Jœ's Followers
りょう ryokundesyo
sebastain PuggishRogue
Danny laceleafia
Farewell to you all... The day has come my Miiverse friends... we had fun squid partying on Splatoon, racing on Need for Speed and smashing it up on Smash Bros. Someday I will have a switch and maybe I will find some of you on there when I do. For now so long guys it's been fun!!! Over and out. ♥Danny I'm gonna cry now :/ Feel free to look through my posts before it shuts down.
Angry Joe opc1234
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まっさる puma_syacho
こんにちはまっさるです よろしくお願いします。主にマイクラをやってます アニメはドラゴンボールやボルトなどみてます フォローしてくれたら100%返します。
Octo Girl dancenumfar
cats and memes are the most improtant things.friend me and lets play Splatoon!!!Video games r also important!!!!and friends and followers!this account wasnt originally mine, so it says my birthday is 11/16, but really, its 10/26 and because of that it thinks im over 13, but im younger than 13. go2favpostpls NOO MY LIST OF PPL I CAN FOLLOW IS FULL!!!! dang..i tried 2 follow back... :'-(
WHATRTHOSE pegster2020
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Tails 554tails
Hi my name is Bryan. My bff is Sonic :3. My favorite game is Splatoon, Pokemon,Zelda,FNAF and SonicDX adventure.
Chara jandjdaddyid
hey guys just want to tell you that i send out thouse um chats over of you communtiy. i love wii u frenids and playing with them but my favorite games of all are super smash bros and mario kart 8 so if you want to be my freind send a freind request or a messge . so if you find my face give me a friend request my name is jorden$$44 so bye guys hope you guys got my message also i like roleplays :)
RF☆Andrew Thatrandomguy8
Thanks for poking my face XD So anyway welcome to my new account that i'll play minecraft mostly,I'll play my other games like MK8 or Mario maker,etc on my old account.I dislike spongebob nowadays
A.S.K. potatoe2006
Hello everybody!Welcome to my small part of the internet!I am a nice girl who loves,... Friends, cats, food, MUSIC IS MY LIFE! and soccor! I am homeschooled and enjoy many things like,... Playing with friends! Writing songs and singing em, and listening to music! I want to, be a writer/singer when I grow up! Shout outs to ALL my friends! Defenly William, he told me reach for my dreams! And I am!
あやち♪ Ayaka123466
皆さんこんにちは おはようございます こんばんは 2017年の4月18日からゲームをプレイすることとなりました あやち♪ と言います! 皆さんよろしくね 私は今年度からは高校生になりました! 勉強と部活にバリバリの高1です! あと誕生日を見てください! なんと私の大好きな初音ミクちゃんの誕生日{8月31日}と一緒です! ちなみに、私の最高のフレンドはスーちゃんことすうがく92てん↑様です くれぐれも私の大好きなスーちゃんに悪口などを言わないようにお願いします それでは改めて皆さんこれからもよろしくお願いします! あとスーちゃんと現在ゲーム対戦しています。詳しいことはスーちゃんのプロフィールをみてね!
すうがく95てん↑ suugakutokuinaKO
私は現在15歳で中学3年生の数学95点↑と言います。皆さんよろしくお願いします。名前の由来は今までの学校のテストで数学を平均95点以上(正確に言うと95.044)取っていることで名前がつけられました そういうことなので私は完全にリケジョの仲間入りです。また、好きなソフトはWii party Uです あと、私の大親友はあやちっちこと、あやち♪様です あやちっちに悪いことなどを言ったら即通報するからそこ気を付けて皆さんよろしくね そしてあやちっちと現在いろんなソフトで対戦をしているんです。皆さんは知っていましたか? あやちっちと激しい争いをしていますが、8月29日現在で46勝29敗3分けと私が少し勝ち越しています。先に100勝に達した方が『別のソフトを指定できる、または同じソフトをする』というルールを2人で実は作っていました。果たしてどっちが本物の勇者かな? ちなみに私は17連勝の後17連敗中
G&K julia bubu2mars
Bonjour, je m'appelle Julia,j'adore Splatoon™ !!! j'ai fini le mode histoire et j'ai tout les parchemins...mon arme préféré est le Lanceur héroïque (réplique),je suis niv.35 rang B.Mon but est d'être niv.50 avant le 21 juillet,je cherche des amis pour faire des matchs en groupe et des match privée...Voilà c'est tout,a bientôt !! ABONNE TOI OU DEMANDE MOI EN AMIE !!
SKS∞Choco∞ johnation
English-I love video games and pizza my favorite weapon in splatoon is the carbon roller I love squid partying!:-)I can speak spanish and had a teacher who taught me english and I will miss her a ton! Español-me gusta pizza y juegos y mi favorito cosa en splatoon es la carbón rolar me gusta a tener fiestas en splatoon:-).Tenia un maestra que me enseño Inglés y yo la voy a extrañar ¡mucho! Clan:SKS
Maxime maxhel33
hey salut a tous merci au 70 abo ›ω‹ dédicace a : antoine: mon meilleur ami a mon frère,a ma soeur ET A MES ABOS !!!!! OBJECTIF:100 ABOS ! bay ¬_¬
χHey★Gelø☆ Gelopogi102
Hello, I'm Gelo. I'm a filipino. I'm 12 years old.My favorite games are Minecraft and Mario Kart 8. I have a Wii which I don't use it anymore. I have DLC! Pack 1 & 2! :Played the Wii for 3 years :Plays Soccer,Basketball,Volleyball :Plays Minecraft ALOT! :MkWii VR 8k (No longer playing) :Mk8 VR 13k :Plays Roblox! Thats it! See ya later! :D
CallieMacN EDGR001
Hi there! I'm Callie, My best friends are: »—MJ—> , »—Xeno—> , Chase , and , CuteSplaty! Love Nintendo! Bye! ^_^
kota2005 sekota-1997
hi my name is kota2005 i love undertale,pokemon,and mario,fnaf shout out all to my friends.and i think your all great and you should follow all my friends and we can talk any time
Michael MarioTheLandlord
Hello, my name is Michael. Welcome to my MiiVerse profile! I live in sunny, cold, rainy, and warm/hot California. I enjoy Nintendo related things, video games, PCs, biking, cold weather, vehicles, and more. Now, to get serious for a moment... if you do add me, please be mature, and please message me with your request that you added me from MiiVerse. Other than that, enjoy your stay!
cesar Chapa75
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Zobo ZoeBlowie
Hi!! I'm Zoë! But my nickname is Zobo! I'm 12! Here are some things about me! • I want to be a doctor/surgeon/voice actor someday! • I love Harry potter, lord of the rings, my little pony and doctor who! • I am agoraphobic, which means I am afraid of being in large, open spaces! • I love rping, so don't hesitate to ask! I really love apocolypse and fantasy ones the most!
twoweekban vegeta122588
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(•×•) TheGreatBoi
No. Just no. I can't accept this kind of society. I'm the #1 loser of this planet, nobody's gonna top me. SOMEONE ONCE TOLD ME THAT THE WORLD WAS GONNA TROLL ME AND IT DID, LOL. Old name - :o)
Αdίιεηε shopkinlover1028
Adilene/13/♀/Scorpio/Opal/Bi/Taken ▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲ *In the Logang *Is a Maverick *Is a Savage *Is in the WDW Fandom *Claims Jack Avery and Daniel Seavey *Ships Janiel (Jack Avery x Daniel Seavey) ▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼ Ima Maverick, you're a sidekick. ▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲ I feel like you just need a Maverick shirt.
Jai jw298900
Heyo..my name is Jai im 15..and im just another wannabe artist and loner at life.:( βυτ ΐ ďσ нäνξ şőмё тħīňģş ťħăť мâķę мё ħăρργ: 1.My best friend..:) 2.Puns.. 3.Spongebob..(dont judge) 4.My brother..(sometimes) 5.Food ťħīņğş i ħāťě: 1.Judgy people 2.My life 3.Doge (that terrifying meme) 4.Cake 5.My depression/anxiety 6.High School..and all the creepy people in it.. ¬_¬ âù řęνίόг
★ Agent 5☆ minime2443
10 FACTS ABOUT YOU! 1.you are reading this now 2.your thinking that was a stupid fact 4.you didn't notice that i skipped three 5.your checking now 6.your smiling 7.your still reading this even though its stupid 9.you didn't realize i skipped eight 10.your checking now 11.your enjoying this 12.you didn't realize there's only supposed to be ten facts. :D age:14 9th grade 5'8 insta: 1_.matt._1
teoontop teoontop
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foxy tonywill14
☆★☆★☆★thanks for all the follows so thanks if you want you can ask me to friend you!i'll try to follow all of you!:)#awesome! who wants to play with me on minecraft? if you do comment on my favorite post!:D oh and i don't have disney infinity 3.0:( and SMILE MORE!!!!♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥ goal:get 1000 followers
sfdg gatenbyfam29
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********** hibossman
Revolution-Rocky's clan Harbingers-Drizzt HL Acrtic Council of Chairmen-My Clan Veltro since 4/28 My friends Frisk, D-boy, *J.P.* More friends but I am not going to disclose their names. Thanks for 300 followers!!! 323 FOLLOWERS! :D Thank You guys I got to 300 followers today! 3/29/2017 Got 300 followers in only 1 year and 12 days! AMAZING!
ăňģıćļňığļ COLE531
X Scythe XSythe
twinsies twinpowers22
hiii im aleaha and im gabriela. Yup were twins! our brother let us make an account we dont like video games very mech we just like youtube and netflix. ok thats it byeeeeeeee ♥
Ð×€ølîÑ×GM colin12807
LANE☆★☆ CreepSheep
favorite games -minecraft -bloons tower defense -clash of clans
Bossome3DS bumperpool
Hey everyone, I'm Bossome and this is my second account. My main account is HC|Bossome so you can see that. I won't use this account too often. The only times I will use this account is when I'm on vacation. I'm also an Epic Minecraft glitcher (got out the lobby). Well bye for now.
Cole vickki16
plz follow me im almost at 300 followers ;)
Hi my name Jœ
↓So now the things i like↓
Pokemon....mostly beacuse of Pikachu
Hi my name Jœ
↓So now the things i like↓
Pokemon....mostly beacuse of Pikachu
Shooter Games
Also all my followers....ha
I can't draw so I make really bad jokes...
Tribute to the Jake incident at the community Super Luigi U 3/1/17