I want to say this right now... Miiverse is ending November 7th! Nintendo gave us no valid reason...
I want to say this right now... Miiverse is ending November 7th! Nintendo gave us no valid reason as too why. All they care about is money and not the publics approval! Im going to dedicate most of my post to stop this madness... I may be banned soon idk. And if I do get banned carry on my work! And if you dont want to dedicate your whole post to ending this! Please put #DontEndMiiverse!
I want to say this right now... Miiverse is ending November 7th! Nintendo gave us no valid reason...
I want to say this right now... Miiverse is ending November 7th! Nintendo gave us no valid reason as too why. All they care about is money and not the publics approval! Im going to dedicate most of my post to stop this madness... I may be banned soon idk. And if I do get banned carry on my work! And if you dont want to dedicate your whole post to ending this! Please put #DontEndMiiverse!