jace man's Friends
ŞĦĂŇĖ#ÇÕÔŁ peaceout123789
Hello everyone my name is brayden and i like to hang out, i don't use foul language i will never kick my friends and i will hang out with every single one of my friends!!!
ChuckNorri RaiderNat2.0
Hi my name RaiderNat but u can just call me Logan I like gaming and making new friends. I also like to my others smile.My favorite games are Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate,Minecraft,Super Smash bros U,Splatoon,Xnoblade Wii u,Devil's Third,and my most favorite regular wii games are Zelda Twilight Princess,Resident Evil 4.
Alyssa Alyssa_Mendoza04
swagger loganboy4567
hello miverse i just started and i hope you have fun and me hit that follow button and friend me really aprisciate it
Jackhero Jackstar532
Let's be friends
Larry larryevans
amin minde10
Quangtnt Quangtnt12345
Be strong because things will get better. It may be stormy now, but it never rain forever. Hello, I'm Quang. If you're new to my profile, please hit that follow button. I will follow you back shortly. I like to build things in minecraft or just messing around with friends. Add me, and don't forget to yeah and follow! 1 more thing, always remember to: Keep calm and don't forget to be awesome!
zeke R. hillo2016
Patch aAatchesm
david Supreme59
I like to play with my best bro souli and lincone
buster markpiler
omabi12 omabi12
JAY balimali
hi im jay
gabe garissa1472
Blake E StarManStarBrite
Hi Peoples, I like Mario games
PriceKO heather1226
Raws Boys ZeusBoys
Hello! I'm raws boys well that is not my real name. but i am still a kid! Just make sure to join my games when i'm playing them! So... See you soon
Aaron giant4u1
DeezNutz JusPeachy83
i hate getting kicked for no reason
Isak SirIce2006
Hi my real name is ISAK :D and i like kingdom hearts i cant wait till kingdom hearts 3 comes out lol [: (: |: :D i will acept every freind request i am 11years old i like kingdom hearts dream drop distance mario kart 8 and super smash bros follow me on roblox my user is peacefulicecool
T.J. Gamer zagg17
Hi, i'm T.J. I have a Wii-u and the New 3DS XL and i just got the Nintendo Switch! You may know me as from my New 3DS or 2DS account wich i am permanently band on. I like games such as SmileBASIC, Super Smash Bro's, Super Mario Maker, Mario kart 8 deluxe and many more. If you need any help with the games listed above plus many more massage Mii and follow Mii!
lenny kionamomof3
welcome to DA MEMEZ (^o^)
alex roalcc
callyson Callyson
hey guys i'm callyson i'm a twenty one pilots fan i like all of the songs & videos names tyler joseph and josh dun i like stressed out ,ride and heathens i realy want to meet them in person huge fan follow me goodbye
Yeej Mr.yang02
HomeGurl MicahSenpai
hi im caillou well not in the picture but yeah so do you want to be friends :)
かけるです! フレンドリクエスト待ってます!! フォローしてくれたら必ずフォローします!! テレビ電話しよう~!!
Luigi Luigi2great30326
CoolSilver CoolSilverHero
Trayton traytonandabby
Nougatman shotgun43
wer will zocken
mayô smellymayo
marth= op plz nerf samurai
****** kanato1122
フレ募集フォーロもよろしく 100%返すよ! S+経験者
remysneakr sauriwii
This user's profile comment is private.
Jackson darklordmalak17
Hi, if you couldn't already tell, I like video games... A LOT! Anyway if you like monster hunter or smash, im down to play almost any time
Terra Nova Cycloneman
Delfina tartamora
My name is Delfina, I'm 13 Mi nombre es Delfina, tengo 13 años ßåéčŕě ķĺļńżdžƒàøęęijı ăėıĺś ΔΞŮDzŹ I LOVE MY SISTER (MII'S NAME "Zackomd" lol) SHE IS AWESOME AND THE BEST, SHE IS A QUEEN AND A FRIKING ARTIST (OR NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....(?)) YOU SHOULD BE HER FRIEND ON MIIVERSE! >SPAM, WHERE? PD: Delfina dejaste tu cuenta abierta :0
Sloubie Sloubie
Mesdames et messieurs, bienvenue à mon profil! My name is Sloubie, nice to meet you! I'm a *cough* *cough* experienced *cough* *cough* maker in Mario Maker! I always happily read your comments in your levels too! My favourite types of levels are music levels, so I will always enjoy hearing them :-) For now, bye! (#SaveMiiverse)
mazin05 mazin05
antonie yvonne1972
Hello, i am Antonie (anthony)i post things about the games i play with my friends (mostly minecraft).so if you want to join me go ask me see you then. I also play GTA 5 BO 2 and Minecraft on XBOX 360 (LIVE) so if you want send me a friend request, go ahead my name is ANTONIE88BC. dont forget to have fun, Goodbye.
LittleDoll Littledollie4u
hi my name is hunter like chesse burgers, donald trump, and minecraft. if you want to be my friend go on ahead i acepet every request
Boyce welovewii143
Joseph WarpedPlatypus
Sophie s0ph1e10
i play games and stuff, mostly mh feel free to add me! i also have mhgenerations we could play! .i like to blaze :)
indian gtajoe
i like to video chat
Solomon jambony
I love to play pokemon-X on my 3DS also Super smash bros brawl on my Wii U even watch youtube on my grandma`s ipad and i prank
Soxar SoxarShmellie
SSaiyan Me AwesomeHerobrine
Topode mornin to yah!! Im AwesomeHerobrine and Im here to play with others, as in together in monster hunters or Minecraft, or any other new games I might get. sooo.... yeah! Feel free to chat and as always, Stay Frosty! Bottom o de gallows to ye!
Baby orcamommy
Emmery emmy1209
G'day! My name's Emmy LeSpade, but you can go ahead and call me Emmery! I play lot's of games and accept all friend requests! I do not spam people or things like that so don't worry! I post funny pictures on my games that will make you laugh! No tricks! Just look below my account to see. I am one of the few Australian gamers in America and plan to see everything!
Daniel Snow-strike610
iSquirtle iSquirtle
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
hi im jace please check out my mario maker levels and please be good on miiverse