Guillaume's Friends
Jagur ShotOfJagur
know your rights and use them. a right not used is a right lost.
sadAlex SadAlex
hey what's up everybody? send me a friend request and lets play some Sm4sh.
Aaron thesasquish
Music and coffee are essential to my survival.
TK THUNDER TravisKlanecky
nate VictorVonPlugman
hello i am nate i like nintendo brand video games i like marios broher i like kirbsy dream land i like sonic and hedge hog i like megan man i like legend of selda i like mertoid i like rythm heaven i like castlevana i like dankey kang i like punchat i like fire embalm i like excited trucks i like kid ick kris i like wade race i like pilot swing i like ninja garden i like spin and punishment i like
Maxwell mr_chun
Mod at IGN. Editor at FanBolt. Also frequents GAF, NegativeWorld, Sestren, and the Twitter.
Davoid DavoidXPlay
Earendil Ear3ndil
Weetrick Weetrick
Karl crosstawk
Peter NoseyTengu
NovaAlamak TSSNovaAlamak
Hi Miiverse! I'm Nova Alamak and I run The Spinning Stream: Nintendo Music Radio. I am also the host of our weekly variety show, The Windmill Hut, on Wednesdays at 7:00 PM Pacific Time. I also stream a show called Nintendo Theater on our YouTube channel. You can hear 24/7 Nintendo music and learn more about the crew at the station's website:
Chris chrisbg99
Been gaming since the mid-80s. Started with a 2600, then a Master System and then a NES and have been a Nintendo person ever since.
NWR_Lindy MrDiamondJ
Member of the Nintendo World Report Director's Club, panelist on the Radio Free Nintendo podcast. Old school gamer raised on the Atari 2600, Commodore 64, and NES.
John Cooliocuneo
41, really? Yep :/ Husband, father of 2. Musician, been playing guitar for over 25 years. I also love camping and fishing. I grew up with the NES, and I am proud to be a Nintendo fanboy.
Pablo PabloYT
Gamer in Mexico. I've been gaming since the SNES and I love Nintendo games.
Jamie PogueSquadron
Bill superbowl4me
This watch is digital, I could have been electrocuted!
Kris kriswright
I will use this particular opportunity to inform the world that I never ever liked Creed, Nickelback or Limp Bizkit.
GypsyOtoko gypsyotoko
Fanboy of Nintendo and Capcom. Lover of all games. Closet programmer. 日本在中アメリカ人です。日本語でも是非声を掛けてください! ^^
Australian writer for Nintendo World Report. I created the Mariobilia feature! Do you like it? I promise to include a picture or drawing in EVERY post I make!
gencid gencid
Nick Traveller7
The Umiiverse is a mysterious place indeed.
Infinity InfinityWave
Viva Negative World.
Tim ShadowLink1984
KalEl814 KalEl814
Out about Boston.
JonnyNWR JonnyNWR
Ex-Host of the Radio Free Nintendo podcast Associate Editor at Nintendo World Report Rocket Scientist / Space Suit Enthusiast ***Friends at max; please follow instead!***
James zCrimm
Nintendo World Report editor and co-host of Radio Free Nintendo podcast.
Gront gbuell
Former NWR staffer, current engineer/musician/gamer. I like all things Nintendo and iOS.
Nadia AchtungKitten
Your faith for bricks, your dreams for mor~tar
TYP YoungerPlumber
Host of Radio Trivia, a game music trivia podcast at
FINlos FINlos
I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer.
Mikey Mastermind85
Big Mario fan here. Not a very good artist, but hopefully my posts are entertaining!
SMYN Darku Darkurai
The editor of the RTMCast production, Moon Prism Power Hour!
Michael gojira1980
Looking forward to Fire Emblem: Awakening. Now where's Fire Emblem U?
Farid Griptor
Level Designer at Ubisoft
David daverhodus
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Trent Secret_Tunnel
Alex Alistair
Resident of Negative World
Vinnom Vinnom
Cakes LittleIrves
Contributor at Kill Screen, Paste, & elsewhere. Season One author for Boss Fight Books. Proud Michigander (living in Atlanta). Happy husband. Weird Uncle. Coffee drinker. Pancake maker.
carlosrox carlosrox
FOLLOW ME (wink wink) into a land of fun and delight! Love drawing on Miiverse!! Friends list is really filling up, sorry if I can't accept!
TylerOhlew tylerohlew
Final Ultimate Legendary Earth Power Super Max Justice Future Miracle Dream Beautiful Galaxy Big Bang Llittle Bang Sunrise Starlight Infinite Fabulous Totally Final Wonder Arrow...FIRE!
Curt CurtDogg
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Hinph Hinpher
Ducks say quack
Smerd Smerd20
What the Smerd? :) Thanks for clicking! -Graphic Designer -Editor @ Favourite Games: Zelda, Chrono Trigger, Mario, Xenoblade, The Last Story, Prof. Layton, Donkey Kong Country, Muramassa & Tales of Symphonia. Plus many more!
Andrew negative_zero
I run a fun, community-based Nintendo fan site called Negative World, where everyone can be creatively involved. I also make music. And play games of course.
CooperFBI LouietheCat
Phil WhimsicalPhil Ninja School will help you! Cripes! This friends list fills up fast. I'm going to be cycling people on it, so please don't feel offended if you get randomly cut. Feel free to "follow" me, though. And yeah, I miss Nintendo Power, too. But still, that final issue was pretty great, wasn't it?
Ash achhibbar
It´s–a–me… achhibbar!
Abdooooo Abdooooo
Long time fan of Nintendo, especially the Zelda franchise. BotW is a wonderful game!
Thomas ChainThomp
If it has a run button and a jump button, then it's my kind of game... And if you aren't holding the run button, you're doing it wrong.
eChris rebonack
JusDBerube JusDBerube
King Nintendo Fanboy Nintendo World Report (Features Editor) Former NSider Sage Wii Games Summer 2010 National Finalist
robschulz RobSchulz
aka Mr_Mustache @ Negative World Can't wait more Monster Hunter, YES!! Negative World, hooooooooo! (look, it up, check it out, enjoy your stay!)
Aaron MegaByte
Fabien VofEscaflowne
Loving the Wii U! Miiverse is proving to be quite addictive! I like to draw so hopefully you enjoy what I put up here :)
Lou OldManFromZelda
Let's play money making game!
Chard MasterBlaster
Josh DeputyVanHalen
I'm new dude! I mean, sir! WWWYKI
Scott oksoda
"something witty!" If you dig podcasts, check out Connectivity!
UC_Raider UC_Raider
Thanks Obama ;) Young professional with a passion for all things Nintendo.
John ghostinthearcade
Cryojin Cryojin
Drew Eyothrie
This user's profile comment is private.
Mike MikeD487
Pauloot Realploot
PPD laroquo
Playing BLOPS2 with my Power Glove
NWR Neal nron10
I run Nintendo World Report, a website about this stuff. Also one of dem writers on Nintendo Force.
StrikerObi StrikerObi
Co-creator of Nintendo World Report's Radio Free Nintendo podcast. But now I mostly just play games. Go Noles!
NWR_Zach Halbred
Bun Matthew-BitF
Artist/writer of Brawl in the Family; lifelong Nintendo fan
Jared JaredTaco
Don't do drugs! Do TACOS!
XCWarrior XCWarrior
Avid gamer whose been playing since the NES. Always love to play online. Also have a 3DS if you want to be friends on there. Love Zelda, Star Fox, Monster Hunter, Pokemon, Final Fantasy among other games.
Russ syrindigo26
Hi everyone! I'm just your average super smasher, dodgeball playing, adventuring Wii U owner.
Pale PaleZer0
Parish Jeremy.Parish loves you! Thanks for following my dopey drawings.
Ask me about Radio Free Nintendo!
Friends list full. So sorry!