jace man's Followers
hotrodmode hotrodmario
Yeej Mr.yang02
DeezNutz JusPeachy83
i hate getting kicked for no reason
jillian jilliannilsson
Isak SirIce2006
Hi my real name is ISAK :D and i like kingdom hearts i cant wait till kingdom hearts 3 comes out lol [: (: |: :D i will acept every freind request i am 11years old i like kingdom hearts dream drop distance mario kart 8 and super smash bros follow me on roblox my user is peacefulicecool
harley helload
Emmery emmy1209
G'day! My name's Emmy LeSpade, but you can go ahead and call me Emmery! I play lot's of games and accept all friend requests! I do not spam people or things like that so don't worry! I post funny pictures on my games that will make you laugh! No tricks! Just look below my account to see. I am one of the few Australian gamers in America and plan to see everything!
remysneakr sauriwii
This user's profile comment is private.
jesus wason0
pokemon rubi
lenny kionamomof3
welcome to DA MEMEZ (^o^)
ŁŮÇÃŞ#ΒΓЦΉ lucas1227
This user's profile comment is private.
jinay kittynoir123
hi everyone im new to this so like and comment and mostly look bye
ClickMyMii ProfileComment
Hello, this is User 22. I will be revealing some interesting information near the end of November. This information will greatly help Miiverse users, but I will reveal said information in a pseudo Activity Feed post, so you will only be able to see the valuable information if you follow me. There are users who want to keep this “trick” to themselves, but no longer. Spread the word, please.
★★снеяяу★★ cherrydog13
Hey people of the internet, welcome to my miiverse page! sorry if you're here to look at more pixel art, i've stopped drawing and switched to YouTube. so thanks for sticking around, and hope you enjoy my artwork and other posts.
GUMI(リアル7) ryo7k6yut2
ミバ終了まであとほんのわずか 最高のフレンドの皆ばりあざしたー ばってん、その中にまたこれからもよろしくの人もいるぜ! その人はまた一緒にゲームなどするけぇ でもミバはなくなる あー一体どうすれば さてMiiを大好きなVOCALOIDERのリアルGUMIたんに変えたけぇ 似てんでっかな さて○ロマンガ先生の単本9巻までを手に入れたじ でらうれしかったけぇ あと○ロマンガ先生のエミリーン(山田エルフーン)大好きじゃけぇ あと、ニコニコで毎日初音ミクたんとGUMIたんの歌を自由に5曲くらい聴いている。『くるくるぱぁ』『千本桜』『スターナイトスノウ』『パンダヒーロー』『セツナトリップ』等の神曲やミクたんの『耳年齢テスト』などのオリジナルPVなどの曲も大好き 最後にGUMIたんと九条カレンちゃんと鏡音リンと鏡音レンと初音ミクたんと結月ゆかりんと紗霧んと山田エルフちゃんずっと大好きじゃけぇ
Nougatman shotgun43
wer will zocken
Joseph WarpedPlatypus
よしざわりゅう yoshizawa1234
HOLA,こんにちはーYOSHIZAWAです。かなりのシャイです、、wwここで人物紹介、 特技&好きなこと スケボー、サーフィン、バスケ、サッカー、等です。ちなみに年齢は14でーす中2です。音楽好きな人です。ちなみに~洋楽脈だよ~ 他に聞きたいことがあればコメントよろしくーー。 神奈川県住だよー 最後に、、ジャスティンビーバー大好き~
かけるです! フレンドリクエスト待ってます!! フォローしてくれたら必ずフォローします!! テレビ電話しよう~!!
Caleb Doopsle
hello i love nintendo games i really love harvest moon and recently minecraft im 30 and im handicapped but that doesn't stop me from playing nintendo games i love cartoon network my favorite show is uncle grandpa and teen titans GO! their soooooooooooooo funny also don't use TNT in minecraft in my world it makes me ANGRY:-/ have a good day:) also i im a christian ill miss ya
hi im jace please check out my mario maker levels and please be good on miiverse