My birthday is on Valentines Day but I'm still lonely....
Jœ's Post

When I was 8 my mom told me the key to life is happiness. When I went to school I was asked what I wanted to be when I grew up....I wrote "Happy". They said I didn't understand the assignment. I to...

She comes by night in fearsome flight in garmets black as pitch, the queen of doom upon her broom, the wild and wicked witch A crackling crone with brittle bones and twisted limbs, two evil eyes wi...

Ummm soo... today the most crazy thing happened... I mean like I honestly don't know what happened. I haven't been on miiverse for 1 week and today I got on and I have 78 notifications... Waaaa?
Splatoon Community

Looking For a S+ or a S
I am looking for a S+ or maybe a S that is able to help me get to S. I am just a couple battles away so it won't take long!
Hi my name Jœ
↓So now the things i like↓
Pokemon....mostly beacuse of Pikachu
Hi my name Jœ
↓So now the things i like↓
Pokemon....mostly beacuse of Pikachu
Shooter Games
Also all my followers....ha
I can't draw so I make really bad jokes...
Tribute to the Jake incident at the community Super Luigi U 3/1/17