Brice.S's Followers
あかね akane0913
MR.MASTER saknint
HI I AM MR.MASTER! I have a lot of games and am really sad that Miiverse is closing!! This is my life! I love Miiverse and you guys! THANKS FOR THE 100 FOLLOWERS!!!!!! (^o^) (^o^) I have drawn the Dark Lord as a celebration!! Again, thanks so much for the 100 Followers!! I can't thank you guys enough!! 2 years ago I was at 0. Now look where I am! THANK YOU GUYS! REALLY! MY GOAL IS DONE! ♥ U!
Sal Coldsteel6r
I love Legend of Zelda!!!!
くさったジャム haru-tonton_777
プロフィールコメントは運営者が非公開にしてます。(大嘘) ざっと自己紹介。 年齢・・・810歳ですw たまに名前変えます 主にどうでもいい呟きをしたりしてます。 豆知識・口を大きく開けて舌を出していると鼻呼吸が出来ない。 実際にやって出来た!と言っているあなた。貴方は犬の様でしたよw ファーーーーーwwww 引っ掛かった人はフォローか「あ」でも「このハゲー!」でもいいのでコメント下さいw
デリシャスKAZU1 yomamikahi05
おれ suzuki.kyoudai.5
リヴァイ 1147hhh
お.俺はバグスターウイルスにかかってしまったww 知ってる人少ないかな?(仮面ライダーエグ*イド) それは、おいといて、顔つつかれるのも嫌な気しないなww 本名は[漆黒の翼]かつてはダークリユニオンの第一ソルジャーだった。まぁこの話はおいといてい、いや俺中2病じゃないからね!?冗談だから!誤解しないで下さい。主に好きなゲームは[スプラトゥーン]、[進撃の巨人]、[大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ]かな?よろしくお願いします。あと、誕生日12月16日だった自慢じゃないけど[モンスターハンターストーリーズ]なら全てのモンスター持ってます。自慢になったww
Brandon™ Pikpikpk
What's up my Troops, PikSylBits here! Gamer | Otaku | Music Lover | 19 | ♍️ | ♂ Favorite Series: Pikmin, Pokémon, Mystery Dungeon, Final Fantasy, Digimon, Mother Goodbye Miiverse, thanks for the memories. My friends: RioluGamer James Éli Jordan Mc Staraptor★ TenshiFoxx Shrek Reesie Ryan Frost ♪Caггот♪ ★Angie★ Vulpix InvaderSel ★Bluti★ Anncario I'm ending this passage now, PikSylBits out!
King Dom DommyMcDoodle
Hello, I am your average Nintendo fan who enjoys entertaining others. Whether it be art, jokes, or something completely random, I hope the content I supply will be of enjoyment to you. P.S. The Illuminati is always watching.
JoseTuber★ jose-alex1128
Hola soy Jose se tengo 10 años se agradeze el que me siga Juegos favoritos Maincra,splatoon etc... Amigos favoritos xXSmashGamergXx,Peluches8,angelswswswsws,MIRUI7 No eres Gamerg pues dale al boton seguir+
sid master_sid
Hey!I'm Sid blue bird: Sid master,master__sid I love playing Pokemon,acnl I want daa. FMA and FMA:B <3 That anime should've been named feels metal alchemist tbh. I dunno follow if you feel like it and I look forward to us becoming friends. :3
Hadouken samrees05
I don't have posts. Goodbye... Fito, Big Eyes, Mr. Buu, Roy, Revenge319, Tails Doll, Beth, Martin, ★Clαrα♪, Merilaux, Laurzy, KITKAT, Jammy, Jesi, Kane, Cheese, RobiN, Little Bee, Ditto, E, Ad, Adam, DerpJacob and all the other nice people I've met. To quote Robin: "May we meet again, in a better life." I'm on Not Open Verse. I'll meet you there. Hopefully.
ωψGhτ~ςKγ sharkfire10
WHATS UP!!! I YEAH BOMB LOTTSS!!!OF PEOPLE! got a problem huh huh IM LIT!!! im the co leader of the yeahgiving clan!!!! YEAHBOMBERS ONLY!!! IM LIT! im a 15 year old named kiba. i want to get popular!!! THE 1 THING I DONT LIE ABOT IS... if u follow me i will follow u back!!! im LIT!!! and all i ask is u guys follow me and yeah my posts thx. I DONT DO WII U CHAT YA HERE GOOD BY
***** Bernsie
Hello! I'm just an average joe who has one these cool Wii Us! (No that wasn't brownnosing, (I think)
Mommy wiggleworm2825
Hi I'm Wiggleworm. My real name is Matthew! I'm a 13 year old kid that loves Youtube and Video Games. I do enjoy drawing as well! My favorite games are Splatoon, MK8, Super Mario Maker, and more. Please Follow me and I will follow back! I'm going to start a riddle or joke every 2 days a week. So stay tuned! Lastly, enjoy my account and my posts. Bye!!
あくま 0815OKGP
初めてだいぶたちました フォロワー結構ふえましまー(⌒∀⌒)勝手にフォローしていいですよー だからフォローよろしくです!! ここから自己紹介 名前→ななし 好きな音楽→グリーンのうた全部 好きな人→いません。 趣味→ゲームかバスケ 以上です フォロー宜しくです!!!!!
layna layna4
pictoposte est vraiment cool mes petètre les votre son plus cool
jackseptic likeabossbatman
This user's profile comment is private.
jordi aripauelena
Hola soy jordi si me seguis os sigo si me mandais una solicitud de amistad la acepto dale likes a mis publicaviones,tengo 15 años gracias y adios.
Queendiva yahmya
BONJOUR!!! Salut!!! Comment ca va? Jemappelle Jhamya! Ou habite tu? je suis new jersey. Quel age as-tu? jai treize ans. Mon anniversare le septembre douze! oui im a virgo!!! For all my english speaker im jhamya im from new jersey my age is now 13 my birthday is september 12 So yes im a virgo baby!!!!! LOVE YOURSELF DONT BE AFRAID TO BE YOU!!!!
√НЕЯØ√ XxCub-BlazerxX
"HeΨ" Im ΗÉЯØ! Nice to meet you! Welcome to my profile: (Favorite Games:Splatoon, Splatoon 2, Minecraft, and other related games such as that. And also Mario! Can't forget about that!) I love looking at people who are very talented, artistic, and creative(Even though I'm not) Well that is it. Feel free to follow Me. Thanks for reading√ (Also Like my posts) PLZ FOLLOW! GOAL IS 200 FOLLOWERS
★MinePro★ HerobrineGamer66
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Thewelii NIKO_ALAN
Eres † ^_^
ゴールデン・デビル paulpoguba000
皆さんフォローありがとうございます!!! 名前・ゴールデンデビル 中2 年齢13 フォロワー10000人目指して頑張ります
♪☆★JTG☆★♪♂ joandrasincere
Hello Miiverse, I am Jayden, aka JTG, nice to meet you! (If we haven't met) Here is some stuff about me. Games: SSB4, Minecraft, and Splatoon BFFS: RF★Aqua, Woomy, Dani, much more. Me: I love making new friends and meeting people, I have a YouTube channel (Jayden The Gamer), and I am nice. Part of the LOW★, PSU★ and RF★ clan Leaders: Woomy (LOW★) Dani (PSU★) And RF★Aqua (RF★) Have a wonderful day
tobin(¶n¶) tobintobo
welcome to the posts hi guy so sans x flowey i has a girlfriend / stoy bat me and my girlfriend :3 foxy is cool it me sorry :o) i'm 20 i love fnaf and undertalt ЪÍĽŁ ĦΩΧΨΞΣς;·΄΅ΏЮЖЩЯ my faborite dtaws Gεησ◆♀ and carina and slederman and tron 19it kill or be kill (●<●) (☆•★) bandy vs freddy and fun time foxy vs bon bon ok i'm a eskimo i get happy/yeah 10/posts YOU ARE MEAN DO NOT END WIIVRESE
sam finn2063
I have a nintendo 3DS and a Wii u I'm a beginner at video games but after a lot of practice I'm getting better. And I hope to get more followers on my profile. So I like soccer and playing and when I have finished stuff I can play video games like splatoon,spider-man 2,mario kart 8 and more games. Also it's fun to know peoples experience with games. I can also do friend requests.
ひげくちおんな tsu-san444
lewis lewiscresswell
KyaIsBoss kyatheboss
Ow! Why did you poke my face? That hurt.. ;^; Anyways, Im Kya! (Not your usual name, huh?) I travel alot so if i dont post for a few days, that means im going through something bad, or im just traveling. Okay, enough with that, Likes: Ragdoll (Her drawings!!) Undertale Chilli Kittens :D Hates: Haters Bullies Gross people Anyway das me and have a wonderful day! \(^o^) Bai!
ΣΨFrankie ProGamer1100
Hello am 13 years old and i love Pokemon Monster Hunter Generations and i love shooters, RPGs, and fighting games. my favorite books are Warriors by erin hunter. I am a fellow pokemon armourshiper. AND I LOVE ROLEPLAYS! I DO NOT DO WII U CHAT!
Superman Super_Girl_612
Hi im soopr girl
Admin Eye_Du_Geek
Bonjour et bienvenue dans les Infos Mii ici vous trouverez des articles sur tout il y aura des Infos Info:Aujourd'hui Kevin a disparu et sa mere ne la pas retrouver en faite Kevin étais au VC ET DES TRACES IL EN A LAISSER c'était un exemple des Infos que l'on peut vous présenter dans les Infos Mii,c'était damien départ <3
Αgеnt 7 urquhart9
WHAT'S HAPPENING im agent 7 A.k.a. MMT cho cho Best friend:OL◆Sniper◆ Age. 14. favorite game: splatoon. rank was: S+ 30 are wii u started all OVER :| now lvl: 10 Rank: C- 60 Main weapon's: (luna blaster) (custom e- liter scope) (CRB) favorite food is PiZzA
D05m8 quezo123456
Elliott Jeffh122475
Hi my name is Elliott and I love Nintendo my favorite is the Mario series so yeah you can follow if you feel like it bye
AliceAngel WoomyGirl
Hi There I'm Inklituber I'm a artist of 14 years old gonna be 15,My fav games are TLOZ Games,Mario,Mortal kombat and Splatoon and yeah i play horror games and Zombie too how ZombiU. I hope i can be friends with ya all so..Just hope ya likes my draws and maybe we should play some games Thx for reading -Inklituber-
Dapy 2.0. dapybototo
Yo wattup mah cringelords. I'm a guy with no art skills, but expect a few drawings. PEST AN TOOPAC OR DA COOLOOR CAMET WIL STRAIK Check out mah homies: Brice.S, Steve, Alex, H, Devon, SparkyMKII, M4ГXXY, Mii U I have no will to live out of posts: no S A N T I A G O
BumblebeGQ wiikevin15
Welcome and Enjoy what i post on here
********* manriki
クソッタレーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー!!!!!S帯、、闇wwwwwwwwwwwwwww いえーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーい
hi im brice, i like lots of video games like kirby, mario, halo, pokemon, and much more.
please ...
hi im brice, i like lots of video games like kirby, mario, halo, pokemon, and much more.
please enjoy your time here, also i like to roleplay as u might tell. and i have a few OCS. idk what else to say so have a merry christmas, and a happy new year!
and if you have any questions please let me know!
out of posts: