↑CANADA'S hero and protecter!
Brice.S's Post

↑is some random guy or gal who just so happens to be at the end of an arrow, or they are a cyborg. either one.

name the most obscure character you can think of, that you believe no one here will know. (example: Michael. J. Caboose)

there are two sides to every fandom. the side that has horrific images, thoughts, and more stuff that makes you wanna pour bleach into your eyes, ears, or other parts. then there is the side that d...
hi im brice, i like lots of video games like kirby, mario, halo, pokemon, and much more.
please ...
hi im brice, i like lots of video games like kirby, mario, halo, pokemon, and much more.
please enjoy your time here, also i like to roleplay as u might tell. and i have a few OCS. idk what else to say so have a merry christmas, and a happy new year!
and if you have any questions please let me know!
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