Users Guillaume Is Following
nate VictorVonPlugman
hello i am nate i like nintendo brand video games i like marios broher i like kirbsy dream land i like sonic and hedge hog i like megan man i like legend of selda i like mertoid i like rythm heaven i like castlevana i like dankey kang i like punchat i like fire embalm i like excited trucks i like kid ick kris i like wade race i like pilot swing i like ninja garden i like spin and punishment i like
brendan brkeogh
locolukah locolukah
Kris kriswright
I will use this particular opportunity to inform the world that I never ever liked Creed, Nickelback or Limp Bizkit.
Paul ShadowLink_89
Devoting 110% of my time to nothing.
Davenor Daven1981
JonnyNWR JonnyNWR
Ex-Host of the Radio Free Nintendo podcast Associate Editor at Nintendo World Report Rocket Scientist / Space Suit Enthusiast ***Friends at max; please follow instead!***
DrewMG DrewMG
NintendoWorldReport by day, King of Pizza by night.
Vicki VickiL
mikrocain datarelease
Oldish man thats played Nintendo since the 80s. I blast NES soundtracks in my company car. I welcome you!
Trent SecretTunnelDev
Hey everyone! I'm Trent, the one-man developer behind Shapes of Gray. Have you played it yet? You should! Feel free to ask me anything about the game or its development by posting in the Shapes of Gray community. I love interacting with you guys! (I especially love seeing your high scores...!) Have fun playing Shapes of Gray!
Chris sterndog
Naturally, it should be understood that I do, in fact, enjoy video games.
The Dude! trucker4life
I am a 27 year old American long haul truck driver and Nintendo fanboy always looking for gamer friends.
Clex ClexYoshi
I do the freelance doodle thing and play teh Nintenderz. Pay me no heed; I am unimportant in the grand scheme of things.
Kathrine Mop_it_up
Hi. I'm kind of shy so I don't post or comment very much, but I do still read posts.
Russ syrindigo26
Hi everyone! I'm just your average super smasher, dodgeball playing, adventuring Wii U owner.
Layth Layth1
Greggy TheBigG753
Bjomesphat Bjomesphat
Jane nandrews
Bryan ArclightBorealis
UC_Raider UC_Raider
Thanks Obama ;) Young professional with a passion for all things Nintendo.
James zCrimm
Nintendo World Report editor and co-host of Radio Free Nintendo podcast.
GypsyOtoko gypsyotoko
Fanboy of Nintendo and Capcom. Lover of all games. Closet programmer. 日本在中アメリカ人です。日本語でも是非声を掛けてください! ^^
Thomas M NWR_Thomas
Tom Malina, UK Correspondent, Nintendo World Report Visit
pureval pureval
NWR_Lindy MrDiamondJ
Member of the Nintendo World Report Director's Club, panelist on the Radio Free Nintendo podcast. Old school gamer raised on the Atari 2600, Commodore 64, and NES.
Davoid DavoidXPlay
MrSelatcia MrSelatcia
I play games. Video, physical, card, casually and competitively.
FN-200X RetroGamerJay
I am a 3D artist in FL. I am also a retro video game collector. I post videos online, please add me and ask about my videos and game collection.
Abdooooo Abdooooo
Long time fan of Nintendo, especially the Zelda franchise. BotW is a wonderful game!
XCWarrior XCWarrior
Avid gamer whose been playing since the NES. Always love to play online. Also have a 3DS if you want to be friends on there. Love Zelda, Star Fox, Monster Hunter, Pokemon, Final Fantasy among other games.
Maxwell mr_chun
Mod at IGN. Editor at FanBolt. Also frequents GAF, NegativeWorld, Sestren, and the Twitter.
Mäkkonen Makkonen
Gao! Gao!
David daverhodus
Profile comment hidden by admin.
AK#2 AKCombines2
I love the Zelda, Mario Kart, Metroid, Bit.Trip, & Fire Emblem series! Competitively, I play Mario Kart, Runner2, Dr. Mario/Luigi, and NSMB2.
Jake Pokeon
Welcome to my profile! A huge fan of Animal Crossing & Pokemon! I'm currently missing what the Wii U has to offer but my 3DS keeps me busy.
Ricky cytoplasm
Currently playing - Xenoblade Chronicles X - Animal Crossing: New Leaf Hiatus: - Mario & Luigi Dream Team - Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Was Playing: - Pokémon Shuffle - Pokémon Picross - New Super Mario Bros. 2 Upcoming to Play - Zelda Wii U - Fire Emblem: Fates - Hyrule Warriors 3DS - Fast Racing Neo
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Friends list full. So sorry!