Users Joshua Is Following
Elijah YoshiRyder09
Goodbye miiverse players.
Ryland 1968firebird
#savemiiverse, Nintendo don't do this don't end the miiverse!
N¡ght♭øy★☆ Minecraftisagame
Hi!names Fernando ♂.I'm 12 years old (7th grade).I'm a big anime fan, love Fnaf,I ♥ to draw.My favorite pc games are Fnaf,Emily wants to play,Play with me,Case animatronics. My favorite consle games are Emily wants to play,Minecraft,and Until Dawn,Smash,Splatoon,Mortal Kombat X,and Mario maker.Well thats about it,Stay Fresh!!! Best Friends: Hono Angel Chara FCt Fox
Mimikyu Shark_8912
Hey there! I'm Mimikyu! About me: weird kid loves pokemon loves roblox loves miitopia and i'm so close to my goal of 100 followers i'm a yeah bomber too
Hibros2017 HiBros2017
It has been nice being with you guys. Miiverse is gonna be over soon. *sniff I hope there is something like this on 3DS because it ain't dead. I am gonna miss you guys. *sniff sniff Goodbye on November 7, it is so sad! *sniff sniff sniff Goodbye! :'( #SaveMiiverse Best mates: M^®!0, Lorretta, & Bry
MarvelFan£ ShadowGeek7788
Goodbye Miiverse... My Miiverse Buds Are The Best, I'm So Lucky To Have Them,I'll Miss All The Chaos And Memes Around Here. Though Its Over,I Appreciate Followers And Yeahs.Tom Holland Is Love.Draw What You Want,Because...Why Not!? Ceya On The Flip Side Bro. ...
classy ink benoithogue
Miiverse, Miiverse. All my love to the best artists I ever see, the most kind persons the ad mins would hate. My grades are going down for you, because without you, my drawings on paper wouldn't be such amazing, and my stories less imaginative. All my love to these artists: LukeLatios3, because you are my biggest inspiration. And Memesempai, AdamTF, Statisky, MrCube, Rob, SwungBuckle, etc...
$BoyCXL WyattBoy2003
Wassup fam. This is my profile of course. Lil uzi vert rocks. always remember: ″rooll in peace″ - Kodak Black 1.I love and only listen to rap. My favorite rapper is T Grizzly. 2.I rap. my rapper name is $BOY 3.Catholic and proud of it. 5. I'm 14 and wish i had a job. 6. Homeschooled 7. ADDICTED to excercise. i reccomend it.
Luna alafaaaa
It's Luna from Wii U. I started my stuff on here and put stuff on the Wii U, too. And of course, #Don'tEndMiiverse!
Jorden jobug15
I'm Jorden. I like to draw im farely go at it. I love to play video games and watch horror movies. And that's all you people need to know about me. If you what to know more follow me. ('-') ps i got trust isues.
Jordy Jordy742
This is a separate account for my 2DS. Jordy247 is my main account. Every drawing made and every 'Yeah!' given from this, and from my other, account is manually done. The 'J' for my drawings means that I personally hand-drew the image, but did not make the original resource for it. (I created the "I'm pretty sure no posts are going to be copied today." 'meme', and I'm proud of it.)
Tom NintendoTom
Hi I'm Tom from Nintendo! Whenever there's anything new happening to Miiverse, I'll be posting about it on Miiverse Announcements. I'll also be sharing tips and other Nintendo news that (hopefully) matters to you. I'll occasionally be popping up in other communities, so keep an eye out for me!
KingTurtle KingTurtle2000
Hi guys my type fav games minecraft, smash mario kaat!
Elizabeth SmartSteve
All I have to say is hyiankitten82 мνнανεη Thank you for everything Miiverse! :'(
TPΔ ΔΙεχ kirbyfan007
Î'м мΔжîп' Δ €ιΔп Δпdz îł ωîĺĺ ßε ƒųп. Sorry, that's all you need to know about me, my clan will- Something I can't share on here yet Joined 6/26/2017.
Abigail Ilovetf2valvehl2
I love VALVE!!! Csgo, tf2, hl, hl 2, portal, portal 2, and a whole bunch more!!!!
мςν кеνίη gatubela2
Hi I Speak two languages I sound a girl in a mic not in real life I Have Minecraft,Splatoon,Mario kart 8 and many more .I mostly play minecraft... i do follow 4 follow... Thanks for 386 followers My dream is to get 1738 followers Oh yea and if i yeah your comment i saw it
why hometeam432
love mario
maddie madsoul76705
Gisselle OnePieceNaruto8
☆Don't Be Shy To Follow, l Follow Back☆ ♡HELLO FRIEEENDS♥ AND HELLO READER! (yeah you, l'm talking to you...HI!!!♡♥♡♥) follow →“GisselleGonzalez”← (my DS3DXL) \(• ω •)/ I L♥♥♥VE VIDEO GAMES AND ANIMES!!!! I TALK ENGLISH & ESPAÑOL and ALWAYS REMEMBER!!!! G I S S E L L E LOOOOOOVE YOOOOOOOOUUUUUUU!!!!!!♥ ¡¡te amo CON TODO MI CORAZÓN ♡!!
Wolfgang WolfgameDev
I'm Wolfgang from Wolfgame America! I'm an old theatre kid that loves games :)
λιεχ ajrm620-BackupID
Hi, I'm Alex. I'm 16 years old and a big Superhero Fan. My favorite Superheroes are Spiderman and Batman but my favorite comic book character of all time is Deadpool. I also really love movies. I always think about movies critically and see myself becoming a Movie Critic or an Actor in the future. If you like what I post, then don't be afraid to poke the Follow Button. Don't worry, it won't bite.
shower gel insurance_lizard
jordy2 jordangallagher
Hi y'all I made this acount to make some friends, I am co leader of the ratgang and check out my series called fictional fights, were i pit one fictional character against another. so I hope I can meet wonderful people. So be sure to follow me and send me a friend request so we play and talk together. I love u all and peace out. also follow ratgirl, she is awesome,great, kind, and beautiful.
ςοцι¿εναη aetherlover
Hey.......Welcome to my profile. I'm just a 15 year old bisexual guy that post cringey puns or jokes. I'm barely active on Miiverse but I'll post.....whenever I feel like it. Ummmm. That's all I have. Don't be shy to talk to me.....I guess Ehhhh.....Bye ._. ._. ._. ._. ._. ._. ._. ._. ._. ._. .-. ._. ._. Bye Bye Now
Ms.Marvel Peter_Yee
Trevor donkeycheese10
I want to say this right now... Miiverse is ending November 7th! Nintendo gave us no valid reason...
I want to say this right now... Miiverse is ending November 7th! Nintendo gave us no valid reason as too why. All they care about is money and not the publics approval! Im going to dedicate most of my post to stop this madness... I may be banned soon idk. And if I do get banned carry on my work! And if you dont want to dedicate your whole post to ending this! Please put #DontEndMiiverse!