Too every miiverse user good and bad... this has been an exciting road. Miiverse is ending. R.I.P If u have steam add me at TurkeyYup. We can play some csgo and tf2

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@Troll, Epic, And Abigail! I have made this post for you guys to apologise! Please dont be rude in the comments please. For those people why im making this... go to the second post that I posted ye...

EVERYBODY LISTEN UP: As most of you know miiverse is ending November 7th-8th. Most of you really are upset, some of you dont care, and some of you just enjoy trolling people on here. But... for the...

I have not been banned yet!! I dont think I will either! And for everbody reading this... Miiverse ends NOVEMBER 7! So we have plenty of time to stop this madness! And put this in your post! #Dont...

You can now not write negative or any feedback to there post saying they are ending this! If i get banned or not post in the next 12 hrs! I got banned for a horrible reason. See ya soon hopefully! ...

#DontEndMiiverse! Rebel against this guys! Put in all your post! #DontEndMiiverse! We cant let it die so early
TRANSFORMERS: Rise of the Dark Spark

Do not go for LEVEL 25! PRIMUS MODE!!!! Why you ask? You get NOTHING. It basically says you have unlocked all the items and weapons. Obviously before lvl 25 you get everything!
I want to say this right now... Miiverse is ending November 7th! Nintendo gave us no valid reason...
I want to say this right now... Miiverse is ending November 7th! Nintendo gave us no valid reason as too why. All they care about is money and not the publics approval! Im going to dedicate most of my post to stop this madness... I may be banned soon idk. And if I do get banned carry on my work! And if you dont want to dedicate your whole post to ending this! Please put #DontEndMiiverse!