Users Brice.S Is Following
Andrew genochao128
What's up? I'm just your average sane man of Miiverse. Likes: Nintendo, Smash Bros, Godzilla, theme parks, fighting games, animated Disney
Jean tails600
Thanks for being the best everyone. Things i like playing: Portal, Gmod, BioShock, OW, Team Fortress 2, and more -Began in 2013 -I'm a nice person -Studying Aerospace in Highschool -Aviation Enthusiast -I'm pretty much a nerd ;-;(*sigh*) -My post and drawings aren't interesting -Age:14 -Náme:Jean(French way) R.I.P Jean's interest in drawing, his 3DS, and old laptop, and finally Miiverse
Sal Coldsteel6r
I love Legend of Zelda!!!!
»Stαtisky Statisky
Thanks for the nice memories! Sorry for any possible inconvenience. I'm away from my WiiU at moment. Peace to everyone! Farewell, Miiverse.
SRLAgent I SRLAgentI
イカよろしく! ※日本/ 北米・南米/ 欧州・オセアニア の3コミュニティに向けて、イカ世界のことを たまにイラストで報告します。 Hello, Squids! For Japan, the Americas, Europe and Oceania, I’ll occasionally pop in and give you an update about the squid world with illustrations.
Chozo Chozo388
User since 12/10/13, 3DS permanently banned in 05/21/15 Got myself a Wii U so you guys could be happy :^) I would not like to Wii U chat, I'm afraid.
PylesX ndpylessmash
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Soul SoulCatTheLink
Tumbles: soulysoul DA:FluffehGrapez BlueBird: Soul_Souly ClosedUniverse:Soulysoul
★MinePro★ HerobrineGamer66
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ΣΨFrankie ProGamer1100
Hello am 13 years old and i love Pokemon Monster Hunter Generations and i love shooters, RPGs, and fighting games. my favorite books are Warriors by erin hunter. I am a fellow pokemon armourshiper. AND I LOVE ROLEPLAYS! I DO NOT DO WII U CHAT!
Ean Dragonsrcool1
Welll. Miiverse is if your gonna follow me, you can, but it's not that important because It won't matter.
Dapy 2.0. dapybototo
Yo wattup mah cringelords. I'm a guy with no art skills, but expect a few drawings. PEST AN TOOPAC OR DA COOLOOR CAMET WIL STRAIK Check out mah homies: Brice.S, Steve, Alex, H, Devon, SparkyMKII, M4ГXXY, Mii U I have no will to live out of posts: no S A N T I A G O
Miriam Filburturt
Julian LucasIsCool6
Hi, I am Julian! I play Smash, Minecraft, and YouTube Self-Minecraft Rank: Minecraftian Smash Rank: lel nub. You liked poking my face didn't you? Lucus is mai fevurit kerektur im Samsh Robtersh Floor. Smash on 3DS, and Wii U, I did magic so that I could bring it back. Hurricanes are striking soon, so expect some inactivity. I don't Wii U Chat and I won't bother with the profiles since Miiverse...
+:*ωεεв♡:+ MayorKaitlyn
lmao what even am i
Kellan Lame-chan0000
Dr.Anton ironwall3
hi! mercury mafia members. this is my 3DS profile sorry ive been gone for so long. i also support PokeJaden's Clan My OC's/creations: Acorn Man Abigal Wily Swan Man Pyramid Woman Geisha Gel Woman Airlock the Marksman
Villager Kirby_Gamer4life
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Emma eerennick
☆~[Started posting February 14th, 2015.]~☆ That girl trying to stay cheery 'til the end. I like: ★Books. (Jane Eyre is my fav.) ☆Video Games. (Pokémon, Kirby, Mario and Zelda.) ★Drawing. ☆Embroidery. I don't do drawing requests, sorry.
»—Flαмε—> FlameGirl04
Hi! You can call me Flame. Here are some things about me: •I'm a cheerleader •I like to doodle •I'm a vegetarian •I like video games •My favorite color is orange •I play the flute •I'm in ths ЭÃ clan ...And that's about it. I'd appreciate if you'd follow me. Bye!
Shocker Shocker555
My YT account will be available a while after Miiverse ends. It'll be named Shocker_555.
ψTaylor mariosonicrules
I'm Taylor, i'm 23 years old, and I love to draw! And I'm Friends with everyone! No Wii U Chats please. :) If I not comment to you, it's because My 30 comment limits are up for today. So I'll comment you back when I can. And I don't accept friend requestes, if I know you well, I only accept requests from my Friends. I don't take drawing requests either. And please no spam "First" comments
Red Nicky19
This user's profile comment is private.
LillTimm Lillkid3
Hallo, you have reached the rarest of the Lilltimm kind because my name has a Capital T in it :) *Age 11 *Hobby want's to be a artist *A Boy with what Americans call a "Girl name" JUST because it ends with a A *Left handed *I also have a (PC) Wii U account Bye!
クマザキ HAL_Laboratory01
ハル研究所の熊崎 信也(くまざき しんや)です。『星のカービィ』シリーズのディレクター/ゼネラルディレクターを担当しています。 Hi, I'm Shinya Kumazaki from HAL Laboratory. I'm the general director for the Kirby series.
Bunny MarZelirby156
SW- 47 80- 54 36- 53 15 Nickname: Chalure I'm gonna miss anyone that I actually interacted with on this site.
ArtiSquid♪ Squidinkling65
I truly cannot thank you all enough. ... However, I've been thinking of getting a bird. A nice, blue one. I think I'll name it "SteeneeBerri" when I get it. What do you think? (Please continue showing your support for Amber (See favourite post) even after this place closes; it means a lot to me that people like her. óuò)
Bessie AmiiboWars
I have many unpopular opinions and I am triggered easily. Shoto Todoroki is the precious! I love Undertale and you shouldn't judge me for it! Nor should you judge other Undertale fans! I'M GONNA FIGHT THE SUN!!!! ♥Callie is best waifu and Squid Sister!♥ Staaaay Fresh!
»Chance»↑ 05Chance
(U can join if u ask & add an ↑ 2 ur name.) Members: Chance↑[Leader] ↑Kris↑[Vice-president] Isai ↑ Thom↑ †Mena†↑ £Drago↑ Jonathan↑ м¢ƒ•ςрмL•↑ Owen enrique↑ Devon ↑ Mason↑ Wd.gaster↑ Kenshi↑∞ τεαcυρρυ★↑ Liam↑ ςλvλgε↑ «Zero»™ ↑ Konyan'w'↑ ↑«матίa»↑ ↓Aziid↑ ↑ Glade ↑ Mason ↑ ↑Miku↓ trent↑ ↑→Gяаρэ←↑ sulaiman↑ ♪★one eye↑ Austin↑ bendy ↑ Koala↑Bear »Cupcake»↓ ApolloRJR↑ Machai↑ ↑Pancake↓ ↑☆Pichu★↑ ect…
Cudlsworth LukeLatios3
I'm Cuddlesworth. I mostly just do Splatoon art and comics here on Miiverse. I also have a Splatoon fan-fiction called 'Overtaken' but I can't tell you where to find it because of the miiverse rules. Search it or something, I guess.
hi im brice, i like lots of video games like kirby, mario, halo, pokemon, and much more.
please ...
hi im brice, i like lots of video games like kirby, mario, halo, pokemon, and much more.
please enjoy your time here, also i like to roleplay as u might tell. and i have a few OCS. idk what else to say so have a merry christmas, and a happy new year!
and if you have any questions please let me know!
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