Brice.S's Friends
AliceAngel WoomyGirl
Hi There I'm Inklituber I'm a artist of 14 years old gonna be 15,My fav games are TLOZ Games,Mario,Mortal kombat and Splatoon and yeah i play horror games and Zombie too how ZombiU. I hope i can be friends with ya all so..Just hope ya likes my draws and maybe we should play some games Thx for reading -Inklituber-
Dapy 2.0. dapybototo
Yo wattup mah cringelords. I'm a guy with no art skills, but expect a few drawings. PEST AN TOOPAC OR DA COOLOOR CAMET WIL STRAIK Check out mah homies: Brice.S, Steve, Alex, H, Devon, SparkyMKII, M4ГXXY, Mii U I have no will to live out of posts: no S A N T I A G O
SoloPanter vpkn52017
If you kicked me your lucky that i can't say bad words in this freaking wiiu.
♂Genbento♀ Genbento
Hi everynyan~ Nice to meet you~★ ☆I love many games but, that's not all! ☆I also love to draw! ☆I love Japan!! For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16
άъΐ€hάή♪ώϋ vikki123456
hey! im Abigail but you can call me Gabby - im great at drawing -im in gonna be in 5th grade -ill never reveal my age Plz and thank
shmivy katz_rule13
hi I like doing glitches!!!! :3. i am 4.24 feet im sooo little. i will mooostly be on splatoon doing glitches! plz follow me!!!!!!!!!:3 :3 :D and i ♥ deesember! and i will draw wat ever yu want me to draw! º♡° i wont be on a lot bc school ;-;
Alex KaptinK9
I'm officially off of Miiverse, as I can't use electronics on weekdays cuz school. Farewell, Miiverse. Hi! I'm Alex and I LOOOOVE video games. I like Minecraft, Kirby, Mario, and a buncha other games! Check out Brice.S for Kirby and Dapy King for cringe Feel free to ask me if I follow a certain Minecraft Utuber Long live Stampy Cat! R.I.P. Miiverse Dank memes and stuf
ace acer1335
Ziggibear! Shad.kirby
Name is Ummi Favorite Games:AnimalCrossing, Pokemon, Kirby, and Splatoon •I want to save animals! Not out of post! Posting last post while I can :D Make sure to always remember who you are, never let anybody judge you •°•'Broken Crayons Still Color'•°•♡ 8]
jakson Jakson456
Hello im Jakson a 13 year old master gamer like many other people and besides video games my other hobby is drawing, i draw pikmin, paper mario , legend of zelda, and Splatoon. my favorite video game is Splatoon nintendo is my favorite game franchise and it is the best!
LeonePDSЖ2 stormervbk
This is LeonePDSЖ's Wii-U account My Clans: Lumino Wing, Black Knights (original Leader Zero{LBK}) Other Clans I'm in: Astro, Dream Allies: Ωmega EvolutionistsΩ, Black Knights Other Groups I'm in: Tesla's Battle Fronteir Double Battle Brain
Sal Coldsteel6r
I love Legend of Zelda!!!!
PaperMario shawnathanjr
Heyo, Its Paper Mario, I'm a Nintendo fan who likes drawing Mario characters, If you feel like it, why not take a glance at my post. Laughter is the best medicine! PS. Check out my 2ds account 'PaperLuigi' 'in following/ followers'
DW Pikachu ToadQueen11
SACRE BLEU! ZE ROCKS TASTE TERRIBLE! *ahem* Hi! Now that you have clicked on my face, (owie) you have wandered onto the something that is my profile! ... Yee. I know you're just dying to know stuff about me... *I'ma Nintenerd, Whovian, and a wannabe Jedi *I'm an RPer *Silver is best hedgehog *† *I love Drawn To life more than any other video game Eh, I'll stop before I bore you anymore.
James jim62102
hi im brice, i like lots of video games like kirby, mario, halo, pokemon, and much more.
please ...
hi im brice, i like lots of video games like kirby, mario, halo, pokemon, and much more.
please enjoy your time here, also i like to roleplay as u might tell. and i have a few OCS. idk what else to say so have a merry christmas, and a happy new year!
and if you have any questions please let me know!
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