmer. 日本在中アメリカ人です。日本語でも是非声を掛けてください! ^^
Zachy zzwack88
Gamer at heart! Feel free to send a friend request to play online! The more the merrier! I have a 3DS as well, so send me a message and we can exchange friend codes.
DecoyDW fenrir_vii
Jason Jason0278
Robert reyroberto
Andy TakoaLamina
Snapper Snapper8120
Chris fanofdaladies
Mike HeyBuddy67
JadedGamer Nbajunkie
Hello, this is where I store my Nintendo cred... .. Looking for likeminded adults for good conversation. Inquire within... My Interests include:The Chicago bulls,Boxing,podcasts,Audio books,and some times even watching Classic Cartoons. Hash Tag too many games.No time to play/ its a sickness.. And when all else fails Look through the guide. Time is precious.Don't let it own you..
Jayce JwBrandt
Crimall Crimall
Ignatius Ignatius_Cheese
Ahoy hoy peeps!
Kris kriswright
I will use this particular opportunity to inform the world that I never ever liked Creed, Nickelback or Limp Bizkit.
Graz The1Graz
NYC resident. Into music, Nintendo, and terrible movies. Open for friend requests here & 3DS
Jake jztaco12
Robbie Rob fordrob
Brian BJoin1979
Hello, this is Brian. I've been a Nintendo fan since the NES era. I hope that everyone is having as much fun with their Wii U and 3DS as I am. Enjoy the games and Miiverse. It is a great time to be a Nintendo fan.
WOOCHY Stalfo14
sadAlex SadAlex
hey what's up everybody? send me a friend request and lets play some Sm4sh.
Sky GlitterGirl124
Hi. I'm Sky, I'm 12 years old and I love playing Nintendo systems and software.And I also love fashion.I also like to read comic-books. I like animed games and TV shows. My favorite games are:Hatsune Miku:Project Mirai DX, Animal Crossing:Happy Home Designer, Animal Crossing:New Leaf, Yokai Watch, Tomodachi Life, Style Savvy Trendsetters, and Resident Evil:Revelations.
lonan lonestar64
hi if you want to play some pokemon or just talk im your man.favorite subjects:kirby,pokemon,zelda ect please follow me or just chat
Ask me about Radio Free Nintendo!
Friends list full. So sorry!