Users jace man Is Following
Isak SirIce2006
Hi my real name is ISAK :D and i like kingdom hearts i cant wait till kingdom hearts 3 comes out lol [: (: |: :D i will acept every freind request i am 11years old i like kingdom hearts dream drop distance mario kart 8 and super smash bros follow me on roblox my user is peacefulicecool
★★снеяяу★★ cherrydog13
Hey people of the internet, welcome to my miiverse page! sorry if you're here to look at more pixel art, i've stopped drawing and switched to YouTube. so thanks for sticking around, and hope you enjoy my artwork and other posts.
#mlg_haxor nick3315
かけるです! フレンドリクエスト待ってます!! フォローしてくれたら必ずフォローします!! テレビ電話しよう~!!
***** wvvwwwwwvvwwwvvw
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Caleb Doopsle
hello i love nintendo games i really love harvest moon and recently minecraft im 30 and im handicapped but that doesn't stop me from playing nintendo games i love cartoon network my favorite show is uncle grandpa and teen titans GO! their soooooooooooooo funny also don't use TNT in minecraft in my world it makes me ANGRY:-/ have a good day:) also i im a christian ill miss ya
ケイ NintendoKei
任天堂でMiiverse案内役を担当しているケイです。 Miiverseの更新情報、知っているとちょっと便利なMiiverseの使い方、Miiverseをみんなで気持ちよく楽しんでもらうために気を付けてほしい事など、さまざまな「おしらせ」をご案内します。
hi im jace please check out my mario maker levels and please be good on miiverse