If this gets a few yeahs I will blow this village up... #novillagerrights
Jœ's Yeahs

Caterpillars are amazing. Not only are they able to dissolve themselves into mush and act like it's just a quick nap, but they are able to come back from that mush with a new, beautiful form and ev...

You are on a hurry. You tried to passthrough, but the people in front are walking too slow. What do you do?

In Super Mario Kart, the little jingle it plays right before a race is one of the best jingles in video games ever.

My headcanon has gone to the point that Azul (My Starbound Avali character) has become my alter-ego.
Hi my name Jœ
↓So now the things i like↓
Pokemon....mostly beacuse of Pikachu
Hi my name Jœ
↓So now the things i like↓
Pokemon....mostly beacuse of Pikachu
Shooter Games
Also all my followers....ha
I can't draw so I make really bad jokes...
Tribute to the Jake incident at the community Super Luigi U 3/1/17