ok everyone im making a new account for call of duty ghost the new account is called jace175 so just send me a friend request to this account and you can join me thanks
jace man's Post

ok so if you have a weedle wich you find in viridian forest in leaf green furt area you find him. weedle a hairy bug pokemon never gains attack just saw that also weedle evolves into kakuna a it on...

so in pokemon leaf green the old man tells you how to capure a pokemon. but enstead of weakining the pokemon he just throws the pokeball at it. and unlike other pokemon games the man gives you a tv...

also this is of topic but game freak made a game that was called pokepinball ruby, and sappire. i have it on my tablet so if you want me to talk about it just tell me.thanks

cool easter egg or just text that show up if you run into the mart text at the pokemart it says.all your item needs fulfilled pokemon mart.if you run into the p.e on the pokemon center it says.heal...

ok so everyone know that the pokemon league is at the end of the game after you get through the cave well in pokemon leaf green its on road 5 and sadly there is a cop preventing you from pasing unl...

ok so i just lost the practice battle because i kept using growl but whats cool is that oak pays you for loseing and well thats unbelievable now just for people that have the game these are the pok...

but what i love how game freak made pokemon fire red and leaf green is that ween gary makes you battle him professor oak tells you every thing to a pokemon battle i thing that they need to do that ...

i have a new topic today pokemon leaf green i just got the rom for this and got some info to tell you all about the game the game play is very good and the rival music is AWSOME now as soon as gary...

not a big deal in general but think of all the people that find that out and use it to there advantage so sadly game freak flunked up again but well with a software update this will fix that proble...

new topic sun and moon ok so everyone knows eevee or evee however you want to spell it but game freak has made eevee have a z.move that makes all its stats go up sharply in pokemon that means all i...

ok well if you have any new topic you want me to talk about just tell me but im going to play pokemon yellow ruby grass green on my tablet

so i have a brand new topic today the wii u so the wii u has great graphics easy controls and fun games to play lots of stuff on the menu for this system but its rival the nintendo switch is takei...
hi im jace please check out my mario maker levels and please be good on miiverse