Jœ's Friends
Michael MarioTheLandlord
Hello, my name is Michael. Welcome to my MiiVerse profile! I live in sunny, cold, rainy, and warm/hot California. I enjoy Nintendo related things, video games, PCs, biking, cold weather, vehicles, and more. Now, to get serious for a moment... if you do add me, please be mature, and please message me with your request that you added me from MiiVerse. Other than that, enjoy your stay!
☆★☆aj aj4207
hey i used to be lvl 50 in splatoon but i lost the data and my littel cousin broke it so i cant play splatoon
KingDarius 355360
I like pokemon and naruto ofcorse I like link and im 17 gotta catch them all anime
IHOPian andhisnameisIHOP
wassup guys luv 2 pvp and tuble also to mk8 just catch me when im online and my gamepade isnt dead also #go ƒïş
V☆ Agent 8 mysticguy19
hello :D OK LISTEN UP PIPSQUEAK YOUR IN MY TERRITORY NOW AND YOU CAN DO WAT EVER YOU WANT lol gender:♂ Age:????? WARNING HUGE ANIME FAN!! THESE are the anime I watch Re:Zero Twin Star Exorcists Aokana Naruto Nanbaka Fate/Zero so much more ill use mind destruction jutsu on u!! or a genjutsu
Jack WoomyMimi
Hi. I'm Jack This is my second acount. Real Acount: CoolDude586 (Ignore the stuff under this. doesnt matter anymore) This will become my main acount soon. Please support by following me (i had 65) followers now i got only 5 in this acount.....)
¤KK¤BeAsT¤ bluejayfan214221
********** Puddin1122
kirby kirbyttg
★Иат^ω^ secretsilent
welcome to my profil! :v i speak French and English nice to meet you♥
KYLE ironman1008
Hey guys its Brandon here (info) Im am now Single i Think anyway so yeah My best friend Ryan and Jefferson and Possum and their great friend an shoutout to Mojang and Nintendo their awesome
JRM Shulk400
Hello my name is Jack I am thirteen ( Despite my mii's appearance I play lots of Mario Kart Mostly 7 and 8 but still go back and play Wii and DS occasionally so if you want to play Mario Kart together freind me and follow me!!!!
Soulful♪♪™ SB.Soulfulcross
hi my names soulful nice to meet u i like to play splatoon,smash and pokemon alpha sapphire maybe we can play sometime :D
Chloe Chloeisbay
Hi please follow me and I will follow you and please friend me if you can :-):) i play splatoon and minecraft
Metagame joey_russ
Izzy GamerGirl0049
I am a teenage gamer who really loves anything Nintendo really. Here on my Wii U account i have Hyrule Warriors, Splatoon, Minecraft, and SSB4. My Friend Requests are disabled so i appologize for that. I also like Anime and am a Cartoon fanatic too. I like Steven Universe alot, excuse me lol. My 3DS account is: ZeldaPikaGirl3D I will miss you all!>< Be sure to f request!
Loopsy mc2754
Kitteh yagihito
I am Kitteh, a user formerly called Chara. I am two people. We like to derp around on miiverse and be fandom trash.
Blaze lilt812
★☆Joonie☆★ nerdyg1rl
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Slayer 2.0 DorianPerez92076
I like to play smash bros
Viinetreх wolfpaw1230
hey there! Im wolfu! [i probably will change my name in the future! I will post art regularly about me: favorite animale: wolf favorite character [books/games/movie]: fearless gallantpride fearless is a character from the new book series, bravelands. He is a lion cub :> here are some of my most recent oc's: aliki, merno, bamble, fox, charcoal, spiral, ventrex, sky, and lime
Estelva Russian-Espeon
'Tis I! The Grand Mage ESTELVA!!! Facts bout me:Ima girl...I love gaming on anything, especially computers, I do rp but only in private messages since I waste posts alot, and I love cats and dogs I am 13 and I don't care what people think about me If you expect me to be up to date in memes and fads, no I am very anti social and I avoid anything trendy Medics the best class in tf2 :p
Splaterai Hypergamerxd
Ħęłło Thanks for visting my profile My Favorite things are probably Animε, Drawing, Friends, Steven Universe ★ Splatoon, Sonic, Zelda, MK8 Mario Been on miiverse since 2012~2017 Splatfest 7• Wins 5• Loses Šțąγ Fresh!
τε Shankx shankx87
Splatoon is the next COD but way better. Just love tha crisp graphics and gooffy weapons, nintendo dont advertise it too much though. well c yall in tha lobby. ps. hope yall enjoy my drawings!
◆D§P◆eman guero129
i mostly play smash or splatoon.my mains are megaman,toonlink,little mac,marth,ness,and im working on pitto.
Mr. η∞ MarioKartFan01
Hello, I'm η∞ (η8) I like The Loud House and Codename: Kids Next Door I like different types of music MK8 Rankings: Race: 10,000+ Battle: 6,000+ Splatoon Rank/level: Rank: A+-S Level: 50 Main: Shooter weapons (especially .52 Gal Deco) Feel Free to follow me No WiiU Chat. No Blank Friend requests! F.L. is full I'll miss you Miiverse! Joined on July 7, 2015
Tanz HiTanner
lets be friends and play smash and bayonetta. i just got a wiiu on my bday and i love it already. feel free to talk to me my fellow wiiu users.
ŞĢ§αмвея BrushedPoppy
Hi my name is Joanna aka BrushedPoppy. I own a wii,wiiu,dsi xl and a xbox 360.
PDR★Andrew SpongebobRocks91
This account will only be use of games that don't involve minecraft.Like MK8,Super Mario Maker,The Olympic Game Series,etc.Cause other games store important data like unlocking characters.Minecraft isn't that important :3. Love u Jaliya ^^ ♥★♥★ PDR:Peach,Daisy,and Rosalina fan I still don't do Wii u Chat
ijβçM stockpower
Leonardo lbaz2001
Hi i love ariana grande music. I also love everyone for who they are so you do you. And when your commenting on my post please refrine from using hurtful words or bad language.
( ) gamepwner
i love legos i love valve, nintendo, deadpool, undertale, pokken, star fox, and blah blah blah... (zr to make it stop). really doe. if u want to friend me, go ahead. no mater what the reason is, i'll be okay with it. ;)
Rodrigo dfd123
boa noite galera q deus esteja sempre com vcs.:->
ShadowMeme lukaivan
I'm ShadowMeme, otherwise known as Luka. Fav series' in history: 1. Splatoon ♪ 2. Mario Kart ( Mostly Switch and 3DS ) ˙˘˙ 3. Mario & Luigi RPG º^º 3. Pokémon <3 Still? Hmm. Click R. Hm. I'm male. Don't assume otherwise..
Lilyana BYNUM81
My name is Tayor my favorite games are:1 minecraft 2 you tube 3 splattoon . Sadly I dont have splattoon :-< . also if you enjoy minecraft and you are not one of my friends please friend me. other than that shold rap that up . oh p.s folow me . Thank you
TKS¤ĶιгβΨ PlasticFlowers
Hello everyone, If you don't know who I am I was formerly known as TDS Shadow but then I got into Mario and eventually decided to make a squad. Now please don't think that anyone can join. There are requirements to join the squad. Also, who here agrees with me that online multiplayer should be added to the game. But if you need some help with the game, you should ask me or my friend GM Mudkipz.
Just_Chris Jaxel27
GLƒ~Yuri 619245
Hey What's up I'm Yuridia Lopez and I'm 16 years old and if you want to know about me keep reading ↓ R.I.P ~ LBX★ & TSB Clans I'm your Competitive Rival If you mess with me I'll get you back I love Splatoon,Taking long Walks,Hanging out with friends,Playing Volleyball and No Wii Uchat Go ask me about my 3DS to friend request I don't mind Well that's it, cya around and be one of my Rival
SKS∞Choco∞ johnation
English-I love video games and pizza my favorite weapon in splatoon is the carbon roller I love squid partying!:-)I can speak spanish and had a teacher who taught me english and I will miss her a ton! Español-me gusta pizza y juegos y mi favorito cosa en splatoon es la carbón rolar me gusta a tener fiestas en splatoon:-).Tenia un maestra que me enseño Inglés y yo la voy a extrañar ¡mucho! Clan:SKS
TheTrueMLG Darkewing
K2S||DEATH CuriousDeathXD
My name is Hannah I'm 15 Member of K2S squad I'm nice and fun to talk to :D
★Thunderz★ mocho2007
Hey Thunder here speeding in.I am gonna get a switch. My fav game here is Splatoon. i accept every friend request.I answer all wii u chats if your 18 or under.Anyways this is thunder hoping you a great day!Stay electrified!
Fufiworld Fufiworld
Hi everyone This is what I like Minecraft, Splatoon And Other games.... I'm really nice and lovable. I love everyone as my friend ^-^ ^.^
VM∞havie Ruhtav
OWWWWWWWWWWW hey that hurt don't poke my face Basic information Gender:♂ Favorite Game:Splatoon I accept friend requests but not blank ones P.S Do NOT POKE MY FACE UNLESS IF YOU FOLLOW ME Byyyyyyyyyyyyyye get out of HERE NOW!
Ammon AmmonNich
Hi I'm Gonic but the <OSS> stands for my squad the "Omega Smash squad" but I hope I can play with you and show me what you got.
Jeani caljoy100
Hi everyone! My name is Jeani ( but it's pronounce genie in different spelling). Favorite games: Splatoon, Shantae, Pokemon, and ect. Things I like to do : drawing, gaming and get creative My goal: 300+(complete) before miiverse shutdown Language I speak: English and bit of spanish I do accept friend requests, but please no wii u chat ( Miiverse, all of us had a good run (T~T) )
Ð×€ølîÑ×GM colin12807
Moon☆Ace brian_ace
OrangeMan plopchu
Hello, I'm Michael! Welcome to my profile! I'm S+ rank in Splatoon, and I play Pokémon and Super Smash Bros. I also like memes very much, so you may expect some when you talk to me. I don't do Wii U chat. Feel free to ask me anything. I will take any friend requests via Miiverse. I've been inactive recently, and most likely will be in the future because I'm occupied with other things.
kaka&kiki boyscout10
Im a very experienced 13 year old who loves to play vidio games
Brit420 brit420
cadence cadencegirl06
team callie FTW play minecraft with me name tag cadence
leoan cokreeate
Sorry i havent been online, i am playing roblox and if u are my friends on the wii u add me my username is derpydiamand200
☆ςеīяα☆ seira_b.s
Call me Seira!(pronounce Sarah) *Japanese* i'm 13 yrs old I mostly play splatoon! I LOVE Splatoon!Splatoon is AWESOME!!!!Best game ever!! Excited for splatoon2!!! I love squad/private battle, so comment if you want to squad/private battle with me! Lets go Golden state warriors!!! I don't wii u chat, sorry...
Quentin chubbyp
Hi I am Quentin. Just to let you know I have a 3DS. Thank you for 200 followers! I appreciate it!
64 Dude 646464
Hi my name is george, and yes you can call me george of the jungle. I like (and have) super mario maker, splatoon and mario kart 8. I live in Texas, san antonio I think that nintendo should make regional matches in splatoon. This would be very helpful because we compete against people in japan, and that's what causes the lag and error communications. The End
Elf Dakota AlaskaSnowMonkey
"I don't Wii U Chat" Hello Everyone and welcome to my profile here you will see a lot of drawings based on different Nintendo Franchises and maybe even occasionally a Youtube related drawing, Favorite Game on each console .Super Mario Brothers 2 (US) .Link to the Past .Super Mario 64 .Luigi's Mansion or Smash Melee .Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 .Splatoon .Breath of the Wild or Arms That's all
Hi my name Jœ
↓So now the things i like↓
Pokemon....mostly beacuse of Pikachu
Hi my name Jœ
↓So now the things i like↓
Pokemon....mostly beacuse of Pikachu
Shooter Games
Also all my followers....ha
I can't draw so I make really bad jokes...
Tribute to the Jake incident at the community Super Luigi U 3/1/17