Joshua's Followers
Jay champions2529
i love minecraft
Elijah YoshiRyder09
Goodbye miiverse players.
DJ X-TREME themememaster116
Hello i am Dj_Ryebread I am the lead guitarist for my band Crew X goodbye miiverse
Orlando JPGAMIN247X
Hi! Dante here! Some of my favorite titles include: SSB4 Bayonetta 2 Hyrule Warriors Mario Tennis Ultra Smash Super Mario 3D World Kirby Planet Robobot Mario and Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games Fire Emblem Fates and Awakening Wii Fit U New Super Mario Bros U New Super Luigi U Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon Pokemon X & Y Pokemon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire Pokemon Sun & Moon Kid Icarus Uprising
Ntmr NtmrBlade
hi guys as you know miiverse is ending follow me in the #keepmiiverse movement
Itz peyton itzyagirlpeyton
HIIII a super bi genderless unicorn here!!!! a bit about me- im 13 who knows what gender i am [IM VERY MUCH FEMALE] yea sooooooooooooooooooooooooo loves ya byeeee
τε<Noah>ςт NoahDelaney
CatHawk:3 Troy_DeStefano
tim QLO wnqlobelico6362
Hola! soy el oppa Kwon Miguel para quien quiera jugar online 7u7 Espero llevarme bien con la gente de esta oscura comunidad *inserte cara de luna pedófila*
anay mehlawat
Hello out there miiverse fans! I am Anay Mehlawat. I love Mario Games Wii U And more! But most importanly You! Thank you for supporting Nintendo! They made this for making our lives better forever! ;-D Friendme,Follow me,And like my comments! If you do that I will too! Thats all I have to say. Thanks too everyone and to the Nintendo crew for everything. BYE!!!!;))
Kaylene Kayllene
Hi I like Japan and cartoon and anime. =D Noooo! I just heard they are ending miiverse! Wth (what the heck) is wrong with you nintendo! Miiverse is the only social media I have! I LOVE posting on my bros account and if you get rid of miiverse I will be so sad and mad! WTH Nintendo! WTH. #Don'tEndMiiverse. (or at least add a new form of miiverse)
Danny CodeBoyAdvance
Wii just joined Wiiverse in 2014, Wii found it fun and kept Wii U-ing but Nintendoughnut no likey so Wii banned from WiinotWiibutWiiUverse. New Wii U sad Wii rekt by 360. Xbox VS Playstation VS Wii who will win?. The NX is coming
Fleicity.Q flecitysmoke
Profile comment hidden by admin.
AlexR SunshineRay
Breaking News below. Waffle Corp Breaking News: no news right now,check back tomorrow! Grab a tissue box! Eat a waffle! Join Waffle Corp!
Naomi Noamster0427
This user's profile comment is private.
Brenden brenden7158
SaveMV NepreGaming
Hello Internet, Welcome to my profile. Don't forget to HIT that follow button to keep up with my content I'm an autistic boi who like gaming. Clans I'm in NLM αςτ Main: (It was deleted...) Alt: This account is my main ... You meant to click that other guy, didn't you? oh well, as long as you are here, you can take a look at my profile NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ILL MISS YOU
КÐ Javon^^ girahim24
hey guys this is javon. im 13 now and my first account got deleted by yours truly ( accidentally) cya! eat,game,sleep,repeat i do wiiu chats cuz im only 13 and very discreet :p I'm really feeling it ~shulk my favorite anime's are nisekoi, one punch man, naruto, dbz super, konosuba (rated MA), one piece, and high school DXD (also MA) " TORTURE STINKS LIKE A$$!!" ~ buggy the clown/pirate..
GoodbyeThx Umnamed
Adiós :'( Nombre:David Quiero que sepan que disfrute mucho estar con ver sus publicaciones Espero que nos encontremos en Switch Que todos se la pasen bien en estos últimos momentos que quedan Que Dios los bendiga y que les vaya bien en el futuro Aqui se despide de ustedes su buen amigo David Herrera Chao
Drew frazierflave
Jacque^▼^ Jacquemlp1234
Hello! I speak english and spanish, i love k-pop and anime. Im pretty Otaku... goodbye Miiverse
tkz◆yoshi Yoshimaster731
hi i like yoshi if you yeah my posts i follow you but i want a follow back i play smash pokemon red pokemon shuffle miitopia and other games enjoy
Hibros2017 HiBros2017
It has been nice being with you guys. Miiverse is gonna be over soon. *sniff I hope there is something like this on 3DS because it ain't dead. I am gonna miss you guys. *sniff sniff Goodbye on November 7, it is so sad! *sniff sniff sniff Goodbye! :'( #SaveMiiverse Best mates: M^®!0, Lorretta, & Bry
Mimikyu Shark_8912
Hey there! I'm Mimikyu! About me: weird kid loves pokemon loves roblox loves miitopia and i'm so close to my goal of 100 followers i'm a yeah bomber too
N¡ght♭øy★☆ Minecraftisagame
Hi!names Fernando ♂.I'm 12 years old (7th grade).I'm a big anime fan, love Fnaf,I ♥ to draw.My favorite pc games are Fnaf,Emily wants to play,Play with me,Case animatronics. My favorite consle games are Emily wants to play,Minecraft,and Until Dawn,Smash,Splatoon,Mortal Kombat X,and Mario maker.Well thats about it,Stay Fresh!!! Best Friends: Hono Angel Chara FCt Fox
Ryland 1968firebird
#savemiiverse, Nintendo don't do this don't end the miiverse!
belannat★ Holly1414
hi im belanna torres im married to tom paris im a chief engineer im half kinglon and human i am a huge a-ha fan :-P my actor who plays me is rocanne downson
FaZechivas chivas_16
#game ★;] and go to 100 friand ok games is mario kart 8 sky landers pokken tournament super smash bros . and more and a H20 and not kicked me out ok KO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my friands is cool and some friands is fun . I have a Xbox one i not faze good bye my faze clan my faze clan is friand
andrew flyingllamaAL
I own a lot of games and im pretty much good at all of them. well i hope you like my posts and follow me too. if you have any questions just ask in my open discussion. its ok if it has nothing to do with the content.
Brady braedg
Miiverse will be closed in 11/7/17.
Horn Beast bunny24153
Nickname: Simon Says (not joking) B-day: 12-15-2004 Siblings:1 older brother(19) 1 middle (me) 1 younger brother(11) Description: OUCH!!! thx for pokeing me in the face welp... welcome to my profile..... have fun i guess.
Explosives EpicBuilder2017
I love to play video games! Especially Minecraft!
S–Ray BlueStanGreen
I just got a 3DS and just got my profile setup. So far the only games I have is Pokémon and Zelda.
Brody BrodyA
DAWN OF THE FINAL DAY Localize Mother 3
MarvelFan£ ShadowGeek7788
Goodbye Miiverse... My Miiverse Buds Are The Best, I'm So Lucky To Have Them,I'll Miss All The Chaos And Memes Around Here. Though Its Over,I Appreciate Followers And Yeahs.Tom Holland Is Love.Draw What You Want,Because...Why Not!? Ceya On The Flip Side Bro. ...
Holly we-r-4-el-s-u1
Hello! My name is Meghan, and I like to play Minecraft! I also love to play on multiplayer servers, so feel free to join me! (or I can just join you instead!!!) (^o^) Also, if u like to build, and also, if you like cats, plz follow me! ;-D Also, I'm trying to get to 100 followers before Miiverse ends, so please help me out! Don't forget 2 freind me if u play Mario Cart, Minecraft, and Scribblenox!
joey Joemega1990
kingston 9iskingmon
i am back and i am looking 4 my girlfriend gail and gail if you read this 3>. that is a kiss
I want to say this right now... Miiverse is ending November 7th! Nintendo gave us no valid reason...
I want to say this right now... Miiverse is ending November 7th! Nintendo gave us no valid reason as too why. All they care about is money and not the publics approval! Im going to dedicate most of my post to stop this madness... I may be banned soon idk. And if I do get banned carry on my work! And if you dont want to dedicate your whole post to ending this! Please put #DontEndMiiverse!